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Everything posted by DABearSoX

  1. QUOTE (Texsox @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 10:40 PM) Would the artificial flavoring that they use on Sno-Cones work? That has grape or strawberry as a syrup. That is not a bad idea - it would depend on the ingrediants that are used in those things - when brewing I tend to think less is more b/c strange chemicals/additives can lead to off flavors in the final product
  2. I am using the PB2 b/c I have herd mixed and mostly bad results when using nut extracts (thats what she said). I came across this thread and thought I would give it a try http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f12/peanut-but...t-butter-61538/
  3. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 10:03 PM) I'm sure DABearSoX is looking for a quicker turnaround on his beer. Got to keep the brews coming. Def correct on that...I ferment in a temp controlled mini fridge and I can only fit one carboy in there so bottle conditioned ales are the way I go... When I get a bigger apartment i may have to get a bigger fridge or chest freezer and start makin soem lagers
  4. yea I have brewed with fruit, I have a Cherry wheat in the 2ndary as we speak.... And as for the peanut butter, it still has some oil that is affirmative but it is 85% less fat than normal peanut butter. Basically the oil that I do get from the powdered stuff will rise up to the top and when I rack to the secondary i will leave it behind. I asked the question what is everyones favorite b/c I am leaning towards using fruit flavoring when I bottle rather than using real fruit. I can't find grape fruit flavoring anywhere so I was hoping to use a different fruit. My other option is to add a welch's grape juice concentrate in the 2ndary, I just don't want the 2ndary fermentation to dry it out which is why I am leaning towards flavoring.
  5. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 09:30 PM) Ah ha!! really? Yea....it's gonna be quite the experiment...i have been egged on by other brewers b/c from research online i can't find anyone that has actually tried doing it....I mean there's Pizza beer but no PB&J beer? I found a place that sells powdered peanut butter so I am going to use that for the peanut butter part obviously - using real peanut butter or peanuts who kill the beer with oils.
  6. Ok more Jelly answers...i don't care about crunchy or creamy... (I have a reason, I am making a PB&J porter and I am trying to figure out the fruit flavor to use)
  7. DABearSoX

    It's Tax Season

    Waiting for my DD - 1800 back from fed/state - too bad it all goes to my credit cards...
  8. Big Frank's page is available....for $145...damn
  9. DABearSoX

    Superbowl Food

    QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 11:27 PM) Wow, I'm really impressed. Are you doing extract brew or are you doing grain and full mash? Keep on brewing!! All-grain mash - full boil Extract brewing is for cubs fans...hahaha j/k
  10. DABearSoX

    Superbowl Food

    QUOTE (daa84 @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 01:42 AM) mmm that sounds awesome im gonna do some homemade wings...got the recipe and process from alton browns "good eats"...i trust him with basically anything, but i just did a test run and damn they are good....you don't have to fry em, they are baked, so much healthier (though not completely healthy), yet still really crisp and tasty... http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/good-ea...cipe/index.html i'll probably experiment a bit with sauces but he had an asian orange glaze that looked phenomenal http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/good-ea...cipe/index.html don't trust him on the show about beer brewing...but other than that he does make some money stuff..
  11. DABearSoX

    Superbowl Food

    Beer, Yes I made it myself...have a brown, amber, wit, and german wheat to add the the mix
  12. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 22, 2009 -> 06:58 AM) He's the only one that is a White Sox Hall of Famer. Settled. Wearing a Red Sox hat on his plaque...
  13. more favorites of the holiday season would be Hot Chocolate and Rumplemintz and Hot Apple Cidar and Captain Morgans...(One of my favorite Bears tailgating drinks)
  14. I'll always remember him for THAT at bat against Tampa Bay
  15. god I hate it with a passion.... although, not as much as the damn Chevy John Mellencamp crap that was played 15-20 times in every major sporting event I watched on TV for 3 years... no wonder why Chevy is going to go out of business...
  16. QUOTE (Texsox @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 05:34 AM) Jos concession speech was one of the greatest political speeches I have heard in a long time. In my lifetime he is easily the best of the runner ups. I've said from the beginning we had two great choices and his speech spoke volumes about his character. ^^^^^^^^^ I commend him with all my heart....
  17. My GF got the HPV shot....all good over here!
  18. QUOTE (klaus kinski @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 01:06 PM) I like the idea-I was there many times in 1977-a recovery year after the brief rebirth of the Richie Allen/Chuck Tanner teams. Harry Caray in his hey-day here-those old enough know how we had disappeared from the city's consciousness because of a very popular Cub team and many didnt care if we moved or not until that '77 team-saved the day until we had to go thru it again with Reinsdorf Amazing if that would have happened, myself and a lot of the others on this board would actually be Cubs fans.... So I say, hell, retire it just for that reason!
  19. Last night and then now at work when I goto www.soxtalk.com my virus scanner comes up with this notice \index[1].htmlINDEX[1].HTML detected as: JS/Downloader-AUD detection type: Trojan \index[2].htmlINDEX[2].HTML detected as: JS/Downloader-AUD detection type: Trojan Script executed by IEXPLORE.EXE Whats the deal?
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