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would you have rather traded


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i guess it call comes down to whether you can trade garland for someone with young's potential. key word being potential. i personally don't think you can. but then again, i've never even seen young play. but from what i've read, descriptions from baseball america has him;


'fastest base runner in the minors'


'most complete prospect'


sounds pretty good.

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well apparently im on drugs and insane. perhaps the drugs is for the insanity? lets think about it. garland had ONE good year. do you really think his stock is that high? on the other hand, young has had some good years, but in the minors. so, like i said, comes down to would you trade garland for someone with young's talents? i don't think there is a right or wrong answer at this point. but az did trade vasquez, essentially for young and vizcaino. el duque is a throw in and vizcaino is serviceable. only time will tell how good young is and how consitent garland can be. i simply asked for everyone's opinion. apparently that makes me kookoo and on the stuff =)



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It depends on what we do now with Garland/Contreras. If we deal them for another player that can help us than Ill like the trade more. But if we keep both and lose Garland in f/a and get nothing in return than ill be kind of pissed. Mostly because we have B-Mac ready this season and didnt need Vazquez.


So basicly right now im not 2 happy with it but if KW does another trade involving one of our SP's than I might change my mind.

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I actually thought El Duque would have negative trade value due to his suckiness and contract, if that is possible. Vizcaino is a mediocre to bad reliever. Young is the only player this team will miss.

Edited by SSH2005
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