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Dam8610 last won the day on May 29 2018

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  • Birthday 06/10/1986

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  1. They can keep him, and he can flop in their system. He's 23 in AA and his K rate has done nothing but get worse each year and/or each time he has advanced a league. To date this year in AA (a league he should be expected to perform well in at his age) his K rate is almost 40% (37.1% as of when I checked last night). He also has a sub 10% walk rate. I don't think any organization outside of the Yankees would consider Jones a headliner piece at this point, but I'd be happy to see the Tigers trade Skubal for a package headlined by him.
  2. I think more than anything this chart reflects the organization's investment in post draft development. There are very few players that go into the MLB draft that don't need a significant amount of development, and usually those players are selected 1.1 or 1.2. Beyond that, if you are getting results out of your draft class, it's because you're investing in helping the players you drafted make the corrections they need to make to become productive MLB players. More than anything, I believe it reflects a lack of investment in development of players that the White Sox are 4th worst on that list. Picking the best talent won't matter if you can't develop that talent.
  3. Those videos of Larson are interesting, seems like his FB has 2 seam action. That should make him much harder to hit. You know it's going to move a lot, but which way?
  4. I would try to extend both, but that would be with a different owner and GM. Given the current owner and GM, I feel we need 3 more consecutive rebuilds to amass enough talent to be a competitive organization on the current owner's budget.
  5. Greg, I'd be right there with you in not wanting the team to tank if I felt it was a strategy that would yield positive results. Unfortunately, thanks to the limitations imposed by an out of touch billionaire who doesn't have the common decency to sell the team or die, this organization is starved of resources to the point that the only way they will have to stockpile both the quantity and quality of talent they will need to compete with other MLB franchises is to trade away the quality talent they have in MLB for a quantity of quality prospects that hopefully will all develop to their most positive outcomes, leaving the team with 60-70% of a major league roster, including all of the star level talent, on discounted contracts, which will allow the organization to fill in the remaining 6-10 players with contracts they're willing to sign players to. Is it realistic? No, but it's honestly the best hope of fielding a competitive team that we as fans have as long as said out of touch billionaire is alive and has control of the organization.
  6. Doing this again will result in bumps in the rankings, yes. As we've already seen, it won't matter without support in the form of good drafting and investment in player development. The first one we've yet to see if this regime can do, but we already know Reinsdorf won't invest in player development, he had a chance to in the last rebuild, failed, and in part caused the rebuild to fail as a result. Expect no less this time around.
  7. Maybe they'll be so embarrassingly bad that Jerry will sell the team. That's about all there is to hope for until Jerry sells the team or dies.
  8. Can we add a clause that if the all-time record for most losses or worst winning percentage is reached by this club, the owner is forced to sell the team? That would be the only silver lining to this dumpster fire of a season, and I'd root for 2-160 at that point. It's not like this level of futility is even going to result in the #1 pick.
  9. Wow, not even waiting 1 day into the season to be historically bad.
  10. I initially read this wrong and thought the Sox had signed former Cy Young winner Corey Kluber, which seemed like a very White Sox thing to do, getting their man 7-10 years too late.
  11. Just one large carving of JR with a caption that says "The money was spent".
  12. So there was a 70 game stretch of the season where they were 34-36. That's...something?
  13. This is honestly a refreshing change of pace from most of what's going on here lately. Thank you for posting this.
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