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Tuesday Night Fights!


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I've gone to Twins/Sox games at the Rollerdome nearly every time they have played each other for the past 4 years. I wear a Sox shirt and sometimes a hat and cheer for the Sox. I have NEVER been really seriously messed with (a few drunken comments, Go back to Chicago comments and stupid stuff like that). I agree it's pointless to wear NL gear to an AL game--but why tarnish our reputation further by fighting with those nimrods? They're only doing it for attention just like any other simple minded idiot so don't give them the satisfaction...

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I've gone to Twins/Sox games at the Rollerdome nearly every time they have played each other for the past 4 years. I wear a Sox shirt and sometimes a hat and cheer for the Sox. I have NEVER been really seriously messed with (a few drunken comments, Go back to Chicago comments and stupid stuff like that). I agree it's pointless to wear NL gear to an AL game--but why tarnish our reputation further by fighting with those nimrods? They're only doing it for attention just like any other simple minded idiot so don't give them the satisfaction...

I agree with ChiSoxy.

If you ignore the idiots they will leave you alone.

I know I have tickets to a bunch of games later this summer and I would like to go to a game without having to worry about being attacked.

I'm not the biggest guy around (5'7 140 lbs) so I just tend to stay out of peoples way. I just don't think it's cool to have to worry about this s*** at the ballpark.

Maybe i'm out of touch with the rest of my fellow college students out there but I find better things to do then drinking and acting stupid.

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Rowand, what High School do you go to?  Just wondering, I go to Oak Forest High.


Nuke, if you find this amusing, whatever, that's your choice.  But fighting in the stands at a baseball game is neither the time nor place.  First, I personally love the outfield seats, but with all of the fighting and swearing going on, how can any parent (Im not a parent, BTW) take their kid to the game and sit there?  Outfield seats are the cheapest seats in the LD, so a lot of people like sitting there.  Not if this continues.


Look - if a Cubs fan came decked in all Cubs stuff head to toe and sat down right next to me, I really wouldn't make anything of it, unless of course, he was obnoxious, ignorant, or rude.  Sure, I might throw in a little jab if the Cubs were losing, and with a laugh say, 'Hey, what's going on with your club?'.  But you know what, I wouldn't start rubbing it in his face or anything.


If a Cub fan was being rude to you last night, just be like, "If you're such a Cubs fan, why aren't you at home watching your team?"  But a lot of the times, a Cub fan is provoked and provoked and provoked, and doused in beer, and he gets a little pissed off, and he might be the first one to throw a punch.  Thus, he is looked as as the bad guy, which is terrible.  Freedom made this country great - if a person can't go to The Cell, wearing whatever he/she wants without being unjustly provoked - then something is seriously wrong...


I actually like the games where there's only 15,000, because most of that 15,000 is cheering on their team, not looking for fights. 


This is pathetic...

I'm at stevenson in lincolnshire. I totally agree with everything you said. I was at the game tonight and there wasn't any fights, everyone there seemed to want to watch baseball. I'm going tomorrow also and I hope it's the same thing as tonight great game, no fights, white sox winner. :headbang :headbang I also have outfield seats for two games of the cubs-sox series, I'm sure things are going to get interesting out there but I hope not.

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and you are how old

I'm 30.....Why??? Are you associating a specific age with maturity? I associate immaturity with people who go looking for trouble. I think that a CUBS fan coming to a WHITE SOX game in CUBS gear when they are playing Texas is simply there to start s***. I was at a game last year against I think either KC or Cleveland and there was a CUBS fan there with a sign that said Sox suck. WHY?? Why would he be there...What the f*** does he care about that game. He would hold it up anytime the other team did something good. He was asking for trouble...and he got it. I have NO problem coming to support your team if your team is playing. That is an ENTIRELY different situation. However, if you come to sox park just to get drunk and root against the home team, then expect problems. I know this doesn't exist in your mature, utopian, turn the other cheek universe, but it exists in the real world. If you go looking for s***, you gonna get the stank on you!!!!!!


It's pretty simple to me...ya don't go into someone else's neighborhood and start pushing buttons. It's something you should learn when you're a kid...maybe YOU didn't.


With all that said...I know there are just drunken idiots who like to be drunken idiots and if half price days are designed for FAMILIES to be able to afford a game...then I think the Sox need to step up to the plate and cut off beer at like the 4th or 5th inning. If you can afford the beer at the cell, then you can afford to go when it isn't half price night either.



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Dave Wills may an interesting point on this on the drive home last night.


People come out to the ballpark because of the discounted price. Let's say they save $13 on their ticket. Some of them, (Not all) are there to drink and hang-out. Basically an alternative to the bar.


At $5.50 per Beer, let's assume they buy 8 Beers. Then they get into a brawl with some other drunks, get tossed from the game and some even arrested. Those arrested get hit with a $250 bail/fine.


Let's add up the savings.


Saving $13 on a ticket: -$13

Paying $2 more per Beer than the local Bar: +$16

Paying $16 for Parking: +$16

Fine for fighting: +$250


Total Savings: -$269



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Dave Wills may an interesting point on this on the drive home last night.


People come out to the ballpark because of the discounted price. Let's say they save $13 on their ticket.  Some of them, (Not all) are there to drink and hang-out. Basically an alternative to the bar.


At $5.50 per Beer, let's assume they buy 8 Beers. Then they get into a brawl with some other drunks, get tossed from the game and some even arrested. Those arrested get hit with a $250 bail/fine.


Let's add up the savings.


Saving $13 on a ticket:                                      -$13

Paying $2 more per Beer than the local Bar:        +$16

Paying $16 for Parking:                                      +$16

Fine for fighting:                                              +$250


Total Savings:                                                    -$269



"Drillrods... bla, bla, bla... idiots... bla, bla, bla.. morons.. bla, bla, bla."



He summed it up pretty good I'd say. :lol:

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I'm 30.....Why???  Are you associating a specific age with maturity?  I associate immaturity with people who go looking for trouble.  I think that a CUBS fan coming to a WHITE SOX game in CUBS gear when they are playing Texas is simply there to start s***.  I was at a game last year against I think either KC or Cleveland and there was a CUBS fan there with a sign that said Sox suck.  WHY??  Why would he be there...What the f*** does he care about that game.  He would hold it up anytime the other team did something good.  He was asking for trouble...and he got it.  I have NO problem coming to support your team if your team is playing.  That is an ENTIRELY different situation.  However, if you come to sox park just to get drunk and root against the home team, then expect problems.  I know this doesn't exist in your mature, utopian, turn the other cheek universe, but it exists in the real world.  If you go looking for s***, you gonna get the stank on you!!!!!!


It's pretty simple to me...ya don't go into someone else's neighborhood and start pushing buttons.  It's something you should learn when you're a kid...maybe YOU didn't.


With all that said...I know there are just drunken idiots who like to be drunken idiots and if half price days are designed for FAMILIES to be able to afford a game...then I think the Sox need to step up to the plate and cut off beer at like the 4th or 5th inning.  If you can afford the beer at the cell, then you can afford to go when it isn't half price night either. 



Controlled, Many of us have chimed in. I think we have exhausted this issue. I do not like fighting at ballparks. I do believe anyone should be able to wear whatever jersey they want and cheer for whatever team they want. I do believe maturity in general corresponds with age, although everyone can site occasions where that is not the case. The idea is with age comes wisdom, and proper intelligence. If that were not the case than everyone would be a Vice president at the age of 18.


For what it is worth we are talking about baseball, a place where all of us can enjoy a day have some fun and cheer on our team. I took exception to the youngsters on this board which found the fighting justified and or believes that if a fan is cheering for another team or is wearing a Cub jersey and rattles the sox during the game, its justified to beat the s*** out of the fan. I do actually find that childish and inmature. I also do not think that all sox fans are great people and that we do start our own fights. Many times I see fans with Cub jerseys or yankee jerseys at sox park only to be barked at by sox fans. Good barking, and teasing is fine, f- bombs and personal chimes lead to altercations. In addition, I am very much against half price night as I mentioned. It seems, that beer in the ballpark is just one issue, but I assure you that the teens are bringing there own for tailgating, drinking and leaving all there garbage around the parking lots, like they leave there clothes aorund there room for there mommies to pick up for them.


I ask that people have respect for the game and others around them. I am not a priest nor am I some kind of whimp. I am a man who likes to enjoy the game, in safety, with friends or family. I don't think that is so hard to understand.


You all seem very passionate, I like that about this board. I have met a few of you and you seem like terrific people who love a team. I hope you teach this love to your kids with respect and dignity.

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The people that accept this as a part of the game condone this behavior. A baseball game is supposed to be a family affair, a place to get away from the "real world", so to speak, and to make light of this is shameful, at best. You don't go to a game to watch fights. You go to watch baseball. That s*** has no place at a ballpark. Period. And if you think it's ok, you need to seriously think about your priorites of being a real baseball fan.

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The people that accept this as a part of the game condone this behavior.  A baseball game is supposed to be a family affair, a place to get away from the "real world", so to speak, and to make light of this is shameful, at best.  You don't go to a game to watch fights.  You go to watch baseball.  That s*** has no place at a ballpark.  Period.  And if you think it's ok, you need to seriously think about your priorites of being a real baseball fan.

:lol: Yeah if you want to watch fights, go to a hockey game

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:lol: Yeah if you want to watch fights, go to a hockey game

I'd actually prefer if that was done away with too.

A sport that lets its athletes goon it up with implicit consent loses credibility.

Hockey is a GREAT game and it doesn't need the cementheads.

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I disagree.  I have never gone to a hockey game for, or to see a fight, some times a fight can be valuable in a game. While it never works with the Hawks, A guy like Ryan Vanderbucsch is a great example. If the Hawks were losing 2-0, or 3-1, he gets in there, starts a fight, and tries to get his team riled up. Guys like Domi f*** the sport up, but if fighting is done the right way, in the right situation, its good for the game.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

If the existing penalties for other infractions were strictly enforced, the resulting power play disparity would be incentive enough for teams to clean it up.

I simply see no upside to condoning violence to the point where teams employ inferior hockey players solely for their ability to punch someone while wearing ice skates.

IMO, and I realize I'm in the minority here, it cheapens and harms the game.

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:lol: Yeah if you want to watch fights, go to a hockey game

I know you were kidding, but I'm serious. That is entirely different.


That's just like, IN BETWEEN THE LINES, someone throws at someone's head and that player charges the mound. That's PART OF THE GAME. That s*** doesn't belong in the stands, PERIOD. Just like in hockey... it happens as a part of the game, and that's different, and "acceptable", if you will, because it's part of the game, whether in hockey or baseball, or basketball after a flagrant, etc.


But to sit here and ignorantly say, "haw haw haw did you see that big guy get his ass kicked in the stands, haw haw haw I enjoyed that" is just plain ignorant. It doesn't belong at these games. PERIOD. For people to say that it's ok (well I know you didn't say that but making light of the situation you might as well say that it's ok) at the ballpark, in the stands, are missing the entire point of going to the baseball game in the first place.

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