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Well, that didn't last long in Arizona


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I would be interested in knowing how much of this KW found out last year, and just kept quiet.

They asked KW about it a few days ago, after the story broke about Backman's issues. He (KW) said "sometimes, it's hard to have to sit back and take it".


Suffice it to say KW and the White Sox knew about Backman's previous problems.


What a shame, I'm sure he could be a good manager. Now though, it's likely he won't ever be considered.

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More on Backman stuff....




An interesting number is that the DBacks are an estimated $300 million in debt. So I guess when you spend tons of money and win a world series, you make up all of those outlays later on with huge attendance gains and profits right? :rolly Just because you spend it, doesn't mean they will come. This organization is f***ed.

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f*** the DBacks. They're the ones who didn't check into this before. He's not being a dishonest person by not coming out about these problems, the DBacks are f***ing morons for not asking about these types of things in the interview.


What an ass-backwards organization. Damn. Wally Backman may not be the nicest guy ever, but damn, give him a shot.


He'll be back somewhere...he's only 45, so he's still got plenty of time. I'm sure he'll catch onto some independent league team as the manager or some team will make him manager of one of their minor league teams, and he'll lead them to success.

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Ok, I get the background check, but what the hell does him filing for bankruptcy have anything to do with whether he is capable of mananging the Dbacks.


If you ask me thats freaking stupid. Their are many perfectly logical and sensible reasons for filing for bankruptcy. You could have a business and it goes under and a lot of times the best option is to file chapter 9.

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