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steve phillips


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phillips had a number of gems this morning on mike and mike after greenberg told him he was seriously considering selecting the sox to win the central.


among the gems, he called aaron roward a "semi-regular fourth outfielder."


did this guy pay any attention last year?


to further taint his credibility, in the next breath he hailed the nationals' signing of loaiza.


i'm not one to get worked up about national media, but that was just retarded. this guy is stealing money if this is the depth of his analysis.

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Just another example that explains how and why the Sox roster is filled with guys who have a chip on their shoulders. Most guys on the sox aren't given much credit for their baseball talent or are expected to do well this yr. Even if they have had success in recent yrs. Look at the key guys on the sox roster--Rowand, Uribe, Frank, PK, AJ, CArl, Dye, Pods, El Duque, Contreras, Marte, shingo--most experts predict a drop off. Most don't expect these guys to come close to their best years.


Yet I don't think its us fans drinking the "kool-aid" when we expect that most of these guys should come closer to their best years and above avg yrs than their avg or worst yrs. Pods knows his limitations and his role as a leadoff guy. Dye is healthy. AJ is back in the AL. CArl is in shape and healthy. Rowand won't except being avg. Marte needs to be more aggressive. Frank just needs to be in the lineup. Most of these "experts" don't take the time to research guys on the sox. they look at last yrs numbers and expect more of the same [except with rowand and Uribe they expect them to do worse].

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Hell one of his biggest points was the Sox gave up more power than the improvement in pitching and defense will be able to cover. The only big bat in the line up is PK's. I guess noone else will be able to hit for power or drive in lots of runs...We all know only Hr's count in this game....

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QUOTE(thedoctor @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 06:35 AM)
phillips had a number of gems this morning on mike and mike after greenberg told him he was seriously considering selecting the sox to win the central.


among the gems, he called aaron roward a "semi-regular fourth outfielder."


did this guy pay any attention last year?


to further taint his credibility, in the next breath he hailed the nationals' signing of loaiza.


i'm not one to get worked up about national media, but that was just retarded. this guy is stealing money if this is the depth of his analysis.


Why is this guy still talking in the media? He's doing the ESPN spring training games, he's on Sportscenter, Baseball Tonight, and radio. This guy assembled a 100 million dollar s***hole of a team in NY. He wouldn't know cheap young talent like Rowand if it bit him in the ass. He'd much rather overpay for players over-the-hill. Steve Phillips is an idiot.

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phillips is also the guy who brought Robbie Alomar to New York.


probably not a Kenny Williams fan.


This is the way for him to get back at him.


This team has a bunch of guys with something to prove or playing for contracts -- AJ, Frank, Paulie, Everett, Iguchi, Crede, Garland, Pods, just for starters.


That's a good thing.


Four straight years of trying to homer our way to first place didn't work.


It was time for a change.

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QUOTE(thedoctor @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 12:35 PM)
phillips had a number of gems this morning on mike and mike after greenberg told him he was seriously considering selecting the sox to win the central.


among the gems, he called aaron roward a "semi-regular fourth outfielder."


did this guy pay any attention last year?


to further taint his credibility, in the next breath he hailed the nationals' signing of loaiza.


i'm not one to get worked up about national media, but that was just retarded. this guy is stealing money if this is the depth of his analysis.



That's why he got booted as a GM :chair

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FWIW, last year when Baseball Tonight had one of their Winter Meeting specials before the start of the 2004 year, Phillips had the Sox as his least improved team. Looks like some things never change. Whatever.

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QUOTE(POPPY_HIDALGO @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 08:19 PM)
I can't wait for the Sox to finish in 3rd place so I can read some more about how great Juan Uribe is, or how awesome Aaron Rowand is. Its just a joke.




Thanks for your insightful post.

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Steve Phillips has a banana, 2 arms, and his head stuck up his ass. A-Row a "average 4th ourfielder" and the pitching staff "nothing special". Oh, and I like the "no power guys" and "Uribe is overrated" comments. What a dumbf***...Grenny said he is seriously considering picking both Chicago teams to win the Central and goes on a rampage about how the Sox didn't do s***. f*** Steve Phillips. I heard that interview this morning after my alarm went off and I was pissed.

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QUOTE(thedoctor @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 06:35 AM)
phillips had a number of gems this morning on mike and mike after greenberg told him he was seriously considering selecting the sox to win the central.


among the gems, he called aaron roward a "semi-regular fourth outfielder."


did this guy pay any attention last year?


to further taint his credibility, in the next breath he hailed the nationals' signing of loaiza.


i'm not one to get worked up about national media, but that was just retarded. this guy is stealing money if this is the depth of his analysis.



I dont get worked up over these things usually either, but this just rubbed me the wrong way, and put me in a s***ty mood the rest of the day. Anyways, like some of the other posters said, he couldnt hack it as the mets gm, so his opinion is meaningless to me.

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Aaron Rowand has had 1 good year. Juan Uribe has had 1 good year. Tadahito Iguchi has had 0 good years in the MLB. Ross Gload has had 1 good year. Paul Konerko had a year that almost seems flukey. Joe Crede hit less then .240 last year. Podsednik, the leadoff hitter, had an OBP of .314 last year. Our starting RFer, one of our biggest moves, had an OPS under .800. Duque is injury prone. FG had a good year, but that is following 2 bad years...yada yada yada...why are people surprised when they hear people bashing the Sox? The White Sox front office has done an excellent job of covering up how many unsure things the Sox actually have. Right now, there is no sure thing on the South Side of Chicago, except that it will be chilly in April, it will be hot in July, and that it will rain a few times this year.


I have said this before, and I guess I will say it again...WHO GIVES A s*** WHAT THE MEDIA SAYS? When the season happens, one of two things will happen...they will gel and win, or they won't and they'll lose. I think the former will happen, I can give my reasons(but won't because that would take about 42 pages :D ), and that is that. You can think what you want, the media can think what they want, Twins fans can think what they want, Indians fans can think what they want, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.


Steve Phillips is not the brightest guy in the world, but who cares? We have done absolutely nothing to grab the headlines, to grab the country's attention, and most people suddenly expect the entire baseball world, casual fans, die hard fans, and baseball analysts alike to appreciate the moves the White Sox have made, and appreciate how much they actually have improved themselves? Statistically, they have only improved themselves by about 2 wins(or so I've seen)...but that does not take into account the fact that we probably will not have a hitter 2-9 that will put up an OPS of less then .750(and Pods may break that too if he has a good enough year), that we have a full rotation 1 to 5 for the first time since probably '94(when we were considered one of the favorites to win it all). That does not include that our pen goes 7 or 8 deep, that does not include that we have a pretty solid bench, that does not include how versatile this team is offensively...you consider all that, and this could be a team that gels like crazy and wins 95 games. I've said 89, because that's about what I expect, and that's what I think will win the division...but 95 is not out of the realm of possibility either.



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could be a team that gels like crazy and wins 95 games.  I've said 89, because that's about what I expect, and that's what I think will win the division...but 95 is not out of the realm of possibility either.



I disagree. I really think it's sink or swim. Either it's going to gel as you say & win 95 games like in 2000 or it's going to sink & finish near or below 500.

To win 95 games win are looking at 70 wins from the starters & 25 from the pen.

Seventy wins from the starters is an avg of 14 wins a starter. That isn't going to happen unless El Duque can give the Sox 25+ starts. What are the odds of that happening? Without El Duque Contreras is bumped to #3 & expected to win against Milwood, Silva, & Bonderman. I don't like those odds.


One of the things I'd like someone to ask KW is if he had known Detroit was going to sign Maggs does he still trade Lee? I don't buy the theory that keeping Lee means nothing else. It means no Pods, Vizc, & Hermanson. There was still $ left from the Val, & Maggs departures to sign the rest.

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