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2008 Presidential Announcement Thread.

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 09:59 AM)
McCain has a small chance of emerging as different, but unless he does something drastic, he isn't my first choice by a long shot. That Edwards blog posting literally scared the s*** out of me regarding him. I haven't seen that scary by a serious canditate since Ross Perot was running with his horribly destructive economic plan the first time around.


Just being a Senator is a huge switch from all the previous winners.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 09:35 AM)
See, and I actually respect him. It's too bad he probably won't get much traction.


I think he'll garner serious attention, but not popular. I think he could be a serious VP candidiate for either Obama or Clinton.



QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 09:59 AM)
McCain has a small chance of emerging as different, but unless he does something drastic, he isn't my first choice by a long shot. That Edwards blog posting literally scared the s*** out of me regarding him. I haven't seen that scary by a serious canditate since Ross Perot was running with his horribly destructive economic plan the first time around.


I was a big Edwards supporter in 2004. His new blog postings have scared me, too.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 07:59 AM)
McCain has a small chance of emerging as different, but unless he does something drastic, he isn't my first choice by a long shot. That Edwards blog posting literally scared the s*** out of me regarding him. I haven't seen that scary by a serious canditate since Ross Perot was running with his horribly destructive economic plan the first time around.

I don't think that McCain's problem is being seen as old news or the public being tired of him or anything like that. There are plenty in the media who still fawn over him, stick him with the "Straight shooter" label no matter what he does, etc. An 8 year run of the recent Obama treatment, if you will. But McCain still has one gigantic albatross; the Iraq debacle. I keep pointing to this, but it seriously is already killing him all over the place.


He's tried to reach out to the strong conservatives by supporting the Iraq war and wanting to augment the forces there, but they are already disinclined to like him, and by joining with that 5% of Americans who think that Bush is doing a dynamite job over there, for everyone else paying attention, he seems to be going down with Bush's ship.

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In our office, we have a governmental affairs department (read: lobbyists, more or less), and they have a subscription to a political newspaper that comes out of Washington. I forget the name of it right now, I should go over there and look, but in it, it was saying that Dan Quayle should run in this environment, because he'd actually be a good candidate in the current climate. I laughed at the notion, and yet, it's almost true.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 09:36 AM)
In our office, we have a governmental affairs department (read: lobbyists, more or less), and they have a subscription to a political newspaper that comes out of Washington. I forget the name of it right now, I should go over there and look, but in it, it was saying that Dan Quayle should run in this environment, because he'd actually be a good candidate in the current climate. I laughed at the notion, and yet, it's almost true.

"Dan Quayle: He can spell better than George W. Bush".


You know, it really might work.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 11:36 AM)
In our office, we have a governmental affairs department (read: lobbyists, more or less), and they have a subscription to a political newspaper that comes out of Washington. I forget the name of it right now, I should go over there and look, but in it, it was saying that Dan Quayle should run in this environment, because he'd actually be a good candidate in the current climate. I laughed at the notion, and yet, it's almost true.


Nice thought, but not a snowballs chance in LA. DQ has already been savaged as a complete idiot, and dispite actually having a resume as a true conservative, without the albatross of Iraq on his back, no one will be able to rebuild his image to win.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 10:35 AM)
And FOx News is already out to get Obama. Get this... OMG! HE'S A SMOKER! How can he be a good president if he smokes???? No presidents have EVER smoked before! Oh, and he's black too! That's only why people are paying attention to him.




Actually this was out a week ago from other news sources. I know I read it in one of the Chicago newspapers before, I believe it was the Sun-Times, because they were talking about how smoking gives him that dreamy gravely voice.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 04:44 PM)
Actually this was out a week ago from other news sources. I know I read it in one of the Chicago newspapers before, I believe it was the Sun-Times, because they were talking about how smoking gives him that dreamy gravely voice.

Thank goodness he's not in the House of Representatives. He'd jones out when voting. :D

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You know, at some point, the Republicans will actually have to start announcing that they're running to replace the unconstrained disaster for that party that is George W. Bush.


Anyway, Arizona Governor Bill Richardson is ready to annouce that he is officially running for the White House in 08 by forming the classic exploratory commitee.


Trying not to offend anyone, personally, I think the best possible ticket for the Dems in 2008, regardless of who the Republicans run, would be an Obama/Richardson ticket. Both candidates are perfect in my mind; Obama thus far has embodied everything I want in a chief executive, from the intelligence to the willingness to serve, and Richardson has experience beyond what Cheney came into the Job with, and instead of a legacy of Failure Richardson has a legacy of success. And on top of just their abilities, there's the race issues, which unfortunately are still of unmitigated importance for this nations' future.


Barring a significant change by someone doing something incredibly stupid like endorsing Osama (not Obama Fox News, read the letters), I will vote in the primaries to advocate that ticket from now on.

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QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 08:21 PM)
Richardson is Governor of New Mexico. He will be one the most qualified candidates in the field of all parties.

Unfortunately, because of the Nature of this Dem. Campaign, Richardson is starting off in what I would consider to be 4th position (which would drop if either Gore or Clark fully throw themselves into the race before the end of Feb.)


Richardson has the disadvantages of lack of money, Obama usurping his internet support, and Obama being the #1 minority in the Dem fields.


Without Barack, I think Richardson would have a real chance. But trying not to be a racist (Obama gets my vote from the 04 convention speech unless he calls me a KKK member), Obama is at the top of my list. I really respect Richardson and would love for him to be Obama's VP or the nominee in 12 if somehow Bush saves his party in 08 (highly doubtful), but in 08, I'll be voting solely on who I think can be the next Reagan; who I think can be the single man who leads the United States into the next period of its history.


Given the abject disasters George W. Bush has created, I literally see no one who has a shot at repairing this mess other than Obama. And that, just the hope in his voice, has won Barack my vote 2 years ago. And nothing in the last 2 years has changed theat opinion. A good president will not save this nation from George W.'s disaster. The only thing that will save this nation is a great president. If our next leader is not one of the greatest we have ever had, then the United States will fall. And the only candidate I can hope will fullfill that role is Barack Obama. That is the end of my argument for Barack. He may well not be up to the task. But I see no others who even have a chance.

Edited by Balta1701
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 20, 2007 -> 04:32 AM)
Unfortunately, because of the Nature of this Dem. Campaign, Richardson is starting off in what I would consider to be 4th position (which would drop if either Gore or Clark fully throw themselves into the race before the end of Feb.)


Richardson has the disadvantages of lack of money, Obama usurping his internet support, and Obama being the #1 minority in the Dem fields.


Without Barack, I think Richardson would have a real chance. But trying not to be a racist (Obama gets my vote from the 04 convention speech unless he calls me a KKK member), Obama is at the top of my list. I really respect Richardson and would love for him to be Obama's VP or the nominee in 12 if somehow Bush saves his party in 08 (highly doubtful), but in 08, I'll be voting solely on who I think can be the next Reagan; who I think can be the single man who leads the United States into the next period of its history.


Given the abject disasters George W. Bush has created, I literally see no one who has a shot at repairing this mess other than Obama. And that, just the hope in his voice, has won Barack my vote 2 years ago. And nothing in the last 2 years has changed theat opinion. A good president will not save this nation from George W.'s disaster. The only thing that will save this nation is a great president. If our next leader is not one of the greatest we have ever had, then the United States will fall. And the only candidate I can hope will fullfill that role is Barack Obama. That is the end of my argument for Barack. He may well not be up to the task. But I see no others who even have a chance.


Balta, with all due respect, what has he done to merit that kind of support, besides a good speech?


Also, the Clinton machine is about to chew him up and spit him out. "He attended a madrassa for four years - *gasp* he's a Muslim!!!!!!!" - source? - "a democratic challenger study". Let me make it clear... I don't care, but that's getting ready to hit the crapper pretty soon.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 20, 2007 -> 06:23 AM)
Balta, with all due respect, what has he done to merit that kind of support, besides a good speech?


Also, the Clinton machine is about to chew him up and spit him out. "He attended a madrassa for four years - *gasp* he's a Muslim!!!!!!!" - source? - "a democratic challenger study". Let me make it clear... I don't care, but that's getting ready to hit the crapper pretty soon.

If you're going to ask me about Obama's qualifications in terms of executive experience, yeah, I'll grant that they're limited. But in this case, if it gets that far, I would be casting my vote more for the type of person Obama is and the type of President I believe he could be. But anyway, he does certainly have to survive a hell of a test if he's going to get that far, and that is the Clinton machine to which you refer. And passing that test with class would be an ideal way to prove his mettle.


Today I am announcing that I will form an exploratory committee to run for president.


And I want you to join me not just for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country -- about the bold but practical changes we need to overcome six years of Bush administration failures.


I am going to take this conversation directly to the people of America, and I'm starting by inviting all of you to join me in a series of web chats over the next few days.

Hillaryclinton.com Edited by Balta1701
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Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas today will become the first major Republican to officially declare his presidential candidacy.


Brownback, 50, will speak to reporters and 300 invited guests at noon in the Kansas Expocentre in Topeka, according to his staff.


“That’s his hometown; that’s where he started his career as the state secretary of agriculture,” said Brownback spokesman Brian Hart.


Hart said the topic of Brownback’s speech would be “rebuilding America’s families and renewing American culture.”

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jan 20, 2007 -> 07:09 PM)
Lock Box!


think Al Gore will run for president in 2008?

At this point I really don't think so...despite the fact that he's probably been the single most correct person on almost every issue for the last 5 years or so, he's shown no steps so far to actually get himself set up for a race. He doesn't have many people or any sort of active organization set up, he hasn't talked like a candidate, and most of the "insider" notes we've heard about him seem to suggest he's fairly happy not having to run for a public office.


He could still change his mind and fix some of those problems, but the reality is, the longer he takes to get into the race, the worse shape he'll be in, because Obama, Clinton, and Edwards will be spending every day shaking hands in Iowa and raising money, which will leave him behind the curve a lot.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jan 20, 2007 -> 09:09 PM)
Lock Box!


think Al Gore will run for president in 2008?


It was on Reuters earlier this week that he said he wasn't running but I can't find any link to verify it. The link I did have was a video of him saying so, and now the link takes me, instead, to some video about Iraq news on Reuter's website.




Obama's going to be destroyed by the Republicans, if he wins the nomination (which I doubt he will), or he'll be destroyed by Hillary Clinton if he poses a genuine threat to her once the actual elections start. (That is to say, that if he survives, oh, the southern primaries with a serious chance to win, he's going to be leveled.)


My thoughts:


Hillary will run a brutal campaign if she faces a serious challenge come primary voting time. Think Richard Nixon on speed. Or she'll coast to the nomination when people realize that John Edwards and Barack Obama suck, and the media ignores the others. I expect her to win the nomination, but I think Richardson or Vilsack could be spoilers. I think, if their campaigns are run well, they could come away with it over her, but whoever wants to beat Clinton will have to be a good candidate, a strong governor, with a good record, fairly clean background, and skilled campaign team.

I expect Obama to fizzle out when people realize that he's black, when the primaries head south, or when Hillary Clinton's campaign gets a good hold on certain things (drugs, and perhaps this new storyline that he has Muslim ties). Also: people will realize that he hasn't done much.

John Kerry, knowing he has no chance, will attempt to be the conscience of the race. Whether he can do that competently is its own question.

Edwards will be a pretty pander bear, and I doubt he does much of anything. Whatever he winds up placing as, I expect it to be by a distant margin.

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