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Everything posted by BaseballNick

  1. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 10, 2007 -> 05:49 AM) I think its kind of funny that people get all worked up when Ozzie or Kenny say these sorts of things. What do you expect them to say? My guys suck?! Heck, if anything, this tells me its likely that one of Danks or Floyd might get moved in a trade. No kidding. Kenny just can't win with anybody. He says he's confident in his guys and he gets bashed? What's he supposed to say?! Can you imagine the reaction he'd get if he said he's really worried about the team he's assembled and didn't think any of his guys would pan out?
  2. QUOTE(max power @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 04:54 PM) Yeah they have a great line up. So a great lineup and a questionable pitching staff is all you need to be a lock for the playoffs? I'm not drinking detroit's kool aid. Verlander, Bonderman, Kenny "the cheat" Rogers, Nate Robertson and D-train Willis is a questionable staff? Hardly as questionable as one with Jose Contreras, Gavin Floyd and Jon Danks in it. You have to admit that. I wouldn't say they have a better staff than Cleveland, but certainly better than ours (at the moment). I'm not about to award the AL Central to the Tigers just yet. They have to go out and earn it. I'm sure many of us thought the Bears were locks to win the NFC North too...how's that panning out?
  3. QUOTE(ChiSox35 @ Dec 8, 2007 -> 01:56 PM) I thought there were already whispers about Roberts and Performance Enhancers in the past. No? I think it just comes with the territory these days. When a player's numbers increase like that so quickly and seemingly out of nowhere, it's easy to assume he did so by cheating.
  4. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 03:24 PM) I third that. I would have been damn happy if we got Jones on this contract. He stikes out too much and we only have $0.50.
  5. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 10:21 AM) i guess those are great moves than meche, guillen, silva for 10+mil a year. They may turn out to be great moves. They already had one solid season out of Meche, so who knows? Plus, to attract FAs in KC, you have to spend crazy money. You don't hear any FAs saying they'll take less to play in KC because they have a great chance to win a World Series. I applaud them...for once. They're finally going about it the right way. You spend money...you win games...you generate excitement...you draw fans.
  6. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 08:33 AM) This ain't the California Penal League Haha! "We wear caps and sleeves at this level, son!"
  7. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 09:04 AM) Last I heard KC had an offer to Rowand (I have no idea what it was) and Texas was looking for a CF before. Other than that maybe Philly is interested in Rowand still, but it sounded like the price was too high for them. I guess that could always change. KC was in on Fukudome too. We're being outspent by the Kansas City Royals. Yes, those Royals.
  8. QUOTE(quickman @ Dec 4, 2007 -> 07:03 PM) well Tony, now that he lost out on cabrera and Hunter I assume he is on to plan C. That again is an example of misreading things. I think its his job to figure this stuff out, and he is being out smarted by otehr GM's. At this point with what is out there I just don't think we can compete unless we fully open up the bank roll and buy the stuff we need. Even the stuff below will not win over the Tigers but if the sox parted with money instead of playing like we are the royals then here is what I would like to see. Sign andrew Jones - Play him in center Sign fukomdome - Play him in left trade for ryan freel- Play him at second and lead off or he can help play the oufield as a backup. Sign or trade for a veteran number 4 or 5 starter, as a back up to your kid pitchers. Trade Crede and uribe and focus on bullpen arms in return. There's no way we're spending that kind of money. Not happening.
  9. Granderson CF Renteria SS Cabrera 3B Sheffield DH Ordonez RF Guillen 1B Polanco 2B Jones LF WOW!
  10. Rotoworld is reporting that the Detroit-Florida deal may just be posturing on the part of the Marlins to get LAA involved again. Detroit doesn't want to part with Maybin.
  11. Rios is a stud, and he wouldn't come cheap. I think he missed a good amount of time last year with a staph infection too...something to take into consideration.
  12. For what it's worth, KW was quoted as saying he's leaning more towards free agency than a trade to land his next piece (which has to be a CF). Not to mention, he hasn't spent a dime of the money that was going to go to Hunter.
  13. Does STL have someone to take Rolen's place if he's dealt?
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 10:14 PM) I think Crede will be on the Phillies within the next 48 hours. They don't have much to give to us though, as I can't see the Sox going after Burrell now. We're about due for a trade with the Phils.
  15. Harden is amazing when healthy. Too bad the guy is made of glass. He's like the Canadian version of Mark Prior.
  16. Ken Rosenthal reported that the Angels and Marlins have agreed on three of the four players that would be headed to Miami, but they are a little caught up on the fourth. He says the White Sox and Giants are the other two teams in the mix right now, and both would love to come in a steal Cabrera from the Angels during the winter meetings. It doesn't appear likely, but stranger things have happened. I was just thinking, if Kenny makes this deal, there's a good chance that Birmingham and Charlotte both go winless in '08. That being said, I really don't care what our farm does, as long as the White Sox are competitive and have a chance to win in October. Go make it happen KW.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 1, 2007 -> 05:49 PM) He was hurt being thrown to the ground by his coach to keep him away from an umpire. Let me repeat that, in case you didn't get it the first time: He was hurt being thrown to the ground by his coach to keep him away from an umpire. True. Although, to be fair, the umpire started the argument and kept jawing at Bradley until he erupted. The umpire was then suspended for the remainder of the season. Looks like this one wasn't on Bradley (for once).
  18. QUOTE(RudyLawRules @ Nov 30, 2007 -> 08:43 AM) I wonder what we'd have to give up for Bay. He had an off season last year by all accounts as he was on the verge of becoming a stud based on 2004-2006. Only makes $3.5M for now. I'm sure the asking price is high for J-Bay. I like the idea of adding a left handed hitter via free agency as opposed to giving up young talent in a trade for Bay. Given the team's current standing, I think it makes a lot more sense to go after Fukudome even if he's more expensive.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 10:49 PM) Sox aren't pursuing Fukodome. Teams have basically given up on the idea of him playing in CF. Rotowire.com says otherwise. Link
  20. QUOTE(Dan Pasqua's Rec Specs @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 03:33 PM) started inside and leaked outside it was passed on from a number of people and got to me. When i heard who it came from it did not sound so far fetched. But im sure many of you think im bs (so be it), but i believe its gonna happen before the meetings. I heard it from a chain of people. but these people seem quite reliable. We could sure use him, so I hope you and your source are right.
  21. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 03:22 PM) sources? multiple? Inside the organization, or otherwise? Sorry for the questions, but I'm very curious. That would be big news, obviously. And this is kind of out of the blue. I'm going out on a limb and saying that his source is not Joe Cowley.
  22. QUOTE(iamshack @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 11:19 AM) And Gio...when are the durability questions going to start to subside with this kid? Has he ever been significantly injured yet in his minor league career? And since when does a guy who k's 185 in 150IP with a better than 3:1 k/BB ratio not equal a very solid prospect, especially considering he just turned 22? And why is Nick Adenhart, who is admittedly 11 months younger but whose numbers weren't nearly as dominant a stud prospect (116 k's in 153 IP and less than a 2:1 k/BB ratio)? I just don't understand that. I really want them to hang onto this kid. I can handle losing him in a Crawford (not likely since Young was traded) or Cabrera trade, but Gio seems like the real deal, and I want him pitching for the Sox real soon. I can see Kenny wanting to bring in a big-time player at the winter meetings to make everyone forget about the Hunter snubbing, and Gio is going to be the guy on every team's wish list (and rightfully so).
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 09:22 PM) KW thought he would get Hunter, plain and simple. Also, Orlando Cabrera is in his walk year, and sounds like he has no intention of resigning with the Sox before the season. Cabrera > Uribe talent-wise and attitude-wise. This team was in such desperate need of leadership, it was sickening. I always thought that aspect of the game was overrated until I witnessed last year's team. Linebrink > The crap we threw out there last year. That too is plain and simple. Also, KW had zero intent on resigning JG with the likes of Gio, Broadway, Floyd, etc. looming at 2.5% of JG's salary. Cabrera being signed to an extension is much more likely, seeing as we have no legit prospects ready to step in at SS.
  24. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 08:44 PM) Sure he does. Too bad he's down to option "E" at every position. Why is everyone having a hissy fit? It's November; not April. The second round of GM meetings hasn't even started yet! If you really think we should have outbid LAA and given Hunter somewhere around $100million then there's exhibit A as to why you're not the GM of this team. KW already added two pretty good players at the expense of a pitcher who was unspectacular (10-13) last year, in the walk year of his contract, and who publicly admitted that he has a knot in his shoulder which bothers him when he throws. Pitchers who have shoulder issues and who have logged 850IPs over the last four seasons are an extended DL stint waiting to happen.
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