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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. Jimenez approach at the plate mixed with his swing will keep him out of slumps and will give him a very high obp. He's not as quick as he used to be, but he is a very good baserunner and having a high obp is awesome at the top of the lineup. Defensively I think he's average and he can be above average, but that will take some more work. I've also been impressed with what Harris has done thus far. He has never had a huge opportunity at the majors and I think he'll get one eventually this season. He may even be up in the next week or so if the Sox decide they want to play him in center, but considering he's getting the bulk of his time at second in AAA, I'd think that he's ticketed for the infield. That being said, I don't want to see him swinging for the fences, but hitting the ball on a line. I'm assuming he's doing that.
  2. The pen is going to be worn out after the past two games and the fact that we have no off days until next monday. I'm watching it right now and White looks alright. Didn't see Garland, but damn is this ugly. Sox have stranded a ton of runners once again too.
  3. I did but ran into some problems. I have to run an upgrade of the board when I'm done with my tests this week. Nothing anyone will notice other then a bit cleaner coding. Won't be any down time either, just me running an upgrade script.
  4. Guys and Gals, this is a touchy issue, so lets just be careful and not make any personal attacks. I am speaking for myself when I say that anyone can have any opinion on this subject and its becoming more and more of an issue in society today and is going to become more and more of a political issue, kind of like the Women's Right and Abolitionist Movements of the past. I've said my opinion and I'm sure others have their own, but lets try to keep the stuff based on opinion and on issue. By the way, Murcie, check your email.
  5. I wrote a couple of them during the last baseball season. I wasn't very good at it, so I went back to what I was good at, posting! thats me too..i wrote a few articles early last year about todd ritchie...one i thought was pretty good and the other 2 or 3 i wrote i thought were substandard for this site...so i too went back to what i do best..pissing off carlos lee fans I remember your stuff Baggs. You had that one piece on the originations of the Sox if I recall that was really good. I just never knew it was Southsider that was the one who wrote those few things. I got a pretty good memory, usually.
  6. 2k3 were you the one who used to write the articles for that newsletter a long time ago?
  7. He used to throw some pitches on accident. Nardi did do a good job rebuilding his motion, I'll give him credit on that. Glover has a really live arm though.
  8. I want our pitching staff back. If were going to sign anyone, its got to be more pitchers
  9. Does he have Ismael Valdes syndrome.
  10. Chisoxfn

    NFL Draft

    Suggs last work out was even worse than his previous....... not good. I heard his 40 times were even slower to. 4.9 and 5.0 i think is what they said wow, what happened to this guy? He was supposed to be the best pass rusher in the draft. I wonder if he was doping in college and quit for tehe NFL or something, because he has just fallen like a rock! He put on like 20 pounds to prove he could be a full time defensive end and instead killed his stock as his time was expected to be somewhere around 4.6 and at the worse 4.7 He screwed himself over. He'll lose quite a few million cause I think he'll really fall.
  11. Chisoxfn

    NFL Draft

    If that happens then Newman would go 2nd and I think the Bengals would take Palmer. Sounds like a sweet deal for the Bengals. They could pick up an extra pick and still get the qb they want.
  12. It was always one of the reasons I liked Koch. He wanted to close and has a great attitude. Folk had a great attitude too, but I just see Billy as one of those guys that can lead a bullpen and lead a team.
  13. He tore his ACL right at the start of last season if I recall. Was he not ready for this year? Probably rehabbing in the minors. I'm only pretty sure thats what happened. I just know he had a really serious injury, then again maybe I'm way off cause I know Lawton also had that type of injury so I could be confusing the two of them.
  14. lol, thinking its disgusting for two naked men to be in bed together, is normal. Whats abnormal are freaks like you, who think its okay. I used to kind of think that way. But now I realized that if it makes them happy then more power to them. Its not hurting me so I don't really care.
  15. Chisoxfn

    NFL Draft

    It was horrible. He ran extremely slow again and I think he may of fell out of the Top 10 unless the Cardinals take him.
  16. If the US and Britain are doing the work, why shouldn't their economy be aided by it. Afterall they are the ones spending the money in the first place. Apu, Was this not worth it or should these people still be living under that dictator?
  17. Chisoxfn


    I hear the Lakers aren't going to go that way and want to get someone a bit younger. They are hoping they can get a star to sign for a lesser amount for a championship. Right now I think its Portland or Chicago, imo.
  18. Chisoxfn


    you will not be able to find that in the draft, esp on those who will be coming out and where they are ranked. btw, anybody has a linked on when james mention that he wanted to be a bulls? bullstalk? I never heard about that.
  19. I like Glover quite a bit and I don't think his velocity is down. When he's out of the pen he's been throwing around 93 or so from what I've noticed. He's got really good movement and a good curve and now a changeup. He's just fine and I think he'll be with the Sox for a long time.
  20. He tore his ACL right at the start of last season if I recall.
  21. Brantley is a complete moron. I was watching it yesterday and they were talking about the Mets game and him and some non baseball player were complete jackasses. The rest are fine by me.
  22. Well he's hitting .400 or so right now. I think last year he was in the .270-.280 range. He seems to have a good eye for his age and is working more and more on bunting and hitting grounders/line drives. He can really fly and I think the key is that he seems to already realize that he can't hit the ball in the air. This guy has Luis Castillo potential.
  23. Not looking too hot as of now. Sox are hitting it hard though so I'm confident. Also looked like Buehrle may of smoothed things out after the 3rd homer.
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