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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 12, 2010 -> 09:17 PM) He was either walking or running in molasses, he sure was playing deep considering what you're used to seeing out of him. He used to play the shortest CF you'd ever see, I guess he realizes his legs ain't what they used to be. He did make a nice throw to end the inning, if Jones is going to play the OF then put him in one of the corners and let Rios play CF.
  2. I hope to not see Carlos Torres very much this season. I know he had no chance on the ball but Jones looked like he was walking for the ball on the broken bat blooper.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 3, 2010 -> 02:22 PM) Joe Fallon? Uh, whatever happen to Crawford? Crawford would have to clear waivers to be sent back down, so they don't wanna expose him.
  4. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 18, 2010 -> 07:31 PM) It just doesnt make sense what Hogan is doing. How can he sit there and talk about the young talent on the roster and how they need to shine and get their push, then have Chris Daniels lose to Val Venis? WTF???!?? And you dont book Samoa Joe for this PPV? That guy has been there since day 1 and has done nothing but support everything TNA has done, and they dont even feature him or give him a match. I think I read it was the first PPV that Samoa Joe has not had a match, that is just inexcusable. Daniels isn't a young guy and neither is Morley. He's a pretty good wrestler, but his character is really stale and they shouldn't have brought it to tv. I don't have a problem with Daniels losing if they are going to try and do something with Morley. As for Daniels, he may just end up what he was before and that's a xdivison guy, or someone who can carry guys to good matches. He has a role in TNA, but to me he's not a main event guy. I'm sure there is going to be a lot of shuffling around of guys till they find what fits. As for Joe, he didn't have a good showing vs. Abyss on the 1-4-10 show. He wasn't on the show they taped tonight it appears, so maybe he's just getting some time off to regroup and drop some weight and get healthy. So many of these TNA guys have been there for so long that while they have great matches it does feel a touch stale with these guys, so maybe some time off or movement down the card into another role will do them some good. Time will tell what happens.
  5. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 18, 2010 -> 06:40 PM) I somewhat agree. But I did like the "Overrated" chants towards Mr. Anderson last night. I haven't watched the show yet, but the crowd has always bugged me there. I've heard a lot of recaps on the show, mostly the WWE guys got "rejected" by the fans.
  6. QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 18, 2010 -> 05:44 PM) Man, the Hogan Regime is getting better every day - I agree with not allowing gang signs or obscene gestures, but the bolded part made me laugh: Partial source: PWInsider.com - Before tonight's TNA iMPACT tapings began in Orlando, members of the TNA staff addressed the crowd at the iMPACT Zone about their behavior. Fans were told not to curse, make obscene gestures or gang signs. The fans were referred to as "cast members" and were basically told they needed to be quiet, according to a fan in attendance. This is likely another decision made by Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, who haven't been pleased with some of the reactions from the TNA crowd lately. Comedy gold. These marks are the same people every show, they get in for free. When you don't give them what you want they cry. Remember the anti-hardcore promos Foley cut in ECW? The whole "I'm not gonna let some little piss ants call my match, 1-2-3 Jump, 1-2-3 Jump!" I say f*** those fans.
  7. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 12:15 PM) major acquisition indeed I don't think he is the mystery guy they are promoting. I'm sure like other have said it'll be Kennedy since he was on the Hogan tour. We'll find out tomorrow night, I'm pretty excited about the show.
  8. TNA also has Amazing Red vs. a mystery opponent. There were rumors that Brian Kendrick was coming in, so maybe it'll be him for that match.
  9. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 11:58 AM) TNA promising debut of a major superstar acquisition at the Genesis PPV. Any guesses? I'll say Kennedy or Sid.
  10. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 11:23 PM) I liked TNA more tonight in terms of overall show. If it wasn't for Bret, I honestly would've watched the Bulls game over the WWE. From what I've read online tonight TNA was a mixed bag to most people. Some folks don't like the "old" guys coming and I'm a touch nervous on what is going to go down. However, I'm willing to give it a shot. It seems like they are building towards Hogan-Dixie vs. Jeff-Mick in a power struggle. I'm not sure where Eric and nwo 2010 fit in to that.
  11. QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 11:14 PM) I'll give TNA a 3.5 - Bischoff and Angle/Styles were the only things I was glad to see. Raw gets a 4.5 for the Bret segments and Jeritino. A completely underwhelming night of wrestling. I only saw about 15 min of Raw, skimmed through the rest. I think to me I'd give TNA a thumbs in the middle and pointing up just because I'd like to see where it goes. I know where Bret and Vince is going, so I'll wait till that match goes down.
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 11:08 PM) If it wasnt for Hogan, I wouldnt have watched TNA. And Hogan doesnt have the drawing power for me anymore for me to tune in every week to see what he has in store. Its not like he is going to give us an amazing match when he actually wrestles, and that goes for most of his buddies too. Thats why I think this move will backfire, the quality of wrestling on that show is going to go down when the actual talent is forced to the side for the superstars. The big leg drop for hogan isnt much of a finisher anywhere else in the world of wrestling anymore, its barely even a starter move. The key to TNA is Bischoff. He can recognize talent and he can put on a show, but sometimes his ego gets the best of him, especially when he is surrounded by the boys That's the real question. I don't suspect Hogan will wrestle much at all, I suspect guys like Hall will f**k up and be gone very soon knowing the reputation. For the most part everything Hogan has said about TNA he's been able to accomplish. I don't need to see Orlando Jordan, if it's a joke deal the Nasty Boys are funny to me. I like Val Venis, he can talk and wrestle so that's fine. Bischoff is a wild card because who knows what his role really is and how long he's in for. He's always got some tv show or gimmick he is pitching. For one night I've interested to see where they take it all. Tonight as a whole wrestling wise was great. I was really fired up to watch the business again and see where it goes.
  13. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 10:57 PM) Regardless of how I felt about TNAs show tonite, I still recognize that competition breeds success, and WWE has succeeded before when competition has presented itself. I have hope that TNA can right the ship, but they have to truly walk the "you gotta earn it" walk and not just say it and hand the strap to Hogan or Nash etc. I was really disappointed that they went Sting 1997-1999. The hiding in the background/rafters thing just doesnt excite me anymore. It isnt like he is gonna come flying in on a rope and surprise everyone. I don't know what they want to do with Sting, he's been off again on again doing the rafter deal in TNA. He doesn't wanna wrestle much, so I think it's their way of trying to keep him involved. I don't think Hogan is going to be on all the time, he's smart enough to know he can't be cause he'll burn out and the crowd won't care. He's best in short doses. If it wasn't for Bret, I honestly would not have watched Raw.
  14. QUOTE (T R U @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 10:49 PM) TNA gets a 6 from me for the night. One of the main reasons is because I was actually happy to have a second option. I didn't have to sit through a commercial, I could flip to TNA.. I didn't have to watch all of a match I didn't care to see, I could watch what TNA was doing. What I didn't like about it was all of the retreads TNA is trying to shove down our throats. Hall and Waltman are irrelevant now. Jeff Hardy can go for all I care, the dude has been given way too many opportunities and messes up constantly. I loved the Styles/Angle match, I thought it was the best part of the show, easily. But man they really set the tone the wrong way with how the show opened. That cage match was a snoozer, you cant have your biggest show ever have this is bulls*** chants 15 minutes in. I don't even know if they are going to continue being on Mondays, but if they are going to be legit competition for WWE they are going to have to step it up better then they did tonight. The show was a 6, as far as going to war with WWE its prolly more like a 4 in comparison. WWE gets an 8 from me for the night. The Bret Hart thing alone was way more than enough. Especially when you didn't know how they were going to run with it. Hart comes out, spits some memories at us, and then he calls out HBK right away. After everything I have ever heard about it since Bret left, who really thought that this would EVER happen? Bret Hart, back in a WWE ring face to face with HBK and Vince talking 97 Montreal?? Maryse is just so hott, I could look at her all day. The Miz is also someone to me who is stepping it up. When he had that bad music with the giant shorts and fedora, I really couldn't stand him. Hes got a new look, hes got new music, I have really been feeling the Miz for a while now. I didn't pay much attention to the fatal 4 way, Sheamus and Bourne was ok, and Orton/Kofi seemed a little out of place but again it was ok. Like I said, the Bret Hart segments sold it for me. Im not gonna lie, but I was really worried for a second that there was not going to be a swerve and they really were going to end with burying the hatchet. I am glad they didn't do that, but, lets say a few months ago I started posting in here about how I think it would be cool if they brought back Bret Hart to host Raw and eventually turn it into a Vince/Hart match possibly at Wrestlemania.. not a single person would have thought that was even a real option and now it looks like we may get to see that, which I think would be a very solid add to a Wrestlmania card due to history alone, I dont care if they are both old as s***. Anyways, I really hope TNA did enough to have reason to keep going on Mondays.. Look at what it has already done to the WWE, TNA shows up with its best shot and Vince somehow gets Bret Hart back in a WWE ring.. there is absolutely nothing they could do better than that outside of a Stone Cold or Rock FULL TIME return.. This Monday show was a one off, and if the ratings are well they may get a full time gig. I think it's clear they are going towards Bret and Vince at Mania, once I saw the Shawn and Bret deal in the beginning of the show that was all I needed to see personally. We closed that chapter.
  15. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 10:30 PM) Ok guys, lets give our ratings. First monday night wars in a long ass time, lets keep it simple and rate it on a 10 Shooting Star Press scale(name it whatever you want, scale it to 10) TNA 5 Shooting Star Presses. The people were there, the hype was there, the unexpected wrestler(Hardy) showed up. To me, the drawback was lack of any moveable storyline, the facetime for Naitch and the Nasty Boys, Hall looking visibly drunk, and the total disaster that was the opening cagematch. This was their time to shine and they did not, they delivered a product that is not different from what they have been delivering. If they are going to have Flair, I liked what they did with him tonight. Simply in terms of the idea he didn't say or do anything really tonight, so hopefully next show people who care about him will want to turn in to see why he is there. I thought for sure he was going to help Angle win the title. I've seen the "birdcage" live and it's hard to watch. They would've been better with an Ultimate X match. The "finish" was lame, why couldn't they just let Homicide win that way? Was it really going to matter? I think the product tonight was a big improvement in production and pacing. They usually have 500 things happenings in a 30 half, and while I agree that was somewhat the case tonight they did give things time to unfold and recaped them. There was new camera angles used and little production things that made the show better to me as well. I'm not sure what to think on the Nasty Boys and such. I feel like them and Orlando Jordan are just there as 1-2 show deal to show Hogan's buddy's looking to come and Hogan tells them to leave I hope. Time will tell.
  16. I watched all of TNA, then used DVR to watch Raw. I watched the Bret segment in the beginning and at the end, I didn't care for anything else that happened on RAW. The show just feels very stale. As for TNA, a lot of surprises tonight. I stayed with the whole show throughout and while there were some not so good moments I'm really looking forward to what they are going to do next.
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 27, 2009 -> 10:07 AM) I will say this much. It would f***ing suck to have a great season and finish either first or second in the points standings in the west, and then draw a newly healthy Detroit team in the first round. I doubt that would happen. If Detroit gets guys back with 20 games left or so, they'll easily move from 8th to 6th or maybe higher.
  18. QUOTE (Real @ Dec 27, 2009 -> 01:25 PM) That blows, we are able to see the CSN games and versus games, but not WGN. bleh It certainly does. I've got Direct TV and we are without versus right now.
  19. QUOTE (Real @ Dec 27, 2009 -> 01:14 PM) tonights game not televised? 670thescore.com and nhl.com say WGN-HD, and FSN-TN but when i check my comcast guide, WGN doesn't show the game as being on can those of you living in CHI check your comcast guide listing for me? perhaps its because i live near peoria/bloomington The game is on WGN. However, you may have WGN America, which is not the same. Basically, if you are not in the viewing area you won't be able to see the game. The issue is that while WGN is a superstation, the Hawks cannot be broadcast on WGN America, it has to be local. The league only allows national broadcasts to be done by Versus.
  20. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 10:45 AM) After getting it for all of my 9 years as a customer, they recently moved it out of my package and to a more expensive tier. Its not a channel I watch a lot, and I didn't even know it was gone until I tried to watch the Illinois-Northwestern football game this fall. Ah. I have my bill charged every month to my credit card, so I don't even see the bill anymore. I know we have the sports package and whatever that gets.
  21. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Dec 22, 2009 -> 08:46 PM) Same here. Since I last re-upped with DirecTV, they've taken away Versus and ESPN Classic. So much for them catering to the sports fan. If I miss playoff games because of their pissing match with Comcast, I'll go absolutely apes***. Where did ESPN Classic go? I have DirecTV and have it. Channel 208.
  22. QUOTE (The Critic @ Dec 20, 2009 -> 06:59 AM) I think TNA might get a tiny spike in ratings for Hogan's first show, but it will be small and temporary. I just don't think there is enough interest in a second brand for TNA to be anything but a "minor major league". They took WWE's best wrestler (Kurt Angle) and all those other OLD familiar faces and none of them made an Impact!, so I can't see how Hollywood Hasbeen, The Whole F'n Unemployment Line, or The Nature Fossil will fare any better. They may at first just from curiosity, but what can you really do long-term with an unreliable pothead and two geriatrics? TNA is grasping at straws right now, and turning into "wCw version 2.0" doesn't seem like a successful path to me. The funny thing is, I thought TNA was finally figuring out a solid business model - hire a few "names" the casual fan might know and stock the roster with the best of the independent feds and international guys. The thing people forget about the heyday of the Monday Night Wars is that wCw had a GREAT midcard and that's what brought in the wrestling fans and kept the interest of the casual fans who tuned in for the nWo. TNA has too many ego guys and not enough camera time for all of them. The thing people forget is that when WCW moved to Monday night they already had their own huge audience on WCW Saturday Night. They we're getting a 2.0 on that show, so when they moved to Monday's the fans came with them. The booking is the problem for TNA, they've had 7 years of crap. It's going to take a long time for them to build their own audience. Those WCW fans who just liked Crockett and old school wrasslin are gone. Vince has gotten everyone to accept what wrestling should be and how it should look from a production standpoint, now TNA has to cultivate their own fans.
  23. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 20, 2009 -> 07:43 PM) I believe it is a permanent move to reignite the Monday Night Wars For now it is a one week only deal. There are rumors that there is a deal in place to move them to Monday's full time but that's just speculation.
  24. QUOTE (The Critic @ Dec 20, 2009 -> 09:09 PM) I read that Spike would prefer TNA on Mondays, and TNA wants to do a once-a-month Monday night special while holding their Thursday night slot. Figures TNA would suggest the dumbest possible option. Pick one or the other - either fight WWE on Mondays or stay on Thursdays. TNA wants to do Monday's. Spike has said if the rating is good they will move them there. If the rating is bad then Spike has said they my let TNA do Monday Night Specials anyway.
  25. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Dec 8, 2009 -> 08:42 PM) That's a coup by MLB Network. They grow stronger by the day. Indeed, they now have Heyman, Gammons and Rosenthal on the network.
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