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Sox possibly to face most touted prospect since...


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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 09:46 PM)
If the guy has stuff at all similar to the filth Towers had tonight, we're going to have some problems.

Well there is a nickname for his arsenal of pitches, they call it "The Filth". I think he'd kill us with his with his 95mph fastball that he can cut in on righties and in on lefties. Not to mention his + 4-seamer, + change and + curve. Atleast we wouldn't be seeing his slider, which he's not aloud to throw.

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I've heard so much about him that I want to watch him pitch. He's 18 or 19 years old, isn't he? It's amazing he's up so fast. If he's anything like what I've heard, he'll be the closest thing to a win every 5th day that there will be in MLB for a while (if he can stay healthy of course).

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QUOTE(Dam8610 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 03:10 AM)
I've heard so much about him that I want to watch him pitch. He's 18 or 19 years old, isn't he? It's amazing he's up so fast. If he's anything like what I've heard, he'll be the closest thing to a win every 5th day that there will be in MLB for a while (if he can stay healthy of course).

19 years old. One scout called him a "Can't miss Ace" that is high praise.

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QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:42 PM)
he pitched today againt the tigers, and lost.  He didnt look so hot. Overrated.

If you watched the game and still think he's overrated then you don't know baseball. He looked dominate to me outside of the 1st inning. The angle that he comes down from on his 4-seamer is ridiculous considering how he was almost exclusively throwing fastball. He looked nervous in the 1st inning and had control problems but after that he found his contol and dominated. 5 IP, 3 H, 2BBs and he's overrated? GMAFB.

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So because i say one pitcher is overrated i dont know baseball. I thought he looked good for sure. But everyones ready to put him in the hall of fame.


The next Doc Gooden. Doc Gooden was good for a few years, wont get close to making the hall of fame. I know i wouldnt wanna get compared to him.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 04:02 PM)
If you watched the game and still think he's overrated then you don't know baseball. He looked dominate to me outside of the 1st inning. The angle that he comes down from on his 4-seamer is ridiculous considering how he was almost exclusively throwing fastball. He looked nervous in the 1st inning and had control problems but after that he found his contol and dominated. 5 IP, 3 H, 2BBs and he's overrated? GMAFB.


He wasn't even allowed to use his best pitch, his slider.

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QUOTE(marsh @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 04:44 PM)
He wasn't even allowed to use his best pitch, his slider.

He hasn't been alowed to use it in games at all. He's been in the minors for 3 full seasons and han't been allowed to throw the slider in games hardly at all. They're really using kid gloves with him, you don't want a 19 year old tweaking his elbow throwing a slider.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 04:55 PM)
He hasn't been alowed to use it in games at all. He's been in the minors for 3 full seasons and han't been allowed to throw the slider in games hardly at all. They're really using kid gloves with him, you don't want a 19 year old tweaking his elbow throwing a slider.


i believe he was throwing it until he started having some arm trouble either this year or last year, but i could be wrong since i'm going on third hand info.

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QUOTE(marsh @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 05:02 PM)
i believe he was throwing it until he started having some arm trouble either this year or last year, but i could be wrong since i'm going on third hand info.

Yeah they had him throwing it a bit more last year and at the beginning of this season but he started having some arm problems and they barred him from throwing it at all in games. He was put on the DL a little while ago with arm problems he got back recently and had been pitching out of the pen in Tacoma, which is just another reason why he was so impressive today he had been pitching out of the pen for the most part before he had been called up.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 05:07 PM)
Yeah they had him throwing it a bit more last year and at the beginning of this season but he started having some arm problems and they barred him from throwing it at all in games. He was put on the DL a little while ago with arm problems he got back recently and had been pitching out of the pen in Tacoma, which is just another reason why he was so impressive today he had been pitching out of the pen for the most part before he had been called up.


I've got waiver claims on him in my two leagues. Hopefully he'll slip to me. :D

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QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 07:15 AM)
So because i say one pitcher is overrated i dont know baseball.  I thought he looked good for sure.  But everyones ready to put him in the hall of fame.


The next Doc Gooden.  Doc Gooden was good for a few years, wont get close to making the hall of fame.  I know i wouldnt wanna get compared to him.

Well considering that was what his first start in the majors, writing someone off and calling them overrated (especially after they only gave up 1ER in 5IP) probably isn't the greatest decision of all time.

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