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Everything posted by ron883

  1. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 17, 2017 -> 09:41 PM) True dat. I was just saying today we reverted back to that rotten team we've grown to 'love.' Really? We already have a good draft pick. Give me victories or give me angst. Go watch the video I posted 4 posts up. You telling me that you don't want that?
  2. QUOTE (cjgalloway @ Sep 17, 2017 -> 03:08 PM) What a perfect game for the Sox!! This could be exactly what they need to completely derail the end of the season and guarantee a top 3 pick. WOHOOOO Completely agree. Today was a BIG loss. I am very happy the Sox lost this one. A top 2 or 3 pick would be huge. I want hankins after seeing this
  3. QUOTE (sin city sox fan @ Sep 15, 2017 -> 12:54 AM) I've been saying all season that Avi will be a perennial all star the rest of his career and a future HOF inductee (maybe first ballot). If our rebuild is to be successful, we must sign him to a long term contract (unfortunately, the organization has probably cost itself 50-75 million by waiting til this point) I thought you were crazy, but you were right. You owe me, and many on this forum, a large dish of crow to eat, cooked extra rare. Props to you for calling it right.
  4. I recently made a thread about the Sox pursuing an avi trade. My opinion was that his season was a fluke, and it seems rick Hahn thought that way too. I'm afraid to say I was wrong. Avi is the real deal, and I think they should keep him. I thought his season was a fluke from the high babip and all the singles. Boy was I wrong. Avi has been straight mashing one again. I'm sold on him being the real deal. He is going to MASH next year. I'm expecting a great batting average again. He hasr been such a great hitter this year. Do you think it is a fluke or the real deal? Take it from me. This dude will MASH next year. I cannot wait for that young, exciting team. Bring on 2018. Edit: can a mod change the title to "avi", not "avj", please? The Boone's Farm got me loopy.
  5. Sit his ass on the bench after that effort. Rookie mistake.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 02:15 PM) I would make a small wager that Avi Garcia is not on the White Sox roster when Eloy Jimenez makes his major league debut with the White Sox. DL or trade? Interesting thought. Abu has ended this season by not only bringing his average back up, but by hitting for more xbhs and walking more, seemingly. Itd have to be quite a good package to get avi in a trade of imagine. The other team would have to be awfully sold on him.
  7. Jesus avi. What a damn year.... This offense becomes quite interesting when you add Eloy in at LF.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 11:49 AM) The only other player I can think of they moved here at 17 is Micker. It seems to me they must see something if he is in that kind of company. Very excited about Sosa. It's about time the Sox have an international prospect hit. It hurts seeing the cubs get guys like Torres and Eloy and we get back squat. I won't mention he who must not be named. It is too painful to see him succeeding as we watch shields pitch.
  9. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 09:49 AM) Didn't you hear? JR is cheap and won't spend a dime! This whole "rebuild" is really just to line is pockets. It has nothing to do with there needing to be actual worthwhile free agents to spend money on, 100% JR. Never understood this theory. JR has proven before that he will spend. 2007 Sox had a very big payroll. He splooged on Albert Belle that one year. I think JR will spend if it means a championship. Im also in the boat that the rebuild started with the drake laroche guys getting the boot. Sale and Eaton were the worst during that. I think Hahn convinced JR that they needed to go. With those two guys gone, Hahn was able to convince JR that they might as well go full rebuild. The returns from sale and eaton probably didn't hurt with convincing JR.
  10. These wins are really hurting. Hopefully it ends with an overpay by some team for avi
  11. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 13, 2017 -> 08:28 PM) Not quite. Lineup isn't good enough yet unless Eloy is in it and Robert is in it. You didn't list a catcher. We have none good enough and Leury and Nicky frankly aren't playoff caliber starting players. The bullpen is so bad it's beyond description. Starters Rodon (hurt) and Giolito and Lopez are great but again, Rodon is hurt and two starters aren't enough. Team would have to do a lot of work roster wise to win next year. Forgot about catcher. Tim Anderson will be the catcher
  12. Pathetic showing. Really disappointed in Rutherford this season
  13. QUOTE (ptatc @ Sep 13, 2017 -> 07:49 PM) Wait, when did Soxtalk get that kind of money? Must be the new mods popularity. My presence here has raised the valuation of soxtalk tenfold
  14. This team looks good enough to compete for the WC or division next year. Indiana have some stats who are aging. Never know what happens in baseball. Sox will also have Kopech and eloy at some point. Rodon/Kopech/Lopez/giolito/ shields or guerrero or Stephens or Adams 1B abreu 2B moncada SS TA/leury 3b Davidson/nicky/yolmer DH delmonico/davidson/abreu RF avi CF leury/engel LF nicky/eloy C: TA/Kevin smith Supersubs yolmer/leury Bullpen - wing it. I think this team will be a pleasant surprise and the Sox very May well have a chance to compete.
  15. Rick Hahn 's nickname is college wasn't Slick Rick for nothing. I expect him to pull out all the tricks in the book, legal or not, to ink Otani. I won't rule out a handshake deal.
  16. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Sep 13, 2017 -> 12:16 PM) And over those two "mediocre" seasons fangraphs still valued him at $40M. He made less than half that. Good point. I looked it up and his 2015 season was better than I remembered. His war regressed every year up until this year, though. 2014: 5.3 war 2015: 3.2 war 2016: 1.8 war I'm not signing Jose after he has this great year. Chances are he regresses. Give him another year to prove himself before a long term contract. Of you are reading this Hahn, don't give him the aforementioned contract that pays him up to 20m a year.
  17. The Jose lovefest had reached new heights. You get lamented if you don't think Jose should get 20 mil a year.
  18. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Sep 13, 2017 -> 12:09 PM) There it is folks. Let's be real. He isn't worth that much. An aging DH isn't that valuable. The contract Southside posted is more reasonable. 2018- $10m 2019- $14m 2020- $18m 2021- $18m option ($3m buyout)
  19. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Sep 13, 2017 -> 11:29 AM) 5 years $75M is what I think he asks for paid as follows $20M $20M $15M $10M $10M Jose can pack his bags if he asks for that. One great year shouldn't overshadow the last 2 mediocre years. He was a middle of the road 1st basemen who can't field his position. Factor his age into that. No way Jose.
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 12, 2017 -> 12:27 AM) Man you are mean. Jose Abreu is on a roll. I love watching him hit. You guys can give me all the advanced stats you want and I'll still say I love Jose Abreu's production. Can you tell me how you remember Jose producing when the Sox were in the playoff hunt?
  21. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Sep 11, 2017 -> 10:01 PM) https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/...=Career&t=b .858 OPS against teams over 500 I meant the other way around.
  22. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Sep 11, 2017 -> 09:55 PM) gonna keep throwing that team dependent strawman out there to feel good about your bad threads, huh We all know what the stats would look like. Jose doesn't hit when the Sox are trying to contend. Always hits like crap when the Sox are still in it.
  23. Jose might be the best hitter in the league when nothing is on the line. He's just killing it. Wish I could see splits for batting when his team is above 500 vs below 500. Tried but couldn't find it.
  24. Damnit. The Sox really need a loss here. Jose sure does play great when there is nothing on the line
  25. His fastball has some decent movement and is around 94. Haven't seen his breaking ball but hopefully he can convert into a reliever, if he can ever hit the stroke zone
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