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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. The starting song is by Carl Orff, from Carmina Burana, its O Fortuna. Its also in the movie the Doors, and numerous other things. SB
  2. Im glad some one else saw that Borchard was starting to look more comfortable at the plate. I think that in this call up, he could start to move his batting average up a bit. Also, it will give us a chance to see what life with out Maggs might be like next year, and plan accordingly. SB
  3. Well if this is true now we will really see what life with out Maggs will be like next year, and be better able to judge where we should put our free agent money. I do not think this will be the death blow to the Sox, just Ozzie is going to have to be creative on who plays every day and at what position. SB
  4. I thought this was going to be about whether another team will try and sign KW when his contract runs up with the Sox. Williams seems to be Reinsdorf's guy, and hes done a good job of keeping the team competitive and bringing more fans to the stadium. SB
  5. I wouldnt write STL's ticket to the World Series just yet. ATL and FLA could beat them in the playoffs, as the Braves and Florida have much better pitching staffs, with fair to above average offenses. Last year ATL was the best offense, and got beat by the Cubs because of pitching, you could see that happen to STL. Also, STL will have a large problem in the WS, because any AL team they are going to go up against potentially should have atleast some favorable match ups (outside of Texas who would just try and outslug them.) The Red Sox, Yanks, White Sox, Angels would have the offense to match up, and have considerable pitching advantages. Where as the A's would just have much much better pitching. SB
  6. Ozzie is good at handling his players, and being one of the guys. I think his players play hard for him, and give it their all. Also I think his mentality makes the players believe they can always come back, and that keeps the Sox in more games, and allows them to come back more often. Ozzie's biggest problem is that he some times does not understand what other teams will do match up wise, and this gets taken advantage of in the later stages of the game. He also is some what reluctant to make decisions on his own, as its always said "Harris has the green light", well some times Ozzie needs to just put on the steal sign because thats his job. These should improve as he gets more in game experience, and if he starts to feel more comfortable getting the players to play his game. As a side note, I think Baker is the same kind of manager, he gets the most out of his players, but is not the greatest in game manager. SB
  7. I meant suprise in that, Wisconsin generally is not considered a basketball powerhouse, but each year they are able to compete for the title. I like to be cautious, as in football we are generally overranked, in basketball under. And some what bitter over the seeding the Big 10 got in the tournament. SB
  8. I think Wisconsin will suprise people and again compete for the Big 10 title. Had Harris stayed, they would of been a top 10 team, but without him they are still getting Orlando Tucker back healthy, and the 7 ft guy who was redshirted last year. They also will play their usual good D, and should win the majority of the games they play at the Kohl Center. To much U of I love. ;p SB
  9. Maybe a little to much to pay with Rauch, but if he was out of options as some one suggested, than might as well trade him because hed been given chances to make the team, and betting that he would make it next year or get nothing in return was not that great of odds. SB
  10. I think I got the Cheat again last week. Anyways I was looking for a place to post happy birthday, and thanks for the last sig, maybe one day Ill need it updated, so maybe Ill collect then. SB
  11. Prior to Willie being benched, he was working almost every count, and seeing 5 or so pitches. Its just once he got on the bench, he started trying to make things happen right away to get more playing time. All Willie does is play really good defense at 2b, run as hard as he can, and just try and work counts and get on base. If this is not the type of player the White Sox need leading off, I do not know what is. Uribe may be great, but hes slumping, and Willie will atleast try and do the little things right, and with his speed, just making contact some times will be good enough to be standing on first. Harris needs to play in this line up, especially now that we have Everett too. We have enough power, we need speed and patience. SB
  12. Not every fan is a family, and not every 20 something "yuppie" is a Cubs fan either. There is something to be said for trying to gain consumer loyalty, and trying to bring a younger, although less wealthy crowd. As todays 20 something crowd, will be tomorrows season ticket holders. It would be a shame if many of those people who were just starting to become loyal to one team, no longer had a much more price friendly environment that they could watch a game at, while families still got all the benefits. I still believe Sunday's are half price for children already. SB
  13. Whats even more interesting is while Curry said that Boston was smart to look for other prospects, and the Yanks did not have the prospects... It was KW who said he did not have enough, not people outside of the White Sox organization. Im more thinking KW meant, he doesnt have enough he can give away to get it done without putting all of his eggs into 1 basket. Also I expect Az is playing hardball right now, but as the deadline approaches they have 2 options: 1) Trade now while RJ's value is the highest its been in 2 years. 2) Wait till next year, try and make a run with RJ, if it doesnt work trade at the deadline. As the deadline gets closer, the reality that next year the value of RJ could be much less as hell be a rental player, a year older, and no gaurantee of health, should drive down the price. Itll be interesting to see what happens, but I doubt the package Az recieves is something the Sox just didnt have. SB
  14. What KW is saying has to be smoke. If the Sox do not have enough to get him, than only the Angels or Cubs do, and since the Angels and Cubs have already been ruled out... We are either looking at a 3 way trade, but what do the Red Sox or Yanks have to fetch those type of prospects? Or The White Sox have a legitimate shot at RJ, and are weighing how much they should invest talent wise into this trade. SB
  15. On Espn today one of the NBA guys said that up until yesterday Chicago was a silent major player, and that Reinsdorf and Paxson had personally met with Kobe last week. He then said Kobe really like the organization, but a sign and trade does not seem likely. I agree with Chisoxfn, that the Bulls should be turning up the heat on the Lakers, saying if they dont sign and trade he might go to the Clippers and theyll get nothing in return. The Bulls could offer Jamal Crawford, Tyson Chandler or Eddie Curry, etc, and give the Lakers some more depth for a team that could be dreadful next year if Kobe choses the Clippers. If the Bulls want Kobe at this point, and he truely wants to come here, they could have him. SB
  16. Soxbadger


    On around the horn stat boy said it was easier to win a mil on jeapordy then throw 5 pitches for strikes in 30 seconds. I hope Ken gets his job, with a mind like his wed have new baseball stats every week. SB
  17. Sox-r-us, If we get RJ for next year our rotation would be: RJ, Garcia, Buerhle, Garland, FA or Rookie. We would be favorites in the AL Central pretty much as long as we kept our offense some what in place, seeing as our rotation could potentially be the best in baseball with RJ next year. SB
  18. They were showing a replay of the Milwaukee Derby, a year before Chicago, and in the middle of Sosa's at bat, he changed bats. Now this would be a year before the Cork incident, so it kind of made me wonder, did he have one of "those" bats just in case. SB
  19. Clement Nomar rumor is kind of old I thought. Maybe with Wood pitching again, the Cubs are now wanting to move Clement over the AS Break, so the team starts with a rotation of: Prior, Wood, Zambrano, Rusch, Maddux If I was the Cubs, I would not trade Clement, but thats just me. SB
  20. I would love to get Johnson, and if he waived his no trade clause there is a legitimate chance the Sox get him. Colangelo and Steinbrenner, are not all that fond of eachother, for the David Wells incident. Where as I believe Colangelo and Reinsdorf are friends. The cost of Johnson will probably be: 1 top pitching prospect, 1 top of prospect, 2-3 mid level prospects. So probably Rauch, Borchard (Sweeney or Anderson), and 2 other guys. For Johnson, its worth it. As our staff of Johnson, Garcia, Buerhle, Loiaza, Garland, would be outstanding, and 4 of them would still be signed for next year, giving us a legitimate shot both now and next year. SB
  21. How bout we win the World Series, then we flood the team with White Sox players. Yankees win, they get the spoils of war. SB
  22. Or he goes to Boston or NY and cant handle the pressure, chokes and becomes just another over paid player. When Frank was at his peak, he had no problem getting into All-Star games, winning MVP's and getting endorsements. Sosa seems to have no problem either and he plays in the same city as Maggs. Endorsements are about the players, not the team. If you are good enough, theyll endorse you on the Expos. Maggs has never been a 1 man show, he doesnt bring people to the stadium, he isnt iconic, there is nothing that you can really identify with him and say thats his trademark. SB
  23. Its some what concerning when you see a guy like Garcia who had only played 1 game with the Sox so willing to sign a "fair" deal, where as Maggs who has only played for the White Sox wants to "test" free agency. There comes a time when you just have to cut your losses, the signing of Garcia showed that the Sox are willing to agree to contracts if the players are willing to be reasonable. Garcia could of perhaps gotten more in free agency, but he just wanted security. Maggs is starting to tread on thin ice, he needs to start thinking about what type of player he wants to be seen as. SB
  24. If anyone wants to trade for sp, I can make a deal or two. SB
  25. Shingo was in there because winning last night guaranteed that we would leave Minnesota with no less than a tie for first place, and also a win for the series. Under no circumstances was Ozzie going to let some one blow Garcia's first game with the Sox. If it was against another team, it may have been a waste, but when you are facing your rival, you have to make sure when you knock them down you dont let them up. SB
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