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QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 12:24 AM)
its time to bench some people. id like to see mccarthy in too. hell haeger is a better option than vazquez at this point.


Haeger has no chance in the majors. At least Vazquez keeps us in games.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 07:22 PM)
Even if you said they'd be worse, they would still have been the best rotation in the majors (or at least thats what 99% of baseball expected). The fact that they completely fell on there face, well whats to be said.


Garland is the only guy I have faith in...thats it. People can show me his ERA but without him we would be done already. He stopped so many losing streaks. Than there is Count who is just mediocre and the rest of the guys SUCK.


Our rotation is bloody awful and has really not had any dominant stretch all season and there is no reason to think or expect them to do it. Could they reveret in a year, sure, guys (even Hall of Famers) have the ocassional down season but its just odd that all of our guys decided to suck at the same time.


My guess is Kenny may be patient with Mark because of his history, mixed with the fact that he gives innings, actually holds runners (plays d) and is one of the teams leaders. The same can not be said about Javy and Freddy and I'd be stunned if either of htem were around. Javy will be around if this team wins the world series or goes deep into the playoffs.


I say that because the only way we do anything is if Javy turns things around and pitches strong for this team down the stretch and in that case he'll be back.


See, my problem is why are we waiting these guys out. Freddy and/or Javy should have been off the team mid-season. We're not getting any younger with two of our best players being in their mid 30s (Thome and Count) and our best player this season is having an out of his mind career year (Dye). It's only going to get harder for this same team to win next year, unless KW is already planning a massive overhaul.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 12:25 AM)
I thought they'd all be worse Fathom, but come on. I'm sure you, like myself, didn't think they'd regress THIS much. If you had in mind a similar regression that I did, the SP's would still be good enough for us to cruise into October with the way the offense has performed.


I thought we caught lightning in a bottle with a lot of guys last year (Politte, Cotts, Hermanson, Garland), and I was one of the main people on this board asking last year "what happened to Garcia's velocity?" I expected Contreras to be more of an ace, and I always had confidence that Buehrle would keep us in games.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 07:25 PM)
There wasn't a f***ing move out there to make the team better. The quicker you get your head out of your ass the quicker you may realize this. I didn't see one team in baseball bolster there starting rotation at the deadline via a trade (sans the Yanks with the Lidle move and thats hardly the type of acquisition that would have made the Sox better).


I'm sorry for being a dick but I'm sick of tom and joe douche bag consistently saying we could have traded these guys at the deadline and got more starters. It would have been nice and I know we argued in the past about hte trade value of some of the guys, but bottom line teams weren't giving up starters and even if they did our team has s*** in the farm systems (and thats coming from someone who talks with members of the org and players in the system) to offer to get top notch pitching.


We could have dumped one guy and given McCarthy a shot. There's no way McCarthy is putting up a 4.7 ERA in the 2nd half is he's starting.

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QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 05:26 PM)
See, my problem is why are we waiting these guys out. Freddy and/or Javy should have been off the team mid-season. We're not getting any younger with two of our best players being in their mid 30s (Thome and Count) and our best player this season is having an out of his mind career year (Dye). It's only going to get harder for this same team to win next year, unless KW is already planning a massive overhaul.

That should be obvious. You can do that in the off-season, its impossible or nearly impossible to do that at the trade deadline.


On a sidenote, sorry about being overly harsh, it wasn't really direct at you, rather I'm so sick of seeing a million posters seemingly thinking we could have done that. Fact of the matter is that wasn't an option.


We could have tried to get Lidle and some other veteran (like a Greg Maddux) but I still don't think that makes this rotation acceptable. Plus we'd have been stuck with other starters.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 12:28 AM)
That should be obvious. You can do that in the off-season, its impossible or nearly impossible to do that at the trade deadline.


On a sidenote, sorry about being overly harsh, it wasn't really direct at you, rather I'm so sick of seeing a million posters seemingly thinking we could have done that. Fact of the matter is that wasn't an option.


We could have tried to get Lidle and some other veteran (like a Greg Maddux) but I still don't think that makes this rotation acceptable. Plus we'd have been stuck with other starters.


As you've said, there were no starting pitching moves that were possible. With that in mind, KW definitely should have made a move to upgrade our offense. He was kidding himself if he thought our offense would maintain the great level they were performing at.

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QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 05:27 PM)
We could have dumped one guy and given McCarthy a shot. There's no way McCarthy is putting up a 4.7 ERA in the 2nd half is he's starting.

McCarthy has been mediocre to crappy all season. I like him as much as the next guy, but Ozzie screwed him up and we would have been losing start after start while we waited for him to build up stamina only to hope he developed.


Had we been smart, we would have seen this rotation sucking for two months (and this is on Ozzie) went with Tracey as the long guy and moved Bmac down to AAA where he could have been starting late in May or June and getting ready as a precautionary move if the rotation didn't get rolling.

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QUOTE(GOD @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 12:29 AM)
I encourage anyone going to the Twins series coming up to boo every player. Maybe that'll get the message across b/c obviously playing the teams you are chasing for the playoffs does nothing to fire up this team.


I think you've turned me into an Athiest.

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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 07:27 PM)
unreal, I know I may catch some flack for this, but MB needs to knock the next guy on his butt. Any momentum the Sox had over this team is gone


Buehrle could throw at a guy's face as hard as he could, and he'd have time to have dinner and take a nap before having to get out of the way.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 07:28 PM)
That should be obvious. You can do that in the off-season, its impossible or nearly impossible to do that at the trade deadline.


It's nearly impossible to trade a SP for some spare parts at the deadline to open up a spot for McCarthy? I don't think that's right.

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QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 12:31 AM)
It's nearly impossible to trade a SP for some spare parts at the deadline to open up a spot for McCarthy? I don't think that's right.


KW and Ozzie have a lot of pride in our main 5 starting pitchers, and they weren't going to trade them just to get rid of them. I know we joke about this, but Ozzie doesn't think nearly as highly about Cy McCarthy as a lot of people do on this site.

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QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 06:26 PM)
See, my problem is why are we waiting these guys out. Freddy and/or Javy should have been off the team mid-season. We're not getting any younger with two of our best players being in their mid 30s (Thome and Count) and our best player this season is having an out of his mind career year (Dye). It's only going to get harder for this same team to win next year, unless KW is already planning a massive overhaul.


No kiddin'! Let's see..... starting with a serviceable leadoff hitter who can play "good" outfield. If they want to continue the Anderson experiment, be my guest, but I ain't drinking that kool-aid neither. Uribe may be a good fielder, but that's it. He PHAWKIN' SUCKS! The starting rotation..................................'nuff said.

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QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 12:32 AM)
i love sandy alomar! first he makes a dumb ass joke about AJ. second he's old and sucks. and third, he was supposed to be the 'savior' for the struggling pitching staff. haha what a joke. im sorry Widger wherever you are.


That's a very deceptive 3 for 21 Sandy has for us this season!

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