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Bubba Philips

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Everything posted by Bubba Philips

  1. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 03:00 PM) That goes without saying but you said it I remember Billy Pierce coming off the bech to pinch hit when they needed a left hand batter.
  2. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ May 12, 2010 -> 10:39 AM) I thought I was watching a different game. It doesn't appear there will be any cheap homeruns or strange bounces in that park. That's a nice park. I hated watching games on TV when they were at the baggy dome. When US Cellular opened in 1991, the tigers managed a sweep over the sox . This prompted Sparky Anderson to say "I like that park."
  3. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ May 9, 2010 -> 10:50 PM) I would rather Beckham be sent down in the lineup, not sent down to AAA. I don't think it will help him w/ the breaking ball if he goes to AAA and faces mediocre ones. The only thing I can see a AAA stint doing is boosting his confidence by crushing bad pitching, then again, it may rattle his confidence by losing his job. So, I'd rather he just start hitting out of the 7th or 8th spot. Im sure if we, the fans know he has problem with breaking balls. he's going to get a steady diet from opposing pitchers. Pierre has a .297 obp so 7 out of 10 chance that when beckham is up pierre is in the dugout. He needs to be batting after someone that has a high obp and a base stealer. That would be after Rios
  4. QUOTE (scenario @ May 7, 2010 -> 12:41 PM) Yes. Does anyone remember an incident before the coach was attacker that the fielders especially the outfielders would chase down fans themselves that managed to get on the field. One outfielder said something like they would wail on the intruders.
  5. QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 11:36 PM) Or "blow-up" the team in 2-3 months. When we play a good team with a good pitcher or a newly brought up minor leaguer. Our hitters our lost. No one is having good at bats. I see the same old problems year after year where we strand hitters or can't seem to get on base. Pierre has a good lifetime average but a leadoff man that can't get on base. Then teams like the twins or the rays get the little hits and do the little things that beat us. Why can't we do that? Maybe we should be doing more of the little things, like hitting to the opposite field. It can't be all bad luck. In 05 we played with confidence we made other teams make mistakes > we took advantages of those mistakes. Where is the confidence ?
  6. QUOTE (JorgeFabregas @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 12:41 PM) What? I was talking about the Amazon river. When carlos was hitting in 08 I thought his controllable short swing was great for knocking in runs. It wasn't just the hope runs it was the easy singles and doubles. He seemed to have that short quick swing. He seemed to hit the ball where the opposing team wasn't playing him. Why can't he do that now? Was his eyes or timing that much better then?
  7. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 01:15 AM) The Sox are going to owe raises to Quentin and Danks as well as the escalating contracts of Peavy and Rios, just to name a couple. That $18 mill will vanish in a hurry. Isn't quentin from Sandiego How about the rumor quentin for gonzales.
  8. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 11, 2010 -> 12:00 PM) i think it is safer to say he has no desire to be a dh I was shot down herel last year when I mentioned that JD had a slump when he didn't have a contract for the following year. Last year, he knew he was going to be gone. After he received his contract the last time he started hitting like we knew he could. I like jd I still think he can play. He said in the article he could play first base or the outfield. He never played first even in spring training for as long as he had been with the sox.
  9. QUOTE (tonyho7476 @ Jan 7, 2010 -> 10:42 AM) I'm going for the first time this year...the 19th and 20th...already thinking of getting blackhawks tickets for the 20th...anyway, what's the best hotel to stay at? Any thoughts on a must see place or restaurant? We didn't stay abput 15 20 minutes from camelback, just looked on the net for hotels got one that included breakfast for about 125 which included breakfast. The best entertainment for the buck is to drive to watch the practice games you'd be surprised who you'd meet. Most games are over by 3 something. There is plenty of good resteraunts , you'll see the same names as in illinois. Plus some local favorites. If you need to save some money go to the grocery store and buy snacks. Since most most room have fridges you can eat cheap and still see everything. Oh, Camelback is nice but it is sometimes as fun to see the sox at other parks while you are in AZ. We went to Camelback and 3 other parks. The outfield grass areas are cheap but you can't beat what the up close to the field and players. Players may even talk to you its the greatest.
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 2, 2010 -> 01:21 PM) Is this development private or coming out of the Park Authority money? I don't know where the money is coming from but as for a name for the development how about "White Sox World".
  11. QUOTE (League @ Dec 12, 2009 -> 07:53 PM) They were only a few hundred thousand apart. 09 dj was a bright spot. Most of the time he pitched adequtly,sometime he got shelled. He did pitch well enough to keep us in a lot of games. It was Dj we, fans wanted dj to come in. NOw we'll have to wait since he's non tendered to see what other teams scouts and organizations value him. I guess we'll see in the amount of dollars on his contract if he gets one. I guess it may be true for all non tendered players including Brian Anderson.
  12. QUOTE (hi8is @ Nov 26, 2009 -> 02:52 AM) Very interesting to say the least. Could turn into something cool. Redemption song. The rangers batting coach who couldn't get all the bugs out of JOnes' swing is now the Cubs batting coach. We now get to see if Walker can create some magic in jones' bat. we'' se if Walker is >than Jeramillo.
  13. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Sep 25, 2009 -> 05:28 PM) Texas wants no part of Bradley even if the Cubs pay the freight. Apparently he admitted to taking some games off last year with minor injuries for fear of hurting his stats. That didn't go over very will with Texas' management and players. So yet another Bradley bridge burned. The Cubs are going to get rid of him and SD appears to be the only team admitting at this time any interest. Its laid back atmosphere and low pressure environment is probably the only place where Bradley can last more than a season. I suspect he winds up there, but why they would trade for him, I have no idea. If I'm Towers, I'm making the Cubs pay all but the minimum and give them a garbage prospect or I'm waiting for the eventual release. Its only a matter of time when the trouble in SD will start. He's a guy with a ton of talent, but has let being one of the game's all-time biggest jackasses, and that's saying something because there have been some huge strokes that have been MLB players, ruin his career. We should have a thread someday just listing the games biggest douchebags. As for the proposed trade to start this thread, there is a million times more of a chance Linebrink regains his form than Bradley becoming a decent person and/or teammate. as someone else mentioned that linebrink post all star numbers are bad and have been getting worse. If he could pitch well the first half trade him for anything before the all star break. Then let him go downhill somewhere else. But our luck he'll suck in the first half or if we do trade him just before the all star break. Hell put up great numbers on some other team.
  14. QUOTE (joeynach @ Sep 9, 2009 -> 11:46 PM) Hes old and getting older. When sluggers age they have a tendency to slow down a bit as the innings and games played piles up in the 2nd half. Its not shocking, this is what normal aging sluggers do without steroids and HGH, get used to it. Ill say it again he acted the same way prior to signing an extension with the sox. tell me he didn't mope around. then after he signed he started coming out of his funk. I'd say KW is not going to resign him due to the cost of his contract. Dye is a good guy if Im wrong he needs to get out of his funk for anyone to sign him next year.
  15. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 7, 2009 -> 11:33 PM) Exactly. It's nice to say that in hindsight, but why not say, "if we had traded for Edwin Jackson" and "if Cabrera came back" and Getz, Nix and possibly Beckham never even ended up playing with the Sox this year, particularly Nix and Getz... Well, when KW does sign another LH power hitter (maybe it's Thome for $4-6 million), then we can talk about whether Swisher would be better than that option, keeping in mind his escalating salary...and the fact that Quentin and Swisher in the OF limits where you can have a leadoff man coming from...it basically forces Pods off the team and makes Getz/Nix, Ramirez or Beckham your defacto 2010 OD starter in the 1 hole. Rios is 6'7 and Dye is 6'6. Michael Jordan didn't make it baseball I thought because of his height. When we got Dye I thought he was going to have the same problem as Jordan but Dye has been a very effective hitter that has had occasional slumps. But when he's hot he's hot. I understand that Dye uses a light bat, I believe someone in this forum mentioned that perhaps Rios should have a lighter bat. that may work. It may give him a larger hitting zone. Rwemember short and quick.
  16. QUOTE (knightni @ Sep 6, 2009 -> 10:04 AM) I had a Weeble Tree when I was a little kid. he's getting a gastric bypass when he returns he'll be a svelte 185. He got tire of the jokes so he took to the knife. could be? WHEN HE WAS thinner he could pitch. What would you guys say if he came back thinner, stronger, without any physical limitations. KW's a gambler. I made this scenario up but it is possible. Colon could return in time for spring training.
  17. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 03:23 AM) That's exactly what I'm thinking. Chicago or Cleveland, and we'll be the much more appealing one to Thome. Plus, Thome can draw walks and be as well as hit the long ball. I'll take the guy who can wear down pitchers and then jack one out. I think Thome wants to play one more season. I doubt he'll hit enough homeruns to make it in the top 10 this season but may make top ten list if he plays one more season.
  18. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 28, 2009 -> 07:40 AM) The Marlins signed Hanley to an extension prior to 2008. He makes ~$8M next year and in '11, $15M in '12, $15.5M in '13 and $16M in '14. He also has a NTC. And the Marlins won't be trading him. I understand the allure, but people gotta stop bringing him up. for a dh , thome, dye and Konerko are all slow they bat in the middle of the lineup I think KW will try and find a Dh or other players that can hit for obp and don't clog up the base paths. Ill never guess who KW will find and actually acquire. Contact hitters that are good in the clutch. A white sox player in scoring position with no one out that doesn't score scenario I believe peturbs KW as much or more than it does us.
  19. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 27, 2009 -> 11:52 PM) AJ continues to be my favorite White Sox player. My daughter calls aj "the s*** starter". He's her favorite.
  20. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ Aug 27, 2009 -> 03:34 PM) I hope Dye is gone. Konerko I'm kinda wishy washy on. I would want someone really good to replace him, otherwise, forget it...keep him. Thome, as much as I like the guy and have loved having him slugging homers for the Sox, I want him gone for I think, the betterment of the team. Remembering Dye before he signed his last contract. Did he not just mope around and then after he signed he got out of his funk. Presently, with him doing as bad as he is in the second half perhaps 500,000 a year for a two year deal with incentives. The last time before he got his last contract he was hitting just like he is now. To his credit he can really blister the ball when he knows where he'll be and that the checks will be coming . I'm like that but to a much smaller scale 1/1000th.
  21. Linebrink was excellent in April, era 1.13, in may, 2.79 ...in June he did a little better at 2.38, july still not too bad at 3.68 but in August already his era is 10.00. He scared me in spring training and now he is not getting anything done and we owe him a bunch of money for 2010. Is he hurt does he need a rehab why has he gotten so unreliable.
  22. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 26, 2009 -> 08:38 AM) Overall, once the season is over, and I do not believe this one is, you cut back, not shut down. Pull the starters a little quicker, add a few extra days of rest for the older guys, stuff like that. Getting Peavy a few starts is a nice head start for next year or hopefully a playoff boost. It aint over till its over , we have 6 of our last 9 games aagainst detroit . but the sox need to play like they want it kind like colorado did toward the end of what the 07 season.
  23. QUOTE (jhonnydanks @ Aug 25, 2009 -> 12:30 AM) Peavy did indeed get drilled tonight. Nothing to serious though. He also threw about 5 pitches that would be hit 450 ft by major league players. the point is that peavey will pitch , the sea will part and the sox are going to the series or are you trying to say he still might not be ready yet?
  24. QUOTE (watchtower41 @ Aug 24, 2009 -> 10:23 AM) Joe Crede. I would imagine a scenario that would involve showcasing a few players for possible trades that are on the Charlotte team not neccessarily all rookies although some could see some duty. Hooper, REstovich, etc anyone that has some major league experience that might be a trading chip for KW . If Ozzie has a chance he will rest his regulars. If KW thinks we are out of it Betemit will get some extended playing time.
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