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Everything posted by SI1020

  1. SI1020

    Youtube question

    QUOTE (Tex @ Sep 3, 2010 -> 10:05 PM) Are you certain the videos are still up? IIRC Youtube was going through and deleting copyright material that was not uploaded by the rights owners. It's possible that a small number of them may have been deleted by youtube. I have noticed that from time to time. We're talking about over 600 in my history and exactly 200 in the favorites file. Puff, just disappeared. QUOTE (Tex @ Sep 3, 2010 -> 09:07 PM) One other thing, you may have accidentally deleted them if you erased your browser history or cookies. Thanks for bringing that up Tex. That is something I never thought of, not being anything close to a techie. Periodically I do erase my browser history for the day. I kind of think I started doing this before the deletions happened on my youtube, but I wasn't paying close enough attention to make either a positive or negative correlation. I don't think this is what happened but can't state for sure one way or another. In any case, thanks for taking some time on this inconsequential matter.
  2. SI1020

    Youtube question

    QUOTE (knightni @ Sep 2, 2010 -> 11:41 PM) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sou...gAAAKoEBU_QFEH6 Yes that is where I posted my question that is being ignored. I can't for the life of me find a form or a link to question them directly. Welcome to the brave new world. Edit: I found this from a member on their "help" site. Two, there is no direct Contact us where I can send an e-mail to you idiots telling you exactly what my problem is, which is the reason I am posting here and will probably get no reply from anyone at all let alone get anything done about how stupid yt is becoming. Surely this is a stalling procedure, yt obviously thinks that as long as people are posting in a useless forum nothing has to be done, am I right ?
  3. SI1020

    Youtube question

    I'll try to make this as simple and coherent as possible. Although I get by I'm far from a tech expert. I enjoy youtube as I can watch and listen to what I want irrespective of what happens to be popular at the moment. They have such a wide selection of music, video, etc that appeals to my tastes. Recently they changed the format regarding accessing your account. I had over 700 selections in my history file until one day I found all but about 40 or so disappeared. In my favorites file there were 200 selections and now that file is completely empty. In keeping with the horrendous customer service in many businesses these days I can't find a way to contact them. I did locate a telephone number which happens to be a corporate number for google. Of course after pressing the number that I thought came closest to addressing my problem I was immediately told thank you and good bye. I posted this question on the google help board and it is dying there. I expect the same will happen here, but there's lots of tech savvy people here so I'm giving it a try. Sorry for the rant but if anyone could explain to me why they are deleting my history and favorities or knows a better way to contact this megalith I would more than appreciate it.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 28, 2010 -> 08:18 PM) Ideally, the government shouldn't be involved in marriage at all, but that's another discussion. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who believes that.
  5. I can't believe that people still think that if the benevolent government prohibits you from defending yourself that you'll be safer. I will not live anywhere that doesn't permit me to own and carry. This is just one small victory.
  6. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 07:52 PM) I can rarely get through a Caulfield post without saying "f*** it. I don't feel like reading anymore." Has reading and thinking become that much of a chore?
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 01:50 PM) No command, whatsoever. His stuff is still there, just cannot locate anything. I think you're right, so once he corrects that problem he should be OK.
  8. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 21, 2010 -> 11:12 PM) He's extremely home run happy. When you have the power he has, you don't need to be looking for home runs every time up. Why do year in and year out our hitters do this? Players come and go but this problem fo trying to kill the ball instead of making contact and using the whole field is there every season. I'm told that Greg Walkier has nothing to do with it, and that he's reofly a good hitting coach.
  9. I admit to doing it a dozen or so times as a youth and young adult. More than once I rode the el down to old Comiskey to catch a night game. That was way back when it really was a dicey neighborhood. I'm a very independent sort of person.
  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 19, 2010 -> 02:11 PM) Yes, 100%, absolutely.....he and Jose Valentin have been two of the most underrated and underappreciated White Sox players in my lifetime. I would agree with that.
  11. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Apr 14, 2010 -> 08:09 PM) If Ozzie is who you think of as the face of your franchise, we're in more trouble anyway. The face of my franchise is Konerko, Buehrle, Peavy, Beckham, and Quentin. And its been said before, but if all people can think of about the sox is "ol' crazy Ozzie" and not how horrible they are playing, I'm fine with it. Got managers who get caught snortin coke and we're worried about something ozzie said after a horrible loss and a bad start to the season. Whoopdee doo Washington didn't tell Rangers fans to kiss his ass and root for the Astros if they didn't like his in game moves.
  12. QUOTE (Tex @ Apr 14, 2010 -> 06:40 PM) Ozzie's career will end in an Al Campanis sort of way. Al Campanis the man who helped ease Jackie Robinson's transition to the big leagues. Who because of a few ill chosen words was descended upon like a pack of wolves and essentially had the end of his life ruined. Another side of the Campanis story As for Ozzie, when he was first hired it should have been obvious that he could be a train wreck waiting to happen.
  13. SI1020

    Fire Ozzie

    QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Apr 14, 2010 -> 04:33 PM) Great post. Outside of the Sox world Ozzie is viewed as a good manager. I live way outside the Sox world and I have to say that it's not necessarily so. Perhaps he's not viewed as passionately, but if you look you can find critiques of his in game strategies and off the field antics.
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 14, 2010 -> 04:24 PM) It also wouldn't have been said if they were undefeated... I'm going to have to disagree. Ozzie has a history speaking out of turn long before he ever thought of managing. He becomes more and more of a classless boor with each passing day. He says what he says because that's who he is, not as some kind of motivational tool. It's all about him.
  15. QUOTE (SteveB23 @ Apr 14, 2010 -> 03:05 PM) Don't be so sensitive...all I'm saying is that in "White Sox Nation", team performance should be what matters most. I could care less what Ozzie says to the f**king media. They love to goad him into saying stupid things, then jump on him when he does. Whether you want to believe it or not, Ozzie is a great manager. IMO the Sox probably don't win the 2005 WS without him. I'm thinking of a famous John McEnroe quote here.
  16. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 05:17 AM) I don't think they were too bad tonight. I mean, it was Linebrink. We all know he's the trash reliever and the last guy to go to. Peña was forced to throw for too long. Forced to throw too long because Ozzie burned through his bullpen. I would like to see what he would have done if the game went 18 innings.
  17. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 04:23 AM) Ozzie should be fired for telling his company's customers to take their business to the competition. Also, I thought I heard him say something on CTL before the game about "idiots" that think they know baseball and something like "that's why they have to get up at 4:00 in the morning and I have this bleepin' job." Very condescending to the fans. Couple this with his poor eye for talent, his poor in-game managing and his inability to make out a decent lineup and I think he has finally worn out his welcome. I liked Ozzie but his time has come. He wanted this mess of a roster so now he has to take the blame for wasting this great pitching staff. Yes, it's early, but if he's going to insult the fans who are upset at his team's poor performance it's already time for him to go. Maybe some fans are overreacting, but you don't insult your fans. Excellent. I'm tired of the entire clan. Angry, petulant, immature and vindictive. The situation has the makings of a train wreck.
  18. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 05:35 PM) Are we really starting up a conspiracy theory about a genuine guy who has been on record multiple times saying he wanted to come back, and was the subject of a public and heated exchange at Soxfest between the manager and the GM? I agree with you on this matter. For the most part I hate conspiracy theories. This one although not earthshaking in nature is worse than most.
  19. A strikeout machine with a low BA and declining OPS the last two seasons. You can't, or at least shouldn't play him in the outfield. No thanks.
  20. I hate that horrible canned music and orders on the scoreboard telling me when to cheer. Nancy may not have been shoved out the door, but it was close.
  21. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Mar 31, 2010 -> 04:35 PM) MIN CWS DET KC CLE If I had to bet on it I'd say MIN walks away with the division, but I'm hoping the Sox can stay close and maybe make a move. I think Liriano is really back and I think he's going to be the ace they were missing. I also think their offense and defense is going to be rock solid, and have no doubts that they'll figure a way to close out games. I think Linebrink and Putz are very suspect and could be a gaping hole in the pen right out of the gate. Also not convinced Bobby is right. I agree except I'd have KC and Cleveland flip positions. The Royals like the Pirates are just going to have to show me they are making real progress.
  22. QUOTE (since56 @ Mar 31, 2010 -> 02:21 PM) The Tigers are pretty balanced and a good manager. I would'nt count them out. Yes it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the Tigers did better than a lot of folks think they will. Seriously though, do 2/3 of you really think the Sox have fielded a division winning team? Even in a relatively weak division?
  23. QUOTE (earthshiner @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 12:36 PM) carrying 13 pitchers to start the year is dumb. Nix better be on this team Right up there with Vizquel leading off and Kotsay batting third. Most teams used to carry 10 pitchers. Now 11 and 12 is the norm because if a pitcher goes over 100 pitches too many times his arm will fall off. With AL teams having a DH when you carry 12 pitchers the bench is very thin. With 13 it just gets ridiculous.
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