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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Gammons is going to MLB.com and MLB Network. It's one of the lead stories on mlb.com
  2. QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Oct 29, 2009 -> 08:38 PM) The PP is atrocious. I'm sure it will get better when Hossa returns, the PP seemed touch and go whenever Havlat would be out as well.
  3. I've heard that because of the soccer games played at Soldier Field they can't play on field turf. The soccer games have to be on grass.
  4. QUOTE (SoxPride56 @ Aug 28, 2009 -> 09:58 PM) http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=4429766 Crazy internets!
  5. QUOTE (SockMe @ Aug 16, 2009 -> 08:43 PM) Hawks tix on sale tomorrow, might hav to pick me up some Bring the credit card, prices are up.
  6. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 03:30 PM) It has probably been discussed, by why no TV? Fox didn't pick up the game. Ranger posted on WSI that the A's were offered a chance to move the game up an hour or two so it could be televised by they didn't want to inconvenience the players. I think he mentioned something else as going on like a family event with the team or something.
  7. QUOTE (WCSox @ Aug 12, 2009 -> 11:18 PM) I would've rather seen Nix than Dye in that situation. But I would've been tempted to pinch Paulie. And with Getz apparently hurt you have no infielders to come in.
  8. Maybe this is related to that 3-team trade Cowley mentioned that Dotel thought he'd be in.
  9. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 10:08 PM) Erin Andrews got herself a lawyer. Someone is gonna get in a little bit of trouble I read a few links there, and it looks like ESPN and their high powered lawyer team got the ball rolling. Some real sicko people out there for doing something like that.
  10. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 09:59 PM) Yeah, I was excited to hear about it at first, but then when I read the details regarding it, that's just sad. And it is officially her as her lawyer said it was her and she will be bringing lawsuits to the perpetrator(s) and the websites that published it. I don't see any case she might have against the websites that published it, but I hope they nail the scumbag who video taped her. This is something that you want to watch because Erin Andrews is a very sexy woman, but at the same time, you don't want to watch it because it is a total invasion of privacy and some perverted stalker drilled a hole in her room and videotaped her. I'm guessing it was a stalker who found out what hotel she was staying at, got the room (or perhaps it was a closet) next to her, and drilled a hole in her wall when she wasn't around. Note to self: Next time in a hotel room working on my hair, wear clothes. This is the first I heard of it, the site where I saw the content had Wednesday as the day the video was posted. Which was just some youtube-esq kind of site that hosted the video. I have no idea how it happened, as it looks like there are multiple angles so to speak. like there is one that shows her right side, and one that shows her left side. So it's either the situation you described or someone knew she had the room in advance and planted them. Either way, it's real icky when you think about the situation.
  11. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 08:33 PM) Not a great past two weeks for Erin Andrews. 1st, she gets hit with a line drive to the chin. Next she shows up at the ESPY's wearing that dress. Now, there's a video of her naked, or someone who looks extremely like her, floating around the internet. I just saw a link to these video's on another message board (no not a porno board, lol) Kinda creepy. For those who didn't see or hear, it's just video taken from like a hidden camera in a girls hotel room while she is doing her hair.
  12. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 01:09 PM) I DVR "Impact" and usually just FWD thru it...except for anything with The Beautiful People. I have always liked Homicide as a wrestler and think he will be good in singles, but what a rip off with him cashing in a briefcase to win the X Division Title. TNA: Making fun and putting down the E, than copying everything they do. But the brief case he had was for the X-Division Title. Which I'm guessing you knew. The concept they do is lame, but it's just another silly gimmick for the PPV.
  13. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 13, 2009 -> 10:59 PM) I think replacing Tallon with the young Bowman is a way for a few different voices to make calls, instead of having one an actual GM. There have been rumors for a while now there are one too many voices in the Hawks front office in terms of hockey decisions, and John McD. didn't get along with Tallon. I think bumping up the inexperienced Bowman allows others to have more of a say, which could be troubling. I wouldn't be shocked if Tallon was fired at some point in the next few months, but not less then a week before the Hawks convention. Certainly not in the same week they have the press conference for Hossa. Talk about a 3 ring circus. McDonugh has his hands in the pie, but the timing of this if true is not his M.O I don't see him taking the pr hit so close to the convention.
  14. Eklund who is not a reliable source says Tallon is out and Bowman is in http://twitter.com/Eklund
  15. The people complaining about Lesnar are completely out of touch on how this works. People are angry that he flipped off the crowd? He's fighting in Vegas where Mir lives and is very popular. Did anyone watch the countdown to UFC 100? Did they see the **** Mir talked? Did they see one of Mir' training partners imitating Lesnar as being a muscled up goof and claiming this isn't WWE? All of these hardcore MMA fans cannot stand that the "fake" wrestling guy is winning vs their heroes. These MMA Hardcore fans want it to go back to the late 90's and early 2000's where nobody was watching except them. They want the pure sport and competition. That's funny to me because the IFL tried that, with the team aspect and that didn't draw anything. Nobody watched, and nobody cared. You need the silly antics and the **** talking to get people interested in the fight to get them to pay $50 to order the show. If you don't have this aspect why the hell would you want to pay $50 to watch 2 guys fight that you don't care about?
  16. Not exactly the best source there clearly, what the hell do we need Pie for? Sounds like a bunch of BS. No worries.
  17. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 10:08 PM) From what it sounds like, Walsh, who is also the agent for Havlat, has a lot of sour grapes, and has leaked all this info. Josh Mora from CSN contacted Barker and a few others, and all said they got the paper work, and even if there was a mistake, they would be chomping at the bit to come back because of what the team is doing. Honestly, this agent Walsh looks like a total prick, and he needs to stop twittering, because he looks like a total tool. That's the real story here, what a tool this guy is. He's about to become what Scott Boras is to the White Sox, I don't think the Hawks will dealing with this guy anytime soon.
  18. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:49 PM) Best approach our squad has right now is the no swing approach. Keep it up! I said this when the game started. Just don't swing and let Willis walk everyone. How can this possibly go wrong?
  19. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:46 PM) I hope this is not true, so please someone say they're watching the Tigers broadcast. A friend of mine watching in Mississippi is getting the Tigers broadcast and said that their announcers are saying Quentin is out for another month. Maybe the Sox will announce something tomorrow? Maybe moved from the 15 to the 60 Day DL?
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:40 PM) Wow, what the hell is wrong with Jermaine out there? He's not even moving tonight on fly balls. I hope he's not injured. Oh boy. That's what we need. Brent and Pods in the same outfield here we come...
  21. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:38 PM) I agree that it's great to be able to look forward to seeing Beckham play. That's why so many of us get pissed when he's not in the lineup. Hopefully Poreda will be fun to watch, and he doesn't pitch like Cotts Jr. I've watched every game since Beckham came up, prior to that if I missed one due to work or school I knew wasn't missing something. At least when he is playing the game means something. I don't like the hair Poreda is sporting, that reminds of me Cotts. Pitching wise, I have no clue how he'll do, hopefully he'll show some talent.
  22. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 08:34 PM) What a freaking joke. I honestly would have rather seen Wise up there, that's how bad it is right now. Don't worry about Fathom. During Bulls season we watched for Rose, I watch for Beckham and Poreda now. I want to see the team win the games like all of us, but I don't get mad. Maybe I'm just to mellow.
  23. Nice to Dye back in there today. Hopefully he's still swinging the bat well.
  24. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 6, 2009 -> 08:30 PM) I said this in chat about Getz: - If you want an explosive offense, he's your utility player - If you want an average offense, he's your #9 hitter - If you want a bad offense, he's a #1/2 hitter What if my team plays in the NL?
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