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More Violence Today...This in Vegas


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Can't even eat at a CiCi's pizzeria without dying. What a joke. This one could have been a lot worse, which I guess, is the new American mantra.

Obama needs to attack this issue. His era is going to go down as a very very bad era.


And prayers for all those who died this weekend in Chicago. I assume the violence in my favorite town is continuing every weekend.


p.s. Oh this is nice. Two 12 year olds stab their friend. Violence ... the name of the game.


Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 8, 2014 -> 11:44 PM)
You do realize that all this s*** happened before CNN and the immediate news hysteria...


Not to mention he completely ignores the fact that violent crime is down over the past 3 decades, even AFTER I showed him proof. When it comes to climate change, evidence good, when it comes to actual crime statistics, evidence bad.

Edited by Y2HH
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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 09:32 AM)
Not to mention he completely ignores the fact that violent crime is down over the past 3 decades, even AFTER I showed him proof. When it comes to climate change, evidence good, when it comes to actual crime statistics, evidence bad.


This is pretty common on local news stations as well. If you just watched those broadcasts, it'd seem like we've got the worst crime rates ever across the entire nation.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 09:38 AM)
This is pretty common on local news stations as well. If you just watched those broadcasts, it'd seem like we've got the worst crime rates ever across the entire nation.

If it bleeds, it leads...

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Maybe it just seems this way, but the trend seems to be more and more that the perpetrators of these crimes are taking their own lives as opposed to trying to get away with it, and that is very dangerous. If you are planning to kill people yet retain your freedom, there is more or less a limit on how many people you can kill. If you want and/or expect to die along with your victims, there is much less of a restriction on the damage you can inflict.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 09:32 AM)
Not to mention he completely ignores the fact that violent crime is down over the past 3 decades, even AFTER I showed him proof. When it comes to climate change, evidence good, when it comes to actual crime statistics, evidence bad.


you should really read up on who you are arguing with. lol

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Does Chicago ever have a calm weekend anymore or are there multiple deaths every weekend? Don't blame the media entirely. These incidents are horrifying and some day a stadium is gonna get hit and the face of sports will change forever

Obama is a joke ignoring the recent California tragedy. Yes violence angers me sorry

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 11:39 AM)
Does Chicago ever have a calm weekend anymore or are there multiple deaths every weekend? Don't blame the media entirely. These incidents are horrifying and some day a stadium is gonna get hit and the face of sports will change forever

Obama is a joke ignoring the recent California tragedy. Yes violence angers me sorry


Nobody is saying this senseless violence shouldn't make you, and ever other law abiding citizen, angry. It makes me angry as well. But what you're responding too is a relatively new 24/7 to the second news paradigm, reporting things at a breakneck pace that they otherwise would have glossed over or completely ignored in the past because of the limited time they had to broadcast, and the limited amounts of paper available to print news. Those barriers no longer exist, not online (nearly unlimited space to print), we have 24/7 news channels that have plenty of time to fit every breaking story, not to mention social media spreading news nonstop.


Had this around the clock news cycle/the Internet/social media existed back in the 80's/90's, the amount of news on violence you're seeing now would easily be double, if not triple the amount you see today.


The bottom line is things have gotten better, but that's not to say we don't have room for improvement. When you sound the alarm that the US is sinking in violence and everybody is going to die in a bloody rampage -- when it's actually become far safer to live here DESPITE all the violent news you're being bombarded with -- you come across as the crazy guy yelling about the coming apocalypse in the street everybody tries to ignore.

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Let's be real too: this is now a problem because middle-class white Americans have become the victims, not poor black gang bangers. That's why the stories are becoming "stories." We've had weekends in Chicago where 10-15 people are killed, and while it gets a mention on the national news, it doesn't get the Nancy Grace/CNN missing airplane type coverage that these other shootings get.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 11:34 AM)
Maybe it just seems this way, but the trend seems to be more and more that the perpetrators of these crimes are taking their own lives as opposed to trying to get away with it, and that is very dangerous. If you are planning to kill people yet retain your freedom, there is more or less a limit on how many people you can kill. If you want and/or expect to die along with your victims, there is much less of a restriction on the damage you can inflict.

This is the real worry. You really can't stop someone if they are planning on sacrificing their own life. Soon they will start using suicide bombs to create as much damage as possible.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 11:29 AM)
If it bleeds, it leads...


Ding ding ding.


America's the safest it has been in a long time.


That being said, still wish we had a way to stop these things.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 01:57 PM)
Ding ding ding.


America's the safest it has been in a long time.


That being said, still wish we had a way to stop these things.


The worst part is that we can argue about this until we're long of tooth, but in the end, neither side is probably right. It reminds me of one of the times Dewey Cox goes to rehab - it seems like we need more guns AND we need less guns.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 01:59 PM)
The worst part is that we can argue about this until we're long of tooth, but in the end, neither side is probably right. It reminds me of one of the times Dewey Cox goes to rehab - it seems like we need more guns AND we need less guns.






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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 01:59 PM)
The worst part is that we can argue about this until we're long of tooth, but in the end, neither side is probably right. It reminds me of one of the times Dewey Cox goes to rehab - it seems like we need more guns AND we need less guns.


show me your long tooth. i want proof

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 07:23 PM)
We have to argue about the topic of gun control for a very long time. I do not currently have a long tooth.


I wish we'd either a.) ban guns completely for a year and see what happens or b.) begin arming ourselves so we get on with it and we all are armed when we go to the local coffee shop, mall, church or school. We probably will need to put gun racks on the desks at school so they won't go off on their own but yet are still at arm's length if we need to pull them out and shoot when the inevitable psycho enters the classroom shooting.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 10, 2014 -> 02:28 PM)
I wish we'd either a.) ban guns completely for a year and see what happens or b.) begin arming ourselves so we get on with it and we all are armed when we go to the local coffee shop, mall, church or school. We probably will need to put gun racks on the desks at school so they won't go off on their own but yet are still at arm's length if we need to pull them out and shoot when the inevitable psycho enters the classroom shooting.


Food for thought:





Economist Mark Gius has a new study in the journal Applied Economics Letters that bears on the gun control debate. Gius finds that permissive concealed carry laws (generally, “shall issue”) result in a lower rate of homicide involving firearms. Conversely, state-level assault weapons bans have no statistically significant effect on the homicide rate involving guns. This is the abstract:


The purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of state-level assault weapons bans and concealed weapons laws on state-level murder rates. Using data for the period 1980 to 2009 and controlling for state and year fixed effects, the results of the present study suggest that states with restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murder rates than other states. It was also found that assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level. These results suggest that restrictive concealed weapons laws may cause an increase in gun-related murders at the state level. The results of this study are consistent with some prior research in this area, most notably Lott and Mustard (1997).





edit: and for those that will surely respond with "correlation does not mean causation," at minimum this suggests there isn't some wild increase in murders with concealed carry, which is often the (irrational) fear.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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Obama finally speaks today to Tumblr users. ...

Obama asked about school shootings said ...


“My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage,” Obama said. “We’re the only developed country where this happens…It happens once a week. And it’s a one-day story.”


The president said he is astonished that the Sandy Hook shooting a year and a half ago did not result in a change in gun laws. (A bill to strengthen background checks failed in the Senate last year.)


“I have been in Washington for a while now and most things don’t surprise me. The fact that 20 6-year-olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible, and this town couldn’t do anything about it was stunning to me,” Obama said, referring to Washington, D.C.


He added: “The country has to do some soul searching about this.”


-- Yay! I approve of his statements!


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 10, 2014 -> 05:20 PM)
Obama finally speaks today to Tumblr users. ...

Obama asked about school shootings said ...


“My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage,” Obama said. “We’re the only developed country where this happens…It happens once a week. And it’s a one-day story.”


The president said he is astonished that the Sandy Hook shooting a year and a half ago did not result in a change in gun laws. (A bill to strengthen background checks failed in the Senate last year.)


“I have been in Washington for a while now and most things don’t surprise me. The fact that 20 6-year-olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible, and this town couldn’t do anything about it was stunning to me,” Obama said, referring to Washington, D.C.


He added: “The country has to do some soul searching about this.”


-- Yay! I approve of his statements!

Here are some people glad that you and Obama haven't taken away their guns just yet.




...Cortez McClinton, 33, and Terrell Johnson, 31, held a gun to the girl’s head and used her as a shield as they entered the family home, where a five-year old child was also present.


The girl’s father and mother witnessed the abduction, and both retrieved their guns. When McClinton and Johnson entered, the father fired several shots, hitting both men. The girl’s mother fired one shot but missed...

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 10, 2014 -> 05:14 PM)
Food for thought:









edit: and for those that will surely respond with "correlation does not mean causation," at minimum this suggests there isn't some wild increase in murders with concealed carry, which is often the (irrational) fear.


There's some awful statistical inference going on in that "study," which has the rigor of an undergrad research project. Other highly significant predictors of gun violence found: presence of young people, rural vs urban (more gun violence in rural areas per capita), alcohol consumption, how white the population is. Of those with any statistical significance, the presence of the federal ban or a state-level CCW "may issue" or outright ban were the least significant predictors. Even so, the entire method was bad IMO - the fixed effects regression is best for accounting for variables that you have not accounted for so that you don't have results that are biased due to some unforeseen covariance. For instance, this method would help me tell whether something was really affected by race or if something else correlated with race was the significant factor.


But they included all of the expected extraneous factors and we get a nasty "hey look, everything's significant" result. A good rule of thumb is that when everything appears significant, you probably have made a procedural mistake or you have not yet included the significant factor


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