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Everything posted by Pastime

  1. One thing is for sure: She'll have a nicely-decorated cell.
  2. True story: When my wife and I were in Tucumcari, New Mexico, we stopped in a Hardees to have lunch. My wife wasn't sure how to pronounce the name of the town, so she asked the clerk, "How do you pronounce the name of this place?" The clerk looked at her strangely and said, "You pronounce it HAR-DEES."
  3. If I get the job I want to out of college, then I'll likely not have to drive much. All the major accounting firms are within 10 minutes of where I live (driving distance) which would be really sweet I really hope that works out for you. Once I'm done with school, I will have 4 jobs available to me that are within 8-10 miles of my home. That's one less thing for us to worry about.
  4. It's not just his velocity last year that killed him. His ball is "flat" with very little movement, and if he's not throwing it 94 +, it looks awfully enticing to hitters. He has to rely on blowing it past guys, rather than expecting his pitches dart or dip.
  5. I think he was just covering his ass with the Flubs fans. If he dared to say anything good about the Sox, a mob dressed in red and blue would be chasing him with pitchforks and torches. :fthecubs
  6. That wacky Ozzie Guillen. If you thought THAT interview was interesting, just give it time. There's still 7 months to go, and plenty more interviews with him await.
  7. If I had my way, JosE6 and his .221 BA wouldn't be in our 2004 plans. Oh well.
  8. After these two games, and after all I've read, heard, and seen (which isn't much), I think we should give some credit to Coop. He seems to have a beat on his pitchers, and he seems to be helping them tremendously. If you don't agree, then maybe we should remember the dark ages under Nardi Contreras and his surgically attached windbreaker. What a moron.
  9. Steff, When I was younger (in my early 20s) back in the early 90s, I was a mean, nasty, heartless, horrible person. I thought that was cool. I was wrong. I am now 32, and I'm very forgiving, a Christian, and a peaceful person. I look on those days with sorrow and regret. It's just another example of "if I had known then what I know now." Now, I'm just happy being me. I'm Pastime - well, Brett (my name). But I'm happy anyways. My wife truly is my better 2/3.
  10. Short story: When I was much younger - back in 1992 - we had a guy from an opposing rival town who came to a party. He talked a lot of s***, and really irritated the whole rest of us. Most people left, but he passed out, and there were 5 of us who remembered his words. We shaved off his eyebrows, put a Nazi sign on his forehead with permanent marker, poured maple syrup down his underwear, stuffed his mouth with shaving cream, and stole all the CD's in his car. He finally came to, and when he did, he got nasty. We asked him if he had a problem, and he said yes - so we beat the s*** out of him, and then drove him to his town and dumped him and his car in an abandoned car lot. Yes, it was wrong and it was mean, but I laughed my ass off for 2 straight hours, so there you go. Am I sorry? Yes. Would I take it back if I could? I don't know. That was some fun-ass s*** we did back then.
  11. Pastime

    Concert for George

    Don't laugh, but since I'm going to Las Vegas next week, I have done some research on "betting lines" and all that crap. There is actually a "line" you can bet on which Beatle will die next - Paul or Ringo. Sick.
  12. The Cubs lost a spring training game? Wow. I'm so excited. I'm so happy I think I'll yawn in celebration. Pfffft. I see that the Clearasil Crew is out in full force today. Have fun doing your homework. And be sure to make it to 1st period on time tomorrow, okay? Otherwise you get another "tardy." :headshake
  13. Pastime


    he (Ponson) must be on steroids Margarine is not considered a steroid. (Sorry Steff).
  14. Pastime

    Concert for George

    I thought it was a benefit for George Steinbrenner. After all, he can barely make ends meet.
  15. After this season, we will see Maggs AND C-Lee on that Top 10 outfielder list.
  16. BeGood, We traded Ray Durham for Jon Adkins. It's still hard to gauge Adkins' progress, since he was a one-pitch pitcher who was learning a change of pace pitch (and I assume he's still learning it). So far, his pitching hasn't been all that, but at least his diet has helped a lot of people.
  17. Steff, Are you the same "Steff" that calls the Score radio station every once in a while? And for the record, I think Garland has a one-year deal as well, so this is his "make it or break it" year. If he starts to put it all together, he'll be signed long-term. If he keeps at the same pace, then the Sox might finally cut the cord and set him free.
  18. "Average Joe" will be fine. As a matter of fact, he and Tim Wakefield are now dating, and they seem very happy.
  19. There is no point in debating. "Less Filling" is obviously the right choice.
  20. Pastime

    Mid Term Updates

    I'm a public relations major, and starting in the fall, I'm going for my masters as well.
  21. The attack footage isn't gruesome at all: www.wolfensteinresource.com/forum/attachments/tigerattackfootage.gif
  22. Building model cars, collecting baseball cards, writing children's poems, and eating buffalo wings.
  23. Pastime

    Mid Term Updates

    I need two classes to graduate, and so far I'm doing well. I have a 92% going in Scientific Research, and a 94% going in Organizational Communications. However, there is a small problem. My Research professor just had a heartattack, and he will not be teaching the rest of the semester. The "substitute" is a dolt, and he has no clue what's going on. We all knew how to write research papers and take tests according to what our professor wanted. Adjusting to this new guy is going to be rough. Either way, good luck!
  24. There are some bacteria, spores, and other things that we grow in the International Space Station that won't live or grow within our atmosphere. There could be bacteria, spores, and other things living on Mars that could be used here on Earth. It is highly improbable, but what if the bacteria we need to create a medicine to cure cancer is found on Mars? I think that's the main reason we explore the planet.
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