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Bubba Philips

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Everything posted by Bubba Philips

  1. QUOTE (StatManDu @ Jun 4, 2011 -> 09:41 AM) BROOMING THE BRONX BOMBERS 1972: Dick Allen’s three-run pinch-hit walkoff homer handed the White Sox a sweep-clinching 5-4 win over the Yankees in Game 2 of a doubleheader before a Bat Day crowd of 51,904 at Comiskey Park. The blast made a winner out of Cy Acosta, who pitched a scoreless top of the ninth in his big league debut. In the opener, the Sox rode a four-run third -- thanks to two-RBIs each by Mike Andrews and Carlos May -- to a 6-1 win. Tom Bradley gave up one run on six hits with one walk and eight strikeouts in a complete game effort to improve to 6-2. 51,904 wow what a crowd. Did they come to see the yankees or was it Dick Allen. Allen whenever he came to t the plate you better not be anyplace except in your seat eyes fixed on him. There was never a sox player that whose presense in the batter box could create so much hope and anticipation. If he didn't come through we didn't fault him. It was God's own will. You knew there was no one that you, a sox fan, would rather see in a clutch situation.
  2. QUOTE (forrestg @ Jun 3, 2011 -> 08:50 PM) dunn a hit Dunn starting to have a swagger.
  3. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jun 3, 2011 -> 08:48 PM) Brent for president!! dunn a hit
  4. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 07:51 PM) I can't believe anyone would group Masterson with Declarmen. Both were highly thought of back then, but I gotta assume Masterson was on a higher level. Injury concerns or not, masterson for Dye would have been awesome! Does Declarmen still throw in the mid to high 90s? If so, he'd be worth the risk. An old saying when 2 fools meet one for offering and the other for not taking the offer.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 07:33 AM) Black Jack ranks up there with Buehrle as guys who got by on an amazing amount of nights with no stuff, but still found ways to win. He was tough as nails. Can a starting pitcher rally his position players of a game he's pitching to give him enough run support? Blackjack seemed to inspire his teammate to supplant his pitching miscues with amazing run support.
  6. QUOTE (ChrisLikesBaseball @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 02:14 PM) I hear Brian Anderson is available. you know baseball players are a lot like a box of chocolates..... you never know what you're going to get.
  7. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 10:52 AM) forrestg must truly stand for Forrest Gump.g Yes, it does I wore braces and then one day while I was running my braces seem to fall off. Later, I joined the army, started playing table tennis so well that I toured china. I played so well that I was recognized by the president.
  8. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 10:25 AM) I remember him cutting off a ball in right center, spinning, and gunning a guy out at second. That is the only thing I remember about his play in center. alexei was looking to play somewhere everyday. This description of his fielding was perfect. All kinds of stories surround the Cuban players. I don't remember the pitching but wan't it before we got Dayan that there was rumors or reports that he also pitched in Cuba.
  9. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 10:12 AM) I'm more interested in what is going on in the bolded section than the content of the post. Sorry about the non editting. I know Alexei is one of the best shortstops in the mlb . I just wanted someone to help recall how well he played center.
  10. When Alexei came up does anyone remember him playing centerfield. If my memory serves me right he made some unique plays in center. I thought he did ok. I'm sure no one on the team could play short as well unless it would be Visquel. Can anyone else remember the few times he was trotted out to center? m in aI'd like to see him in another game at that position. We play Rios a lot because we don't have another true centerfielder.
  11. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 09:22 AM) That's what I would have guessed, but I didn't remember. Thanks. maglio had this secret surgery on his knee that he and his agent Boras, wouldn't discuss any medical details with whitesox management. Eventually maglio signed with Detroit for more money than the sox offered.
  12. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 12:38 AM) That Javy Vazquez trade looks better and better. This new power hitter Lillibridge is really showing something. When I went to spring training this spring I spent a lot of time on the practice fields. For instance i saw Cora throw a 5 gallon bucket of balls one at a time in the dirt at Paulie. I guess this is why Paulie is so good at scooping them bad throws in the dirt. I saw Quentin working to improve his timing and leg kick with Greg walker. Another was watching Lillibridge, He seemed to have total concentration and do more than was mandated by every drill. He seem to work on perfection doing more than other players thought was neccessary. Of course at that time he didn't even know if he would make the 25 man roster. I liked his work ethic.
  13. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 08:42 AM) Well I can think of two big-time guys he played with. One was known as the Horse and one had a mysterious surgery in Vienna. I could name others I was suspicious of, too, but the list would be long. Also this further anoints Frank as my favorite player of all-time. Man I really am gonna try to get out to Cooperstown when he is inducted. Not only a clean guy, but such a good person. Never in trouble outside of baseball. "had a lot of teammates involved in steroids" before reading this article I thought it would contain info linking him to steroids not what we all believed that Frank was clean. The article and interview explains that others may have but Frank was beyond reproach when it came to steroids.
  14. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 10:41 AM) Dunn 3 HR day Can he hit some opposite field high flys over the monster. Or some cheap home runs in right field. I'd love to see Dunn have an awesome night. I do however realize that Wakefield is pitching. In the past I think as a team we have done well. I know Konerko hits him well enough. Can Dunn and others hit the knuckler. If so we can sweep!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 10:33 AM) Where are you getting that from? I once thought Contreras while witht the sox would be good in the pen. Now he is doing it . I can't verfy any of this but just watching him on the mound, Jackson seems to lose concentration after a few innings. He might be alright if he went out for shorter periods, relief. He may be able to throw harder or use his off speed stuff if he has to do it for a shorter time. I think this would be a good move.
  16. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ May 31, 2011 -> 03:31 PM) He got Tyler Flowers, Brent Lillibridge, and Jon Gilmore. That was not a bad trade at all. Swisher trade(s) though, ouch. me as far as the Swisher deal. In New York he has been an asset. Shouldn't some of the blame for this be Ozzie for not using dirty 30 in roles that were not suitable to his talents. Centerfield, lead off. Ozzie may have had little choice to play him where he was without a true lead off hitter and his thoughts at the time was good obp would suffice and center field he was our best choice at the time.
  17. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ May 31, 2011 -> 05:29 PM) His 2010 season (his first full season) was the best season from a Sox CF in a long time. How you can say "we've won nothing with him" is a bit ridiculous. Is he overpaid? Of course, but give me Rios over the slew of crap we've trotted out there the last 5 years any day. We put out anything to avoid acquiring a real centerfielder. Then we acquired Rios , he can field but presently his woodworking is not even mediocre. My point was, you can't claim that the Dunn signing is a bust because his contract is "technically" worth -3.95 million right now without also believing he will do that for the next 3.5 years as well. If you think its a bust, then you must also think he will hit like this for the next 4 years. When I first saw that we go Dunn I thought the nl to al would not be an easy one. I only had a feeling that .259 30hr 100 rbis would not be as easy. Can he get better? He has far to go. Teahen who everone says can't field his position might be better at the dh spot.
  18. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ May 31, 2011 -> 04:20 PM) So you believe Dunn will hit .190 for the remainder of the contract? I would hope not but we're not seeing a 17 million dollar product presently.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 31, 2011 -> 03:48 PM) I thought reckless meant "below market value"? 17 million contract dollar contract current value 500,000 dollar est.
  20. QUOTE (sin city sox fan @ May 30, 2011 -> 09:18 PM) Are Matt's pitches here really as high as they are showing on mlb gameday? Matt seems to not have a strike out pitch he can dependon got lucky on that one to crwford.
  21. QUOTE (T R U @ May 30, 2011 -> 01:55 PM) finally, were making moves Guesssing more moves to come.
  22. QUOTE (SpainSOXfan09 @ May 29, 2011 -> 04:46 PM) If he completely and utterly tanks this season he should be a decent person and void this contract for his sake and the fans. I'm sure Dunn is feeling bad about his performance but will he void his contract. Has any baseball player voided his contract since Curt Flood's case? Or even if he wanted to the player's union would step in to make sure he gets all of his 54 million.
  23. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 29, 2011 -> 03:57 PM) He's made it more than a third of the way through the season without recording a single hit against a lefty. It's a legitimate possibility. My expectation is that Dunn will continue to cash his checks until his contract ends. His hitting will not be effected one way or another by the crowds booing. Dunn held out for more money and KW gave him what he wanted. Who is at fault?
  24. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ May 29, 2011 -> 01:24 PM) That Jeff Gray move looks even more odd as he was doing exactly what they wanted Pena to do. Now the Sox are saying they are not happy with Pena when he has been ineffective for over two years. Athletes are often judged by their reaction times. However; coaches, managers ,general mangers can can take as long as they want to make decisions.
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