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Everything posted by SI1020

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 02:39 PM) There are all sorts of things to doubt on this team, but I still don't understand the mindset of "questions". Every player is a question, every season, on every team. Any player could stink, or have a career year. So the key is looking at the real question marks, the players that are actually up in the air - guys like Rios, TCQ, Garcia, Putz, Jenks. These are players who we either have specific concerns about, or who have had an erratic or poor performance in recent years. Just saying "Hudson isn't ready" can be said of every single minor league pitcher in baseball, just as "Pena stinks" can apply to every single middle reliever in baseball, and therefore its not really a "question mark" at all. It's true that anyone can get hurt or have a down year. Still, just by looking at past performance you can see some teams are more predictable than others. TCQ is injury prone. Can he stay healthy? Rios was awful last year. Can he rebound to his norms? Are you really sure that Pierre is going to be the dynamic leadoff man you need? I'm not. What about Jenks? Can Teahen at least be average? Don't even get me started about Jones. Yes this team has a lot of question marks and things have to fall just right or forget about the playoffs.
  2. QUOTE (Ranger @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 12:23 PM) Don't use reason around these parts, son. I think it's perfectly reasonable to disagree with Kotsay batting third.
  3. I don't think I ever saw an outfielder that was as good at catching the sinking line drive as Andy Van Slyke was.
  4. There are too many question marks on the team. If you figure half of the players in question work out and half don't I see them winning about 85 games. A fast start would be most helpful. Obviously that is always good, but in this case it would be especially so. Put all the controversy aside and build confidence for the stretch run.
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 25, 2010 -> 05:50 PM) I think its pretty clear that KW is among the best GM's in the game. So I'm not sure why you'd lump him in there. You're right I probably shouldn't have mentioned him in that vein, although I stand by my original point. I agree the KW has been a definite plus. After a rocky start he got better, and he doesn't have all the chips to play with that some of his competitors do. One of the biggest reasons that the Sox have not fallen off the baseball map is that they've for the most part had such resourcefully good GM's starting with Frank Lane.
  6. Since the late 50's when I became a fan of the Sox, I count 15 managers. I don't count Les Moss, Bill Adair, or Doug Rader who were there for a short time as fill ins before a replacement was chosen. I can honestly and in good conscience only rate Ozzie as high as 5th on that list of 15. Worse yet, to me at least he seems to be regressing. Sox fans waited a long time for a championship so Ozzie is going to get the benefit of the doubt with most fans. It also appears to me that short of committing a felony neither KW or Ozzie will ever get canned by their boss. I just hope that by the time the year 2093 rolls around Sox fans won't be wishing and praying for another elusive championship.
  7. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 18, 2010 -> 06:18 AM) I don't care what the metrics say. I absolutely refuse to believe this. His metrics were pretty good, not that great. His fielding percentage was high, but I've been told over and over that is misleading, especially for an outfielder. His range factor was definitely below par.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 20, 2010 -> 01:46 AM) Well for the Ozzie Haters, this could be opening the door. Supposedly you don't mess with his kids, and the Sox pretty much just fired one. Why is criticism and opinion now equated with hate? What purpose does it serve except to satisy some anger and stifle debate? Ozzie deserves his share of criticism. To me his act grew old a long time ago. His spoiled petulant son is not helping matters. Did you hear him on the Score today? This isn't going away.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 14, 2010 -> 06:53 PM) Like to generalize often? It's definitely contributing to an already accelerating pace of dumbing down that is going on. 99% of all twits aren't worth a tweet.
  10. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 12, 2010 -> 07:12 AM) Thats the beauty of what he does. Nobody is talking about any of the players doing badly, everyone is talking about Ozzie. He sets it up that way. I don't believe for a nanosecond that is true. He talks and talks because that's who he is. Often it would be better for everyone, especially Ozzie, if he'd just say nothing. In this hyped up media age that is not going to happen. People try to renew their 15 minutes of fame over and over again.
  11. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 12:17 AM) Yawn. Not that big a deal. Certainly didn't require a story. No yawn. If you watched or followed this guy last year you'd know that unless or until he has a major attitude adjustment, he is a longshot at best. Even with that adjustment I have my doubts about his ability to be any kind of an impact player.
  12. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 01:16 AM) A guy with gold glove defense who averages 16 bombs and 77 RBI's playing CF for the Chicago White Sox, a team that started Dewayne Wise on opening day last year, is plenty helpful Last year with the Sox Alex Rios .199/ .229 /.301/ .530. Dewayne Wise .225/ .262/ .366/ .628 Rios has given me at least plenty of reasons to be concerned. He looked awful last year. I hope it was just a real long and bad slump.
  13. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 3, 2010 -> 05:35 PM) If he gets back to his '06/'07 level he is. Not really. He was good to be sure, but nothing special.
  14. QUOTE (b-Rye @ Mar 3, 2010 -> 05:24 PM) RIOS: $9.7 million in 2010, $12 million each in 2011 and 2012 and $12.5 million apiece in 2013 and 2014, and $13.5 million team option for 2015 with a $1 million buyout. Rios isn't much of a bargain at all. I'm afraid he may turn out to be the Todd Ritchie of position players. Of course I want to be wrong.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 08:37 PM) In some ways, I'd rather Cabrera really struggle in ST. He's a terrible fit as a bullpen guy with his wildness, etc. Ozzie seems to really like him and that scares me.
  16. QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 25, 2010 -> 11:37 PM) If the Sox don't finish above .500 this year, he might be asked to resign. (Just a speculation) I doubt it.
  17. QUOTE (hi8is @ Feb 25, 2010 -> 01:04 AM) would be sweet if vicedro was called up as the full time DH and in his rookie season hit 330 with a 400 obp and 60 HR Watch him play and tell me if you think that is even remotely possible.
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Feb 23, 2010 -> 07:49 AM) I really don't know too much what you are talking about. You mention my pessimism and burying our players. When I think of these guys I have positive thoughts. Do you want me to praise them on here? I will: I have positive thoughts of Lexi, Beckham, Paulie in the infield (I have negative thoughts about Teahen; I am neutral about Nix and Kotsay, leaning toward being negative toward Omar). I have positive feelings about CQ in the outfield, negative thoughts about Rios and Pierre. I'm willing to wait and see on Rios and Pierre this season. It's not like I want them to suck. I have positive feelings about AJP; negative about Castro. I have positive feeligs toward Mark, Peavy, Danks Floyd and Freddy; positive feelings toward Bobby and Thornton and Hudson; negative toward Linebrink, Randy Williams and any ex Royals relievers still on the roster. I like Oz and KW. Yes, I love the guys who departed: Dye, Crede, Thome, Pods. I am not a big fan of Getz, Fields or Brian Anderson. I like most of our players and am rooting for them all out of the gates this season. I didn't read your sarcasm, sorry about that. I read this and thought with an exception here and there I pretty much agree with Greg all the way down the line. Does that make me a pessimist too?
  19. QUOTE (ptatc @ Feb 13, 2010 -> 10:17 PM) Everybody used amphetamines before games late in the seasons. I've always said banning these will make a bigger impact on baseball than steriods because everyone used them. The older players wear down much more by the end of the season. Sorry but I would have to disagree. I have no doubt that many players in the past used "greenies" and other similar pick me ups. The problem with amphetamines is although they can give an energy boost over the short term, in the long haul they have devastating affects in the manner opposite of what they're intended to do. One of the saddest sites of my long ago youth was a burnt out speed freak. Gaunt, pale, paranoid and unhealthy. The strength and stamina long gone. Greenies will not help you bulk up, increase your skull size. Anyone taking them gets a short term edge at best. Comparing greenies to steroids is like comparing a popgun to a bazooka.
  20. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 25, 2010 -> 02:27 PM) While I agree with his overall point, I think the idea that you can calculate what a player would have done at some other level is a little ridiculous. Its so full of guesswork that putting any sort of actual number to it is just pointless. I'm pscyhed about Viciedo as well, I think if you take the whole picture into account, he did pretty well. But let's not get too attached so some fictitious SWAG stat line. You are so right. I can't fathom why some take so much stock in a clearly manufactured stat line.
  21. I would think it's a little hard to begin to figure out the little idiosyncrasies of a new ball park until at least a couple of months of baseball is played there. The Twins have always been adaptable and resilient, and I'll bet they'll work this ball park to their advantage just like they did in that dome.
  22. QUOTE (winninguglyin83 @ Feb 15, 2010 -> 03:48 AM) not a fan of the Jones/Kortsay/Vizquel/Nix DH rotation. Don't think we have enough pop. not convinced Rios will bounce back. not convinced Garcia is ready to deliver in the five-hole over a complete season. And I have lost faith in Jenks and Linebrink -- and need to see proof Putz is healthy. I completely agree. QUOTE (jphat007 @ Feb 15, 2010 -> 03:34 AM) We just need way too many things to go right. Rios bounce back CQ bounce back Teahen get back to 08 form (or 07?) Pierre get on base at a decent clip after a good year last year. Garcia be good JJ be healthy Jenks bounce back Kotsay/Jones be decent There just aren't enough 'knowns' other than the starting rotation. And this.
  23. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 14, 2010 -> 08:19 PM) His lack of them has CHONE projecting him with a 5.10 ERA next year. That settles it then. He's definitely going to suck this year.
  24. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 14, 2010 -> 09:55 PM) You mean legitimate MLB-Ready Prospect? Having the ability to be a big bat in the MLB is what makes him a prospect. The Cubs wonder boy Starlin Castro didn't exactly light up AA. Strasburg had a 4.26 ERA in the AFL. I look forward to seeing him again this year since I live in minor league land. Most prospects don't pan out and Viciedo is far from a can't miss kind of player. This didn't help matters any. Visit My Website As for Starlin Castro and the Cubs, they have always overhyped their prospects.
  25. Viciedo has far to go before he can be considered a legitimate prospect. He did improve somewhat in the second half last year so I am not writing him off, but at the same time would recommend caution in evaluating him.
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