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Everything posted by DABearSoX

  1. DABearSoX

    Spider bite

    Amazing stuff http://cbs4denver.com/watercooler/Parapleg...s.2.958169.html
  2. DABearSoX

    Tech Help

    thanks for the help... so basically what happened is that I am an idiot...The 5 years I have had this laptop I have reformatted numerous times and that last time I must have forgotten to install the drivers for the network card. I have been using the wireless card so i installed those and not the Ethernet card.. went to the dell website, installed the drivers, and bingo..that was the problem...
  3. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 10, 2009 -> 07:43 PM) You're high. YOU'RE DRUNK - sorry can't resist a good aressted quote
  4. DABearSoX

    Tech Help

    not the answer i am looking for, but that may be my last resort
  5. DABearSoX

    Tech Help

    SO I just got a new desktop and I would like to transfer stuff from my old laptop. There is a lot, so I am not going to hassle myself with CDs or flash drives and such. Went out to radio shack and got an Ethernet crossover cable so I could connect throw each ethernet port. This is where I am having troubles. I found different ways to accomplish this but none of them worked out. I first tried the XP network wizard which ended in an error when trying to set up the host computer. Next I tried manually entering IPs ( & This took the limited network connectivity away from the desktop but I couldnt see where to access the host laptop. (Yes I enabled sharing on the C: drive of the laptop) I tried to Map a network drive after using the IP method but the HOST laptop wasnt being shown when using the browse method nor could connect when entering //computername/shared drive. I really thought this would be an easier process when connecting two XP machines...thought it would be like a plug and play Any tech wiz people out there have any suggestions for me or maybe where to start over?
  6. DABearSoX

    Camping Fun

    It reminds me of Conan's masturbating bear costume
  7. Isn't Brooklyn what Ashlee Simpson named her kid, and Jayden what Britney Spears named her kid? man I gotta lay off the TMZ
  8. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 08:38 PM) I wish I could watch him play. Hopefully you'll have to add another Danks on that sig pretty soon Rock
  9. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 10:18 PM) That dude is simply an idiot, but this doesnt even scratch the surface of the type of animal cruelty that goes on in homes across the country. Ok, I guess I shouldn't have said hilarious...something more along the lines of what Rock said....When I think animal cruelty I think of the stuff I see on Animal Planet and Sarah Maclaughin commercials...
  10. well I will say this, I have never had a cat so I have never done this...BUT back in high school my friend got his cats stoned all the time....(and I won't lie and say I wasn't there) It does seem inhumane by shoving it into a box however I found it funny b/c believe it or people put animals in pillow cases etc all the time to get them stoned....and from my experience in my friend's basement it wasn't cruel, he would put them in the carrier box (not much bigger than that thing) and blow a few puffs his way then let it out...
  11. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 09:01 PM) I dunno, stuffing a cat into a homemade bong isnt all that funny to me It is hardly cruelity to animals...making a cat run into things with a laser pointer is worse in my eyes
  12. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...IzzwwgD96M51N80 Hilarious...
  13. DABearSoX

    Camping Fun

  14. DABearSoX

    TCF bank sucks.

    QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 05:46 PM) I had this fight with my bank too. They actually told me they didn't know how to change it. in reality the person you were talking to probably did not know how to change it. I put up such a stink with my superiors that finally they told me about the verifiedbyvisa.com thing....of course they wouldn't tell me how to do it in the actually bank system, that knowledge was only for card services....
  15. DABearSoX

    TCF bank sucks.

    This kind of stuff happens at all banks/credit unions.... It's mostly a bunch of BS, but some of it is for security reasons and not just bank policy but government policy. I was a service rep at a place on the CU campus...So basically I got to sit people down at my desk and watch them cry/b****/complain about every charge that got put on their cards. One of my biggest peeves with that place was that the card wouldn't "shut off" when you didn't have enough money to pay for the swipe; this is a tactic that a lot of banks use. It is the "Opt out" method, basically meaning that you have to opt out of what ever agreement you signed for in the first place, the one at this place being that it would allow you to overdraft as a courtesy for not making you look dumb at a cash register. If your debit card is a VISA I believe you can go somewhere on www.verifiedbyvisa.com and make it so your card will not overdraft. Banks are allowed to change fees at anytime - you are usually notified by a mailing if you will incur any new charges for things like account types and such. Since a lot of people just throw that stuff away they are not aware of a new charge. When I was an FSR they started charging all the students a 4.00 fee every month for the "student account" they signed up for 2 years prior. All I can say is I did not enjoy working there for the next few months. So please if this happens to you don't b**** at a teller or service rep like it is their fault you have charges. My advice would be to be very alert when it comes to your money. Check balances online EVERYDAY (probably more than once), and record any checks you may have floating out there if you cannot remember or use checks a lot. Available balance is not the same as current balance. Make sure to ask for updated fee schedules so you know what your bank is going to charge you for. If you do want to dispute any charges on your account talk to a bank supervisor or manager....they do not like confrontation, so if you ask for them directly you may get what you want a little bit easier. If you have a substantial account or at least a substantial credit card balance you can always threaten to move your money else ware (granted, this only works if you are an asset to the bank and you are talking to someone that actually cares about the bottom line)...I could go on for days but those are the basics. And here’s one of my favorite stories that came out of that job: So a student goes and buys something at best buy for $180 but BB accidentally charges them $1800 for the purchase. They didn't have enough money on the debit card they used so the $1800 was covered by overdraft protection and transferred to the student’s credit card. Smart as they were they noticed that best buy made a mistake. They called best buy and had it resolved, but since they had used their debit card the 1800 was refunded to the checking account and not the credit card. So about a week later they notice they have 1800 dollars in there checking account and decide to go on a 2 week spending spree. So probably about 2 months after this they finally open up (probably the 3rd mailing) a letter explaining that they are 2 months late on there credit card bill and they owe 1800 dollars. This story ends up in my office with this person balling there eyes out about how they can't pay us back and that their dad is going to literally kill them. I had the hardest time not breaking out into laughter and quoting one of my favorite movies UHF "YOU SOOOOO STUPID!!!" So moral of the story - pay attention - read any mail from your bank - pay attention - if $1800 magically shows up in your checking account you probably shouldn’t spend it - pay attention
  16. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 25, 2009 -> 08:56 PM) BS - Ecology, Ethology and Evolution PhD - Biological Sciences - Experimental Marine Ecology All of that is mere child's play though. What I really want to work on is my BJCP certification. BS in Systems Management and I love the BS part b/c honestly it's all a piece of paper....I work in finance now b/c my main experience was working at a bank... and Jim this is my dream WBA
  17. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 25, 2009 -> 11:14 PM) can throw out at least what AJ is That should be EASILY attainable....
  18. QUOTE (whitesox32 @ Feb 11, 2009 -> 01:46 AM) hey anyone know what time tix go on sale for whitesox.com users on thursday? yea and exactly how it works
  19. i have never tried that stuff...it always looked so interesting when I was a kid but my mom never got it b/c she said it was a ripoff Good old Aldi peanut butter and preserves for me
  20. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 10:57 PM) The things you come up with at 4am and drunk. ha, like a PB&J Beer
  21. QUOTE (Texsox @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 10:04 PM) I was wondering at what stage would be optimal to introduce the flavoring. Also, those things are sweet, it may be tough to control the sweetness. I do know it takes fewer grapes to flavor a jelly than strawberry. Which is why grape jelly or lam is so damn cheap. I'd be looking at grape flavor even though I think strawberry would make a better beer. The later in the process tends to be better to add flavoring. Primary fermantation knocks out a lot of flavor compounds so you try to introduce the flavor closest to bottling/kegging as possible... The natural fruit flavorings i am speaking about have no sugar in them, they rely on the residual sugars left in the beer to bring out the sweetness... I plan on mashing at a higher temperature which produces more unfermentable sugars which will leave it a bit sweeter. Using real fruit or the concentrate which has sugars in it will start fermentaion again and tend to dry out (less sweet) the final product... Those snow cone flavorings probably use artificial sweeteners which are unfermentable so they may make the beer end up too sweet... all in all this is going to be an experimental brew, hopefully making me the only expert when it comes to a PB&J porter
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