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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. QUOTE (The Critic @ Oct 27, 2008 -> 06:47 PM) $175 for a non-personalized replica Winter Classic jersey? $350 for an RBK Edge Winter Classic jersey, no name/number? No, thanks. http://blackhawks.nhl.com/shop/WCJerseyPreorder.htm Toews and Kane look younger than ever in that picture - my 8-year-old looks more mature than they do. I figured a big financial tycoon like yourself would've been good for 3-4 Winter Classic jersey's.
  2. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Oct 25, 2008 -> 11:57 AM) Showtime and myself will both be in attendance. Indeed. Looking forward to the game this evening, just gotta find some warm clothes, as I'm always freezing in there. Except for when I'm drinking!
  3. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Oct 18, 2008 -> 03:42 PM) I just read that as well, now knowing this I think it's somewhat harsh of a penalty. My logic would be that since Hardy had that incident on the plane a few weeks ago, and they really couldn't/wouldn't fire him over that. The next person who screwed up on a plane was in trouble.
  4. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 08:08 PM) In all seriousness, you probably aren't far off. I'm sure it's a BS spot, but Hawks brass knows letting go of a Hawks icon, bad coach or not, is a tough sell. This makes them look a little better to the blind eye. I'm sure after the smoke clears on all of this that Denis will be brought back to do PR stuff like Bobby and Stan do for the team. Unless there was some real bad behind the scenes incidents, Denis loves the Hawks to much to not be around.
  5. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 05:03 PM) According to the press conference, Savard has been offered a position in the organization. I am unclear as to what that position is, but a position none the less. I'm sure it's an ambassador or senior vice president in charge of Denis Savard operations.
  6. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 12:59 PM) WWE released Lance Cade. I guess this is what happens when you give a poor performance in a match with HBK, Jericho & Trips. How the hell could anyone look bad with those 3? Jim Ross in his blog said he had a seizure on a plane and had to have emergency help and that it wasn't a "medical issue". Implying some drug use was the cause and he is gone.
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 28, 2008 -> 12:09 PM) Wise in LF batting 2nd. No Swisher Outside of the fact that he is bad, are you surprised we haven't see Owens get a chance here?
  8. QUOTE (Steff @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 10:30 PM) Ya know what guys we ARE in the hole.. but we still have a chance to take this. Certainly they are still in it, sure. It's one thing to have faith just as fan and sensethat they can come home and play better. I just don't see it in their play that they can do it right now.
  9. QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 10:28 PM) Damn right...With Barker being paired up with Soupy, expect big things from our blue line this year (even with Wizzer out injured) I'll be there tomorrow just as I was on Tuesday, and the rest of the homes games this year. As for the Sox, what can you say? Hopefully, Kenny will get some guys who can play more than 16" softball next year.
  10. Well.. Pre-season hockey at the United Center tomorrow night.. Go Hawks!
  11. Floyd has come up big in these situations many times it seems this season. I just fear he doesn't have the 'magic' in him to get it done this night. Hopefully he does, and we can come back home and take care of things with the Tribe.
  12. Lineup is out for tomorrow; subject to change... http://blackhawks.nhl.com/team/lineup092308.htm
  13. Not a big surprise here, as this was rumored prior. I've always liked DJ, hopefully he gets a gig with Fox or maybe one of the West Coast teams since he lives out there.
  14. QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Sep 13, 2008 -> 07:48 AM) Lets win 2! Haha i doubt that. We suck in double headers. I'll be content with a split and with an Orioles sweep over the Twins. With the forecast today, I'd be stunned if any of these games even start.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 09:45 PM) Chicagosports said it's a DH tomorrow. Yep, it's 2 on Saturday. Ranger posted on WSI, that there was talk of Sunday but then the teams met with MLB and came up with this.
  16. QUOTE (ChiSox35 @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 09:25 PM) So how is the ticket situation looking for tomorrow? I love straight doubleheaders and was wondering if it wasn't too late to get in on the action. I don't know for sure, but it would seem like if you had a ticket for Saturday you get into both games for the price of 1, and then people with tickets to Friday have to exchange them for a future game.
  17. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 08:17 PM) Lang has been traded to the Habs for a 2nd. http://blackhawks.nhl.com/team/app/?servic...rticleid=381831 Very interesting. On one hand, I love it, because I HATE Lang(Ian can back me up on that , ) but this does leave the Hawks pretty thin at center. There still are some FA's floating around, but this move brings the Hawks below the cap by the skin of their teeth, so I don't know if that is even an option. Oh, and they still "have" to sign K.Adams. I am a big Bolland fan, and think Konti can step up, but it's pretty thin. I think once the get the bonus situation figured out next week, the Hawks will be fine cap wise. Someone on the Hawks board said this and it is interesting, this is the first move pretty much since Bowman came aboard and Lang was with him in Detroit. Gotta wonder if he had any input on getting rid of guy who takes plays off.
  18. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Sep 10, 2008 -> 02:10 PM) There comes a point when you can only go to the well so many times. Looking back at it, I'm shocked they did Hull and Mikita on the same night. Stretch it out! On top of it, it diminishes what they did for Hull/Mikita/Espo. Bob f***ing Probert? The Hawks are celebrating Bob Probert? It's not going to be the same type of deal they did for Bobby, Stan, and Tony. I think I recall hearing it'll just be graphics on the scoreboard and some scoreboard. I'm sure the player will come on the ice before the game and wave and do a little bow, but there won't be a full scale production here. In a weird way I like it because if you are going to have so many bandwagon types at the building this year, at least they'll learn about some players from the past. I'm out there though, so I could be seeing this wrong.
  19. QUOTE (The Critic @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 02:49 AM) There's a fourth Heritage Night on the schedule with the player TBA. TBA? Really? Gotta think about it, can't commit to a player before you release the schedule? I'm guessing Al Secord or Doug Wilson. Well, if they want the player to be there, they can't just pick any game they want. In the case of Wilson it would have to be when the Sharks are in town.
  20. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Sep 7, 2008 -> 03:49 PM) And I was damn glad to see it, not much of a Rashard Evans fan but to see just about everyone name Liddell the #1 contender even though he lost his last 2 out of 3 fights was sickening. Why? It's not about making the best fights 'ranking' wise; it's about trying to make fights people will pay to see. Chuck vs Forrest would've been huge business on pay-per-view. Evans is a good fighter, but after that fight last night he sure didn't come off like a star.
  21. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Sep 6, 2008 -> 05:15 PM) Changed the Topic Title, as Bourgeois up is bigger news than Chuck getting his papers(obviously the same trasnaction). JB will add some nice depth to the bench, allow Oz to be more flexible late in games. Looked like Wise was a little banged up last night, maybe this move is in response to that? Or it could simply be they had no real use for Chuck, and wanted to get another body up.
  22. I think it was in the SunTimes, but one writer said Thome was getting the day of today. So, I'd assume that means we get Griffey at DH.
  23. Mr. Showtime

    Wii Fit

    QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 12, 2008 -> 07:52 PM) Ian, you going to make it out to the Sox game this Saturday (when my ass is in town?) I'm going to be at the Blackhawks convention all weekend, I got a room at the Hilton. My girlfriend is going to be with me on Saturday and Sunday, so I don't think so.
  24. Mr. Showtime

    Wii Fit

    QUOTE (The Critic @ Jul 12, 2008 -> 03:55 PM) What the hell else would she be talking about??? In her initial posts she was asking about getting the Wii System itself. I bought the Wii in December and played it for about a month, and then it sat till I got the Wii Fit.
  25. Mr. Showtime

    Wii Fit

    QUOTE (Steff @ Jul 12, 2008 -> 01:06 PM) You like it Ian? Worth the $$? I assume we're speaking of Wii Fit. If so, yes it's worth it. My girlfriend likes to use it a lot, and I like the running activities and the Yoga. It's really simple and fun for everyone. The Wii Fit itself like someone else has said should only cost about $90, so for the price it is good.
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