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Everything posted by soxfan49

  1. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 31, 2012 -> 12:49 PM) Oh God. I went to a Bears/Seahawks game at Qwest, and everybody was eating the garlic fries. I'm a big fan, but holy hell did it f***ing stink. Did you go to the 2009 game? QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Aug 1, 2012 -> 12:38 AM) Thanks for the good info. I will absolutely get the garlic fries, among I'm sure plenty of other things. We're looking at that Monday game 8/13. I'm not exactly sure where we are staying (I'll find this out), we'll have a rental car but if there's a way to take public transportation we'll probably try to do that. Not sure how possible that is, haven't investigated at all. Any particular suggestions for beer on tap there? I know we're doing the pike tour, the underground tour...wife's planning a few other things. Heard the needle isn't a "must" and not all that worth it(?). Not sure where we have dinner planned but open to suggestions for that or for lunches, etc. We're open to some active kind of activities or even just fun places to go walk around. It's pretty expensive and not that worth it. QUOTE (Knackattack @ Aug 1, 2012 -> 12:32 AM) Lived in Seattle for 13 years, the park is freaking great. Make sure you check out Pike Place market in Seattle, and make sure you go into the back and see all of the backwards ass stands. You find some cool s*** there. I've been to Seattle three times, and I saw a game there. I got lucky enough to see Santana vs Felix, which was great. Seattle is my favorite city. Just walking around downtown and having a dinner on the ocean is wonderful. Everyone seems so nice as well. The park is beautiful.
  2. Besides Safeco, PNC is my favorite park. There are a lot of food places around the park. Primanti Brothers is world renowned and that's actually in the park. Most of the regular concessions- dogs, pretzels, popcorn, etc- are all relatively cheap, or at least they were when I went back in 2007. A pretzel with cheese was like $2.50. At US Cellular, they're somewhere close to $5.
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 10:19 PM) They might not have great benches, but the Sox bench has been almost worse than you can imagine. Our non-core players of ADA, Youk, Beckham, Rios, Dunn, Konerko, AJ, Morel, Ramirez and Viciedo are: 86 for 439 (.196) with 3 home runs With Youk saying he's had lingering soreness in his knee, it's imperative they get someone that can back him up if needed. So, those guys are 86-439 with 3 HR's all year? Just messing around. I'm assuming you meant "outside of the core guys..."
  4. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Aug 4, 2012 -> 06:45 PM) Can I get a quick recap, bad Gavin or bad luck? Up to this point. He stinks.
  5. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 2, 2012 -> 10:56 AM) Is it me, or has it seemed like ESPN has spent about 80% of their pre-season coverage on the Jets, 10% on the Saints and 10% for the rest of the league? 70% Jets, 20% Broncos, 5% Saints, 5% rest of NFL. Disturbing.
  6. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Jul 29, 2012 -> 12:47 PM) They need a RH reliever as badly as they needed another starter. Crain is just not a guy who can pitch two days in a row and be effective. It puts a ton of strain on the rest of the righties and as we know Jones is useless. Jones' ERA on the road this year is 2.50. I guess I just wouldn't consider that "useless."
  7. The 6-15 combo in practice so far has been putting on an absolute show. Evan Rodriguez has been pretty unbelievable too, I've read.
  8. If my math is right, Konerko is 18 for his last 39.
  9. QUOTE (typewritermender @ Jul 28, 2012 -> 10:05 PM) He's just said it every game I've watched for the last 2 weeks. And he's also said "for , it's not what he hits, it's when he hits it" 3x every game for the past month.
  10. QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Jul 29, 2012 -> 08:44 AM) Trading Floyd would be the start of getting another pitcher not just to move Floyd. If KW has an opportunity to get a pitcher like King Felix or Shields then moving Floyd would give him some payroll room and a prospect or two to use in the trade. I would move Viciedo for Hernandez if I had to. Sox could get another left fielder much easier than a top of the line starter. Sale Peavy "King" Felix Liriano New Q Humber to rest those guys Next year Danks Sale New Q "King" Felix Peavy or Liriano whoever the Sox can sign Wouldn't Felix be the Sox #1 or #2 in 2013? There is no f***ing way he'd be the #4. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Jul 29, 2012 -> 11:14 AM) Pretty impressive how Emperor Kenneth is conquering all of these cities. Orlando O'dawg, Man Francisco, Fort Myers, New Youk New Youk.
  11. Yeah, I doubt KW actually wants Greinke. I can't remember the last time words got out that he wanted someone and he still got him. It's usually a precursor to a trade, but a trade for another player.
  12. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 05:17 PM) I want another guy to look at in case this doesn't go through/for leverage. You telling me we can't get Garza for a package like this? 5-7 with a 3.9+ ERA in the NL Central for a bunch of prospects and possibly Floyd, Beckham, or Quintana? Pass.
  13. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 04:47 PM) 31.5 mil owed the next two years(not including this years salary) 4-9 4.57 era, good luck to them trying to move him Cliff Lee is owed a bunch too. I was just throwing out a possible name. If Boston pays most of it, I could see it happening perhaps.
  14. I could see the Sox making a move for Beckett.
  15. Prospect to the Cubs for Malholm Prospect to the Diamondbacks for Putz That's it.
  16. His WHIP is a touch over 1.3 which isn't good, but his ERA is respectable and his control is really good. It'd be a good move, IMO.
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 09:13 PM) Kudos to Quintana for absolutely dominating some of the best offenses in baseball. He's a keeper. ^^^
  18. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 09:05 PM) This bullpen is terrible right now. Absolutely in shambles, as your two best relievers have been awful of late. The sad thing is this will cause Ventura to continue to overuse Peavy and Sale. If they need 110 pitches each to go 8 innings and give up 1 or 2 ER, I wouldn't even consider that overuse. If you mean 5 ER in 7 innings and 130 pitches, yes that's overuse.
  19. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 09:01 PM) Escobar left 2 guys on in the 9th and blew a DP.............he has no business taking a roster spot. I don't 100% agree with the last statement, but yes, he was pathetic today. Reed has to start that inning. Just because 50% of the first 4 hitters were LH doesn't mean they need a LHP against them. If they did, leave Quintana in. 103 pitches, 103 pitches, who cares? I hope Peavy brings it tomorrow.
  20. QUOTE (jphat007 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 08:51 PM) LOL, you are excited. More like pissed. Don't name him your closer if you don't trust him to get 2 lefties out.
  21. Nice throw, EE. GOD DAMNIT. That is why you keep Beckham unless you're getting Hamels or Greinke.
  22. This would be a horrible loss. If Reed is the closer, he's the closer. They put in Thornton just because the first and third hitters are lefties? Christ.
  23. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 08:28 PM) They can't rely on these kids to win 1-0 games all of the time. Besides the loss in LA in June, when the last time they were up 1-0 in the 9th and lost?
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