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Bubba Philips

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Everything posted by Bubba Philips

  1. QUOTE (ChiSox420* @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 02:16 PM) Make sure someone tells Freddy how "big" the game on Tuesday really is... have faith in freddy! good luck
  2. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 07:56 AM) Hawk is the mouthpiece for the organization, and you could tell he is disgusted with Alexei in the field. Not his ability, but his mental approach. He sees Alexei takes some plays off and last night non chalanted a ball to first on a routine grounder, making the play very close. Konerko has probably saved him between 5 and 10 errors on throws in the dirt. The mistakes he is making aren't due to a lack of experience at the position, but are due to not being mentally involved in the game, which for a SS, is brutal. Last year, Ramirez seemed like a real clever baseball player. Now, at least defensively, he's all flash and no substance. Hawk digs on him vaguely almost daily now. It makes me think he better pull his head out of his ass quickly if he wants to remain the White Sox SS. I'm sure they have talked with him and probably tried a lot of different things to get his head in the game on defense, but it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe his success has gone to his head. Alexei play on the throwout to second was a play only alexei could've made. A play last night involved ALexei taking a throw to the shortstop side of second base but with Alexei's long arms he swept his arm to get a tag down for a throwout by ajp. He's not all bad.
  3. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 06:50 AM) Im not sold, mainly because Contreras has shown complete inability to recover from any sort of error on the field and in the later innings he would have to pitch over mistakes in order to keep the Sox in the game. And I am not saying Linebrink is any better, because he has not been good at all. I've thought this before Contreras doesn't have the concentration to be a starting pitcher. I believe he can be dominating for a couple of innings but Contreras takes a long time to warm up. SO in a pinch he might not be ready exactly when we nned him.
  4. QUOTE (beck72 @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 09:28 AM) That the sox sent Hahn and company to watch hudson pitch, I could see him getting a start very soon. They must be pretty confident that he could be successful. Then, depending on how he threw, as well as Freddy, Jose may be AAA bound. Jose has to get some consistency. He likely won't get that in the bullpen. Success in trhe minors doesn't necessarily mean success at the big league level, cotts. In Cotts defense, we took him out of birmingham and he never developed a third or fourth pitch. Cotts had fits of brilliance in 05. Hudson might be the real thing. Bring him up Jose doesn't look good at all. However; Jose is totally unpredictable, remember when we thought he was through before and then reeled out what was it 10 in a row. I think that was with the help of El Duque. THe bronze titan still has the talent, I think we should call Elduque up to be an assistant pitching coach just to help with our once great Contreras. Because as it goes presently Jose is way too inconsistent.
  5. QUOTE (SockMe @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 12:47 AM) anything is better then Jose, get him up here! billy koch was not better than jose
  6. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 12:54 PM) an incredibly bad, bankrupt situation. One blue jay message site one persons suggested the sox are just blocking detroit or keeping the tigers from getting him.
  7. Maybe, we won't have to make predictions. I'm just wondering how much more THome has to prove. He might retire. that would be a possibility.
  8. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 03:47 PM) It seems to me that it's becoming more and more clear that Thome will be the guy sticking around next year. Dye will probably be offered arbitration, if it's possible to do so, and allowed to walk. I can't say I disagree with the decision, as we are going to need some power from the left side and Thome doesn't seem to have quite fallen apart yet. I'd miss Dye, but I'd also miss Thome if he left. One of them has to go if this trade happens, though. arb would give Jermain no less thatn 9.75 million . That is his salary plus the maximum 25% off his 2009 salary. Jermaine is great but is that number doable for both the sox and Jermaine? what would it take to keep Jermaine?
  9. QUOTE (heirdog @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 11:11 PM) Gordon Beckham impresses while loading generic corn flakes into a box, mid-shift call up replacing Josh Fields on Saltines likely. The lady with her mouth open is thinking ,"Yes, I believe in you, the generic cereal boxes you are packing will result in miracle to whoever eats the cereal or touches the box" She then says aloud, "I believe in you, will you bless me, I am your servant forever."
  10. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 12:19 AM) We need lefties. All this talk about trades for Rios, sounds good but for every player you mentioned in a trade I believe must go through waivers also and can be claimed by any other team in reverse order. What the Blue Jays could do is contribute some money like we received for Thome. I doubt if they have to much to give but 1 or 2 million a year would lighten the load for the sox. In the Arod the Yankees were not allowed to renogiate his contract if it was less than what he was making. Getting a bonafide, real cf would make us complete. Please correct me if I'm wrong about Waivers. But say we put Pods on waivers any team with a worse 2008 win and loss can claim him. Pods could be claimed by any al team with a higher reverse Ranking from 2008 than the Blue jays.
  11. QUOTE (bighurt4life @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 12:29 PM) well put. I'm not worried about him at all. it takes a while to get the timing back on your swing and get comfortable in the batters box after a long layoff. if he still struggles a few weeks down the road then maybe we have to worry a bit. When TCQ was in his groove last year I liked the way his short quick swing produced a well placed single in RBI situations. Last year when I watched him I thought before his injuries that he could easily hit for a high average as well as power number. He was in the running for rbis and home runs I think that in a good year with everything healed I think he could win the triple crown which has not been done for a while. ANOther feat for a whitesox player
  12. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 11:08 AM) Maybe this normal but sometimes I can tell sometime during the game whether our sox or going to win or lose. Last nights ball game looked like a train wreck with Contreras. Lackey looked like he was pitching his normal game. we got some clutch hits and great relief pitching. I'm really beginning to believe in this team even more. I hope Gavin keeps our hopes alive. I would imagine the sox would really go up in the rankings if they took 2 out of 3 or sweep the Angels. These Sox are for real!
  13. QUOTE (rockren @ Aug 2, 2009 -> 12:12 AM) I agree. I'd be shocked if he didn't retire a Twin. Mauer and morneau are an awesome duo, however; Mauer had back issues early this spring. First base seems to be locked up by Morneau so I believe Mauer may end up as a DH. I believe he still should get the big bucks but historically Minnesota is not the team to pay the high dollar. I believe there will be a bidding war for his services.
  14. QUOTE (IamPabloOzuna @ Aug 1, 2009 -> 11:27 PM) against the yankees and cc sabathia no less Sunday afternoon has always have had a lower attendance then say a saturday evening game. We may see a surprising amount of walkups at the turnstyle. I think that sox fans like to see the sox when they are playing well. The casual fan, not the informed one likest to see the sox while they have a chance for a pennant, wildcard, or even the thought of another ring. Unlike the other side of town whose tickets are bought up by scalpers to resell at the beginning of the season.
  15. QUOTE (Felix @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 01:41 PM) I didn't know the first baseman had something to do with the shortstop's range shrinking with age. Even as a Whitesox fan I can't help admiring Gardenhire's tactics as the pyranna's manager. I when watching OC last year I couldn't help thinking that OC and Ozzie weren't always on the same wavelength on what Ozzie wanted deffeensively and offensively and what Oc actually did. Sometimes I think Orlando did his thing. I think that Gardenhire will have trouble tolerating this type of behavior. Just for the fact that the Twins have made it so many years with a manager that knows how to manipulate the players he commands.
  16. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 12:47 PM) I hope we get somebody like Mark Teahen. If we trade for Mark Teahen Kc might accept terms if they were to get a left handed bat back so how about trade Getz. Gordon could move to second with Teahen playing third but many think that Teahen is suspect defensively at 3rd. In that case he might be all right at first then Paulie's 12 million could be saved.
  17. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 08:30 AM) Yea he looked bad after his HR. The Twins announcers actually tossed in a Kirk Gibson comparison. And if Alexei hits the DL Fields could come back up, but if he's just out for a week w/o a DL spot then there's some sort of time limit before Fields could come back up (10 days maybe?) Whats the rule on that someone. If Quentin goes on the DL then Fields can be recalled to replace him? Fields can't be recalled to play 3rd. Otherwise it is 8 more days until he can be recalled? On another subject does anyone think that there will be something in the lineup today that will foretell an upcoming trade?
  18. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 08:03 AM) Armstrong was swinging a very hot bat at the time that Flowers was promoted. They may be trying to deal him, and want to show him to the scouts. while I was at spring training Armstrong hit the best shot . It was a line drive homer crushed. I wished he could be more consistent. I would be glad to see him improve at the plate. Believe me he has the power.
  19. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 12:04 AM) Alfonseca has 6 fingers. The 6th finger does not touch the ball though so not sure how much it helps. From what I've heard and read about Alfonseca none of his other fingers should have touched the baseball either.
  20. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 09:10 AM) The perfect game = HOF argument for me is the same as the 4 HR argument. Mike Cameron hit 4 bombs in a game, but belongs no where near the hall of fame. I believe MB could win 30 games somewhat the same way that Maddox won his just with 15 win seasons consistently. With 10 or 11 seasons. He'd be 41 however; I wouldn't blame him if he walked away from the game before then. Now if he would have about 5, 20 win seasons in that 10 or 11 additional years I think then he could he'd have a better chance of being a hof inductee.
  21. QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Jul 26, 2009 -> 01:32 PM) The Sox don't want to lose him for nothing. They don't want to pay him 6 million again next year. They want to use that money freed up by trading Dotel for someone else. The Sox would have another reliever lined up to take his place first. For example they move Dotel for prospects. They trade the farm for Haren, Halladay, or KW surprise starting pitcher and use Dotel's money to help pay him. Richard moves to the pen. Pena takes over Dotel's role. Haren, Halladay, KW surprise Buehrle Danks Floyd Contreras/Colon/Freddie who ever is healthiest. get rid of dotel however; I won't drive him to the airport. All my sox fans cringe when he gets the bullpen call. When he's good he's very good but when he's not on he is just plain scary as evidenced by the 1.45 whip.
  22. mark could have to give everyone an identical harley like the sox gave Fisk. Then the sox before the game all the sox players with their hogs coud maneuver their choppers around the cell like the shriners do in parades with those go Karts.
  23. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jul 23, 2009 -> 11:59 PM) Ditto. Victor Garate a left handed reliever for the Chatanooga lookouts. Dodgers picked him up in the aaa phase of th e rule 5 draft I think last year. He has great era 41 strikeouts in 38 innings don't know any peripherals pitches but he is from Venezuela. Victor was born in Maracay Venezuela birthplace of Ozzie Guillen. Just a hunch.
  24. QUOTE (YASNY @ Jul 23, 2009 -> 02:52 PM) Right now would be a great time for BA in CF. yasny, it has to be the pr thing. I, myself would like to think that I would like to think it is a personal thing. However; I think that the Nats would exchange Willie Harris for BA. Willie can play centerfield, hits lefty and can run. Still can't hit but with a change of scenery I see no reason why he couldn't raise his average from .235 to say .285 under the tutelage of Greg Walker.
  25. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:16 AM) A lefty that can throw it hard with some semblance of breaking pitches that can't get it done as a starting pitcher. Sounds like JC Romero. me smell an upcoming trade.
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