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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. Jeez, this thread is actually pretty interesting, lets try and talk about that and not piss all over each other. I was hoping for some good discussion about what KW said, because I think it's pretty damn clear that he's tired of Ozzie's mouth, and if Ozzie doesn't stop making the organization look like chickens***, he's going to make a change regardless of the team's performance. I heard KW's interview on WSCR the other night, and he sounded like a tired man: tired of defending Ozzie, tired of hearing his mouth go off. He said that he loved Ozzie like a brother, but that Ozzie is walking down a path of ruin. I think KW is the only man Ozzie respects enough in the organization (him and JR maybe) to listen to, and an intervention is needed. Ozzie's interview about "getting nasty with the media" and refusing to go to sensitive training just confirms that fact.
  2. 35 guests? TIGERS FANS: Register! We won't bite!
  3. Your head is the sand man. Their DER is .725! Easily, the best in the league. The Sox are 2nd at .710. They are a VERY good defensive team.
  4. Look up the stats Ndgt10, the Tiger's are far and away the best at run prevention in the league, and their defensive efficiency ranking is right there at the top as well. I'm not saying they are going to win at a .660 clip the rest of the year, but they aren't going away. I'ts almost July and they've proven they aren't a fluke. I'm happy, it means the wild card will likely come from the AL Central, no more Yankees and Red Sox.
  5. That's the sort of statement that will come back to bite us in the ass. Tigers are a solid club, and they remind me a lot of the Sox last year: average offense, but lights out pitching and defense, not to mention the whole "charmed" thing. They can go .500 from here on out and win 94 games. That's a pretty damn sure bet for 94 wins.
  6. Yea, we should just not count these games against the NL. Actually, we should just count them as losses.
  7. Although Borchard is having a decent season as a 4th outfielder and would have been much better than keeping Gload around, this was a trade that worked out very, very well. I give most of the credit to Cooper though. Obviously he told KW he saw some mechanical issues that he could work with Thornton on, and Cooper was absolutely right--at least so far.
  8. Where the hell is that one guy with the "Crede sucks at defense" posts. Crede did suck at defense today, and for once, his posts would be semi justified.
  9. Thornton is really working ahead in the count, I love it. Coops mentality has really rubbed off on him.
  10. Eh, that was actually a good AB from Juan, he got ahead in the count and drilled his pitch right up the middle. Just a good defensive play to get him.
  11. Hopefully Thornton stays out there, I have a good amoung of confidence in him right now, which is amazing considering where he was at last season.
  12. DAMN, Uribe robbed, good job by Qualls to get some leather on that scorcher
  13. Great job by Thornton, he showed no fear there. He went right after Berkman with 4 97 MPH fastballs, THAT'S HOW YOU ATTACK THE HITTER!
  14. I'm scared everytime a ball is hit to center. BA can't get back soon enough. And RISKE is looking like a very solid pickup.
  15. King Felix got lit up againt last night, 11 hits in under 6 innings. I'm about to go over to USSMARINER and see what they think.
  16. I do think the low average, high OBP, high K slugger gets underated by the "casual" fan. If a player goes .248/365/510 and puts up say--and OPS + of 125 with little speed and lots of K's, the casual fan will think he's a bum, even if he puts up 30 HR and 95 RBI.
  17. Wow, too bad that asshole totally ruined this thread. I came here looking for Tiger rumors, and instead walked away with a mouthful of piss and vinegar from this idiot.
  18. Well, the DH plays a large role. Although the NL is clearly the weaker league.
  19. It's great that all the young pitching talent cannot be horded by the larger payroll teams. Nor, are they necessarily good at finding it. Hopefully this continues to swing the balance towards the middle market but well managed teams--like the Sox last year.
  20. Yep. I remember looking up his stats this past offseason and doing a doubletake. I looked them up to compare him to Buehrle, and I have to say--from the stats--Zambrano is the better pitcher. Could just be the weak ass NL though.
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