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Everything posted by toasty

  1. toasty


    dunno.... i think one guilllen on the team is enough, tho $$ saving would be nice
  2. toasty


    the sox can not sign him till may, but no rule about aquring via trade... you see a fair amount of sign and trade deals now and then
  3. toasty


    saw this on wsi, cant decide what to think
  4. toasty


    anybody heard anything about whether j nelson will be back in ny in '04 or is available?
  5. toasty


    look @ the main page of mlb.com.... mike cameron looks like YODA!!!!!
  6. toasty


    where is this post that says we offered eddie a contract???
  7. toasty


    soriano is crap.... leave him be in ny or somewhere else.... if youre gonna give up maggs, get s player that is at least more decent, pitching even
  8. Do you guys think the sox do not remember not being able to sign weaver out of the draft? boras is his agent and we could not sign him, so he ended up in detroit... we dont need his crap
  9. I am pretty sure that NY has an option to pick up wells contract for 04, doubtful
  10. If Texas stumbles this year, I expect a-rod to be available, plus i think he likes JR too
  11. Weaver--ick ...... Boras agent, if you recall, the sox drafted weaver but couldnt sign him, that is how he ended up in detroit.... he's not been solid at all in new york, but perhaps that is only a new york thing, too much spotlight...
  12. toasty


    I think Franklin might be a value pickup, if infact he is a fa
  13. who would you rather give up: konerko or maggs? if you give up konerko, that ofsets magg's increase in salary...
  14. toasty


    hmmm.... wouldnt the free agent by the name of randy johnson be nice?
  15. toasty


    I am not at all impressed with ponson's performance in SF in the second half.... call it the NL difference if you want, but im not convinced he's the answer.... and no, freddy garcia is not either.... is there a list of the potential free agents this year up anywhere yet???
  16. the only guy on the team this year that made strides forward is clee, and maybe frank if youre generous.... but i want frank, i want maggs, i want buehrle the rest can go if they must....
  17. toasty


    guess it would depend on if cameron saw it as business or just personal crappage... if the sox cant keep colon, then i could see them signing a fa pitcher...and as nice as pettite might be, his stock is thru the roof and we wont pay for him... so be ready for a mid level pitcher, and having more cash for position players.
  18. toasty


    Did I hear someone say mike cameron is a fa this year? he hits very very well at the cell, wonder if he might consider signing back with chicago??
  19. gordon wont be back unless kotch is traded, gordon wants to close.... and for all of you wanting to give up maggs, what are you thinkin? if payroll has to go, sad to say, let paulie go buh bye... maggs is flagship behind frank....
  20. Appier was 1-2 with a 4.26 ERA in four starts with the Royals. yeah.... really worth it
  21. Serves KC right for trying to use washed up Appier... http://kansascity.royals.mlb.com/NASApp/ml...t=.jsp&c_id=kca
  22. As heard on ESPN1000, Bruce Levine stating that Jose Paniagua is going to be observed/examined by sox execs in the dominican, if they see what they like, they must get him a visa then will put him in charlotte for a few days and then get him to Chicago.... more pen help but i dont know that its that good ?
  23. i wonder if bud came in and killed the deal. if bud wasnt gonna come in and kill trades like the reds were making to just get cash, then he wouldnt have touched a vasquez deal
  24. poor schoenweis, his name hardly fits on his jersey
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