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Everything posted by gosox41

  1. QUOTE(qwerty @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 07:50 PM) Pressure? Last season? I always hear about this so called thing ''pressure''. Macdougal being a vet should have had even less pressure on him. There were not any realistic options all over the place... or even in the orginzation to put that pressure on him to the point that he had the season he had. Logically no one was gonna walk in and steal macdougals spot in the pen for good. Scrub after scrub was brought up/in and nothing ever got any better... there was no pressure. I could see you saying that if we brought in/up threee studs that pitched at least half a season of dominance. If the royals are never in a pressure situation how could the sox have been with one of the worst records in baseball? It is a two way street. This pressure stuff is nonsense. The reality is most middle relivers are maddeningly inconsistent on a year to year basis. The dominant relievers are closers and the trule dominant one's get paid big bucks because of they consistently dominates. It what seperates Mariano Rivera from guys liek Riske, Eyre, etc. McDougal sucked last year because he is inconsistent. Look at his career numbers year to year. I suspect he'll have a better year in 2008. Bob
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 09:35 PM) Sorry, I meant the arb. offer. Riske very well could have picked up that 2.5 million. Let's face it though, the Sox have very little appreciation for racking up draft picks. You make this too easy for me. This is where I say 'Why do the Sox need extra draft picks when they'd just scew them up anyway?' That ought to get the natives riled up. Bob
  3. QUOTE(spiderman @ Nov 25, 2007 -> 10:43 AM) Don't the White Sox owe Contreras $20+ over the next 2 years ? If I'm right, I'd give $5 million for him to go, but I think that's getting off cheap, plus the White Sox don't historically send cash in trades. Either spend a little cash to save money or enjoy paying $20 mill for a 6+ ERA pitcher. Bob
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 24, 2007 -> 04:48 PM) I always think it's fun with Mariotti articles to go through the records of him. A non-trivial percentage of the time, you can find 2 completely opposed articles on the same issue a few months apart. He just goes after whichever side makes him look correct at the time. Exactly. So when he writes a follow up article, he's always going to be right. I stopped reading that Moron about 8-10 years ago when he blamed Einhron for the fact that the Final Four was played in front of a big crowd instead of a regualr b-bal size crowd. Of course from that he found a way to rip JR and the Sox. Bob
  5. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Nov 23, 2007 -> 11:47 AM) There is an article in the Sun-Times that I saw on the on-line version where Jay Marioti claims that the Sox are too cheap to engage in a true effort to acquire the high priced FA's such as Torii Hunter plus their efforts are amatueristic at best. He questions the Garland trade and says that Reinsdorf will never really spend the money for impact players regrdless of Kenny's bluster. He also doesn't think the Sox will make a serious effort to get Rowand back and that Aaron will end up with the Dodgers. We will probably trade for Crisp because he is cheaper. The 2005 championship is seen as an anomaly at best and we won't have the guns to win or compete. I know he doesn't much like Ozzie, KW or Reinsdorf, but I also wonder about some moves that have been made. Brings up past efforts/years in my mind and I wonder what others think? If the Sox had out bid the Angels for Hunter and Hunter hit .210 you can bet Moronoitti would be all over the Sox for being so stupid as to invest all that money in an aging player. Bob
  6. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2007 -> 11:01 AM) Well, there's about 15 MLB organizations that haven't won a World Series in the last 20+ years that would beg to differ on that analysis. The White Sox fans have been systematically conditioned for so long that we don't feel we deserve a $100 million payroll...or maybe it's because we won in it all with a much lower one. When I heard about the Torii Hunter years and total money, I knew that the money was going to start flying even more crazily than last year...let's face it baseball is flush with cash, it's almost on par with the NFL in terms of profitability. How else can you explain Torii Hunter and Gary Matthews, Jr., making almost $150 million between them? There have been 7 years of mistakes, but the successes like Crede and Buehrle and Rowand...and the smart acquisitions going into 2005, that's what did it for us. If you think about it, Durham/Ordonez/Caballo had already been jettisoned for basically NOTHING substantial in return...w/ the exception of Pods in 2005. Yes, you can look at guys like Sweeney, Anderson and Valido and say if two of those three guys were ready...or if Joe Borchard ever became what he was supposed to be, we wouldn't have needed Thome so badly from the LH side, and then we'd still have Rowand, etc. If we had Rowand, then we would have traded away Anderson and a certain D-Backs CFer (Chris B. Young) who's more overhyped than Eric Davis around some parts. When you look at things realistically, Young and McCarthy are still the only two players out there that most fans would like back from our farm system....at least 50% would take them back, I would think, if not more. Dye is not an easily-replaced player. Or Buehrle. Maybe even Konerko. Even if Sweeney hit .280 with 15 homers and 80 RBI's, it wouldn't come close to approximating what JD did in 2005 and 2006. There aren't many organizations that haven't bottomed out that are consistently producing young All-Stars every season. Linebrink was one of, if not THE best, set-up man in baseball over the past five years...not the last couple, but as a composite, at least in the Top 5. After the LH reliever debacle in 2006, Jeff Nelson, seeing Hermanson try to come back, Politte, Cotts, Marte, the likes of Sean Tracey and Agustin Montero and EVERYTHING we suffered through last year...to do nothing BUT HOPE? C'mon, who wouldn't be out there trying to crucify KW for that blunder 3 years in a row? A name that doesn't come up, something that went unnoticed relatively....David Riske. Many claim he's one of the most underrated relievers in the game, and he certainly could have helped settle things down last year. But I still don't think a bullpen of Riske, Luis Vizcaino and El Duque would have got the White Sox to 81 wins the way the offense collapsed last year. MAYBE. But we still wouldn't have been close to the playoffs. I think the team deserves a $100 mill + payroll. But I do think there is a problem if they finish under .500 2 years in a row with that high of a payroll. It's inexcuseable. The issue isn't the money then, it's the GM. As for Crede, Buehrle, etc all those guys have one thing in common, they all came in under the Schueler era. I'm not asking for All Stars every year, but how about productive players. If Sweeneyc ould hit .280 with 15 HR's, I'd take it based on how our OF is now. I would like to invest Dye's money in more starting pitching. Bob
  7. QUOTE(max power @ Nov 22, 2007 -> 09:57 AM) Yeah but that is all 20/20 hindsight bulls***. The fact that we didn't produce a middle reliever isn't the issue because we can't go back in time and make one magically appear. We had to sign one and address the past mistake or not sign one at all. Those were the present options a day ago. Well for starters, I've been bringing up the lack of Sox farm system for years. I'm sure you'll see some repsonses from them here. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out a good farm system helps fill in holes. While I haven't been positng here until recently, I've been at other boards saying the same think and the minor league "experts' have criticized me for it. So, you're right. What's done is done. But the key is for Sox management to learn from their 7 years of mistakes and help prevent this from happening again. The reality is the reason the team has so many holes and was forced into bringing a guy like Dye back is becuase they had nothing in the minors that was major league ready to step in. same thing with Linebrink. A good reliever, but not a top tiered one. So all the years of neglect of the farm system is an issue. And while we can't go back and change it, the Sox damn well better learn something so we're not forced into these corners again. Remember this team still needs a SP, another reliever and 2 OFer's. Oh year, they're also almost maxed out their payroll and are coming off an embarassing 90 loss system. Maybe I haven't been to far off base the last 5-6 years in my critique of KW and his farm system. Or maybe I'[m just sick of just watching the Sox invest money in guys that any good farm system can easily produce. I hope KW has a good plan to fll the rest of these holes, because if this team finishes under .500 with a $100 mill payroll a second year in a row, I'd expect a lot of pissed off people around here. Bob
  8. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 08:27 PM) Hamilton's available? Jesus Christ. I'm sure he isn't really available -- only available in the sense that Hughes is available. I've read that scouts think his body will breakdown faster and he is more susceptible to injury afte abusing his body like he did for all those years. Bob
  9. QUOTE(max power @ Nov 22, 2007 -> 09:20 AM) I think I'd rather have fukodome for 10 mil than rowand for 14. At least I know rowand isn't worth 14. Yep. The sox want OBP guys and Fukodome is it. Rowand has had 2 great years out of all his time in the majors. Fukodome is a much better deal to play LF and bat lead off. The Sox better go hard after him, but then again he isn't a big name. Bob
  10. QUOTE(R.J. @ Nov 22, 2007 -> 01:44 AM) After all of this talk from Kenny about going out and getting the BIG NAMES and puffing out his chest, this really does seem to make him look like a jerk. The only other BIG NAME out there that would fit on this team is Andruw Jones, and I don't see us breaking the Boras Code to negotiate with him. It is such a thin, thin free agent market that spending top dollar on most of the guys who are left would be foolish. I think this move gives the Angels the freedom to move Vlad to DH, if not now, soon. With all of the talk of trying to get Miguel Cabrera swirling around, I think the Angels are actually looking to make a move for Miguel Tejada, who would probably be cheaper. Why do we need a big name? Bob
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Nov 22, 2007 -> 09:44 AM) http://www.baseball-reference.com/l/linebsc01.shtml good career numbers and he pitched better with MIL in the 2nd half last year in a hitter friendly ball-park. The bullpen was a complete disaster last year outside of Jenks. KW signed a quality reliver, for in this market, a reasonable contract. I think it's a good move. I don't like it. This move was made basically because of the poor state of the Sox farm system. Linebrink has been good, but I believe in the theory that middle relievers are usually hit or miss any given year. $5 mill per year (roughly) for 5 years is crazy. If the Sox had built any sort of farm system the last 7 years under KW, then this signing wouldn't have been necessary. While I think he will be decewnt for a year or 2, I don't think he will be the reliver he was for San Diego. But again, this is what happens when a team can't produce a middle reliever in a farm system. And the team right now has enough holes that the $5 mill per year could have been used elsewhere to help fill one of those, but that's only if we had a farm system. Bob
  12. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Nov 17, 2007 -> 08:39 AM) Hopefully he is the first of many since more teams than the White Sox are shying away from dealing with him. It's about time teams woke up and stopped being jerked around by this guy. If I were the Yankees, after Boras said it would take a $350 mill offer to talk to him I would have told A-Rod to kiss off and also told Boras not to bother calling the next time he had a big FA to offer around to be overpaid. Bob
  13. QUOTE(Linnwood @ Nov 15, 2007 -> 05:33 PM) I can't really blame them. Every home game is sold out, and their customers have demonstrated that they are more than willing to pay higher prices, since a very large number of tickets are being resold at a higher price. I don't blame them either, I'm just surprised the fans keep paying to see them. Bob
  14. Interesting read in the Daily Herald today. I'm surprised it wasn't posted as it is interesting even if it involves the Cubs. http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=77028 PT Barnum was right about suckers. Bob
  15. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Nov 14, 2007 -> 03:32 PM) The yankmees are where the money is that's for sure. Booras made ammistake by suggesting to A-Rod to opt out of a$25M a year contract. Now I see the Yanks don't want Booras in the same room with A-Rod when negotiating. Kind of like rubbing his face in it maybe before they take him back Boras will still get his commission. There's one thing I don't get. I realize Boras represents some of the most talented players in baseball, but why do teams still deal with him. What teams has he not pissed off? I don't blame the Sox for not dealing with him. His ethics are sometimes questionable and he's an ego maniac. If I were the Yankees, I wouldn't deal with him and his clients anymore. Same thing wtih the Dodgers last year. One day Colletti wakes up and realizes he loses Drew. Why even bother dealing with a guy who does busniess that way? Eventually if a enough teams shut their doors on him, he will lose those high profile clients.And I'm not suggesting collusion, but I'm surprised certain owners put up with all his crap. Bob
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 10:35 PM) Well, there's always the question...how do we know they're not? He didn't declare as a FA until yesterday either, so no one could really negotiate with him until now. And I think pretty much everything with him has been speculation so far. Well hopefully they're going after him and hard. Worst case is drive the price up for the Cubs who are the likely frontrunners. Best case is we found our lead off hitter and LFer. Go dump Contreras, trade Garland for a good CFer and good reliever and sign the Japanese reliever and I'd feel a lot more comfortable about this team. Bob
  17. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 11:04 AM) Why can't we have an EXTEND Garland scenario ? Because appearantly KW thinks Hunter is worth $70 mill over the next 5 years. Bob
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 12, 2007 -> 10:30 PM) I want Fukudome damn it. Me too. He's cheaper then hunter and fulfills a need of a guy who can get on base and not strike out a lot. I'm surprised the Sox aren't pushing harder for him. Bob
  19. QUOTE(rockren @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 09:08 AM) That doesn't surprise me that Boras would cry about this. I'm just waiting for Boras to comment about Miggy's weight because Miggy being available only hurts ARod's price tag. Boras needs to get a clue. Set the price tag at 350 million and see you offend anyone....tool. I hatae Boras, but he doesn't need to get a clue as much as the dumb owner who gives A-Rod anything longer then a 5 year contract. Why any team wants to tie up their payroll to a guy who at the end of the contract is going to be over 40 is beyond me. But some moron will do it. Bob
  20. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 09:03 PM) Certainly, there are exceptions to everything but I don't feel "comfortable" having a right-hander in my bullpen who doesn't have much more to his repoitoire than work ethic and delivery-deception. It beats power pitchers who are known to throw one pitch that seems to come in pretty straight and once in awhile hits the strike zone. Bob
  21. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 08:07 PM) Give up anyone and everyone in order to get him. Why? He's great now. But he's also getting fatter and lazier. Is this the make of a 'championship player' that KW speaks about. I predict he has montster years until he signs that huge FA contract as some team will be suckered and bamboozled into. Then he goes into a steady decline. They say he has a poor attitude and the fact that he's getting fatter every year is cause for concern IMHO. Bob
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 4, 2007 -> 07:51 AM) How does a player become overrated in the fan's eyes? Reading over a few threads it occurs to me that most of the overrated stuff starts with fans. Of course the teams needs to hype that "these kids can play" so they probably shoulder some of the blame. Media is the numbe 1 culprit. Listening to Sox brass. Having a hard nosed player diving for balls, running through fences and beind a fan favorite also helps. In this case see Aaron Rowand. Bob
  23. gosox41


    QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Nov 3, 2007 -> 06:48 PM) What's the consensus on trading Crede, are people for it or against it? I don't know if I like it, he's been with the team for a while now, so personally I'd hate to see him go, but if this trade helps out this team, then I'd be more apt to agree on the trade. If these are Crede's last days here, then I have to say I appreciate everything he's done for this team, his clutch hitting at the end, his great defense, and his power numbers. If Crede is traded, who plays LF? Bob
  24. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 10:26 PM) In hindsight, I'm not sure they're complaining. Maybe not, but at the time the Dodgers were pissed that Boras did what he did. One would think it would be bad busniess for Boras to go pissing off the teams he negotiates with like that. It may have worked out, but do the Dodgers want to do business with a guy like that again? I know I wouldn't if I had gotten screwed over. And it's not even all about Drew opting out. It's the fact that it came as a complete shock to the Dodgers. I would think that would piss them off more, the fact that it happened without warning. Drew had the legal right to break the contract. Bob
  25. QUOTE(gosox41 @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 10:22 PM) like one report said that arod could get part ownership of a team. I could see something like that in deferred money.. I think there's a rule about players not being allowed to be ownes of a team. Bob
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