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Guest hotsoxchick1

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I am going to sleep but to some up my position quickly.


1) thread rightly closed

2) nobody should assult anybody

3) WSC was stupid but he got more than he deserved in return

4) I am not CWSOX

I'll back that up. He isn't CW guys. Don't know how you all got that idea but him and Vince have got into a lot of debates over the past in the off topic board in regards to politics.


I can also tell ya that he is a damn good writer and wrote a ton of articles for SoxNet :D


As far as this thread...I'm now on page 8 and I guess next I got to go look at the other thread...then I'll give my all powerful take ;)

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Alright I read through this post and the other two that BMR mentioned. I couldn't find the locked one so I could be missing some of the facts.


First off, I Think its safe to say that all of us have seen WSC at his worse and seen him at other times. I've tried to tell the kid to cool things down and not just shout out personal attacks. I know Soxtalk's philosphy is to be leniant on things like that. I mean if someone can't say what they feel, then its not an effective message board, since a message board is where you lay things out.


With that being said...I'm not saying their should just be all these posts calling such and such a moron. Sure at times that will happen, but usually its for decent reason and the sides involved can cool afterwards. In the case of this recent even, I see that things really got out of hand.


I for one am dissapointed that things got this far, but there is nothing you can do to turn back the clock. The things that were said were said. I think everyone got to say their sides and clear their thoughts and thats how it should be.


As far as my take...I do agree, the BS posts have got to stop. If your gonna make an attack do it based on someones argument, not based on how you like the person. But to stop the BS posts is not gonna be something we control. This board is and always will be for people to hash out their problems and to make their statements. The mods jobs are to simply control things that are extremely out of control and to make improvements to the board or add certain discussions as well as aid other posters. Their may be certain instances where things should be closed or deleted (In reference to porn or whatnot).


I know this "concept" leads to threads like this at times, but the majority of the time people here are friends and Sox fans. Plenty of people here have made friendships with people they never would have before. They also get to discuss Sox baseball and plenty of other random things (I think we all have seen plenty of random crap here) with other people and see everyone elses thoughts. Isn't that what a message board is for.


And for those that got very upset tonight, I hope you can find ways to mend the friendships that were lost.

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and speakin of closin s*** down.. how come it is corg can come on here and blast away and get into it with bmr, joshpr and others and his s*** that goes on 40 pages dont get shut down????? double standards as always....

That Corg always post BS in here. One time i got in a debate with him and someone closed the thread and i didnt get the chance to respond to him...


I hate when that happens. Stop closing threads.

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Forbid me for jumping topics here, but because heather said sex I have reason to mention it.  Did anyone hear about two ladies who got COMPLETELY naked in the crowd during last nights game.  One of my buds were telling me that on The Score  some White Sox insider was saying two ladies dropped their pants, took off their shirts and showed the world their goods.  This was in the family section too.  The guy went on to say that every member of the press had their faces planted on the windows looking down. 


Im sorry if someone else mentioned this, and if im the first to bring it up just wait for it to be mentioned in tomorrows' newspapers.

Behind home plate..? That's the only "friends & family" section I am aware of. Somehow, I can't imagine Demetrious and Rob letting this happen. Michelle.. you were there.. give us the scoop.

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How did I get sucked into this?

My guess is that you could count the number of people who could debate with you on one hand, so they result to personal insults out of jealousy. Wrong, right or indifferent become immaterial. Because you are the most vocally anti-Bush you are now associated AS the movement.

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I am going to sleep but to some up my position quickly.


1) thread rightly closed

2) nobody should assult anybody

3) WSC was stupid but he got more than he deserved in return

4) I am not CWSOX

I'll back that up. He isn't CW guys. Don't know how you all got that idea but him and Vince have got into a lot of debates over the past in the off topic board in regards to politics.


I can also tell ya that he is a damn good writer and wrote a ton of articles for SoxNet :D


As far as this thread...I'm now on page 8 and I guess next I got to go look at the other thread...then I'll give my all powerful take ;)

Thanks for sticking up for me

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I have made my opinion very clear in this thread, and have tried not to choose sides in arguments that I am not a part of thus far, but some things have been taken out of context.


Though I do not know CW or much about him, insulting his integrity is uncalled.


He is not choosing WSC over a friend, he is merely protecting WSC, and WSC needs it. If somebody in a wheelchair cursed out one of my friends, and my friend flipped the wheelchair over, I would not help him beat the s*** out of the handicapped person, I would instead stop my friend, and probably be pissed off that he did something so stupid.


In this case BMR, you actually hurt him mentally, not physically. I think most everyone can agree that the things you said to him were uncalled for.


Perhaps CW is choosing what is right over a friend, not WSC over a friend.


HSC, you have to understand that WSC has spoken of his depression and his home life alot on this board, and has even spoken of his religious upstart. Don't make stupid comments about a friend over something like this. CW, is doing whats best for the kid, which is also the best for all of us. We are better if we are not picking on a depressed 14, even if he acted like an idiot.

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Seeing as I've been mentioned twice that I caught, I'll chime in. Do take it with a grain of salt.


It seems to me that there is some overreaction on both sides of the HSC/cwsox issue. I can fully understand HSC's being pissed if she's received PMs and emails, that is grounds for full attack, regardless who the kid is, or his history. cwsox shut down the thread because hefelt it went too far. I don't agree that shutting it down is the answer, but there are lttle other options available when others chime in and gang up on one person, by not miding their own business. If two posters are fighting, either make a rule to ban the fight, or stay out of it and let the two have at it. cwsox is merely doing the only thing he cam when it got carried away by a number of busybodys.

That said, it seems to me, knowing HSC as I do, that she can defend herself quite nicely. The main culprit in all this is bmr31. He claims to 'defend a friend' when it looks to me that he is siezing the opportunity to attack someone yet again. BMR31 seems to be at the forefront of all the attacks that happen on this site, and certainly puts his cutesy little remarks in when not necessary constantly. His innuendos and slams do nothing but fuel the flames. In this string alone it's obvious he doesn't read whay he repiles to, mistaking the 'drunk' remark for HSC rather that the obvious reference to him. The 'gay' insinuations by bmr31 here and on other strings is insulting, as are most of what he posts.

Granted, I'vehad exchanges with bmr31, and probably will again, but note, it's never been anything I've began, only responded to. Take my words with that grain of salt knowing I think nothing of bmr31, he's a a smart assed child who thinks he clever and isn't. But I do think he's your biggest problem on this site.

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Wow. 13 pages. This is really turning into a fevered f***ing debate. Well hopefully I can help to curb that.




If one is taking what is said here so seriously that they are getting so heated [as many are here] then "It's a message board." needs to be repeated. IT'S A MESSAGE BOARD. If your mental health is damaged by an internet message board, then there are other problems in your life that need to be addressed. If you get that f***ing heated and angered that you all have to post 13 pages, let's look at the importance of it all....THIS IS A f***ING MESSAGE BOARD. Where is the importance of that in the grand scheme of things? Do people actually sit around all day and wonder "I wonder what people posted about me at SoxTalk?" If you have to get your jollies putting people down with your e-personality, then this is most definitely f***ed up because it's the f***ing internet.




Jesus H. Christpunchers. WSC makes an offhanded comment and it turns into over 15 pages overall of posts debating if he is mentally stable, CW's sexual preference, and the fact that I don't like both the Republicans & Democrats. Maybe we could get a tent, peanuts and some tigers for this circus?


Yes, what WSC said about HSC was wrong. But how can any person claim a higher moral ground using the same tactic to defend themselves? But 13 f***ing pages ripping on everything and whining about a thread that was closed? THIS IS A f***ING MESSAGE BOARD. It has no place in the grand scheme of things. I can't believe so many people have a stick lodged so far up their ass that they are getting emotionally traumatized because of what people say on here and must resort to hurling e-insults at one another.


If you don't agree with free speech for the people you oppose, then you don't believe in it at all. But questioning CWSox's sexual preference, claiming 1549 is CW, etc. etc. etc.? How are those valid points of debate? Simple answer, they're not. They're pure idiocy. HSC and others got all heated up because of what WSC said yet, [i just realized this myself this evening/morning] that there is a lot more anger and mean things being doled out at WSC, CW, etc. I guess the lesson is showing people that calling names is bad by calling people names? :huh:


And yes, I know right now that I'm eating some crow.


Don't like what somebody has to say, do what CubKilla does when I post political threads...don't read them. WSC, think a little bit more about what you're going to post so we don't have to endure more "What do you prefer" type stuff. Personal insults don't do anything to solve the problem and it says something when a person actually spends time writing insults at other people to post onto an internet message board.

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Seeing as I've been mentioned twice that I caught, I'll chime in. Do take it with a grain of salt.


It seems to me that there is some overreaction on both sides of the HSC/cwsox issue. I can fully understand HSC's being pissed if she's received PMs and emails, that is grounds for full attack, regardless who the kid is, or his history. cwsox shut down the thread because hefelt it went too far. I don't agree that shutting it down is the answer, but there are lttle other options available when others chime in and gang up on one person, by not miding their own business. If two posters are fighting, either make a rule to ban the fight, or stay out of it and let the two have at it. cwsox is merely doing the only thing he cam when it got carried away by a number of busybodys.

That said, it seems to me, knowing HSC as I do, that she can defend herself quite nicely. The main culprit in all this is bmr31. He claims to 'defend a friend' when it looks to me that he is siezing the opportunity to attack someone yet again. BMR31 seems to be at the forefront of all the attacks that happen on this site, and certainly puts his cutesy little remarks in when not necessary constantly. His innuendos and slams do nothing but fuel the flames. In this string alone it's obvious he doesn't read whay he repiles to, mistaking the 'drunk' remark for HSC rather that the obvious reference to him. The 'gay' insinuations by bmr31 here and on other strings is insulting, as are most of what he posts.

Granted, I'vehad exchanges with bmr31, and probably will again, but note, it's never been anything I've began, only responded to. Take my words with that grain of salt knowing I think nothing of bmr31, he's a a smart assed child who thinks he clever and isn't. But I do think he's your biggest problem on this site.

Damn, Corg, you took the f***ing words right out of my mouth.

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Wow. 13 pages.  This is really turning into a fevered f***ing debate.  Well hopefully I can help to curb that.




If one is taking what is said here so seriously that they are getting so heated [as many are here] then "It's a message board." needs to be repeated.  IT'S A MESSAGE BOARD.  If your mental health is damaged by an internet message board, then there are other problems in your life that need to be addressed.  If you get that f***ing heated and angered that you all have to post 13 pages, let's look at the importance of it all....THIS IS A f***ING MESSAGE BOARD.  Where is the importance of that in the grand scheme of things?  Do people actually sit around all day and wonder "I wonder what people posted about me at SoxTalk?" If you have to get your jollies putting people down with your e-personality, then this is most definitely f***ed up because it's the f***ing internet. 




Jesus H. Christpunchers.  WSC makes an offhanded comment and it turns into over 15 pages overall of posts debating if he is mentally stable, CW's sexual preference, and the fact that I don't like both the Republicans & Democrats.  Maybe we could get a tent, peanuts and some tigers for this circus?


Yes, what WSC said about HSC was wrong.  But how can any person claim a higher moral ground using the same tactic to defend themselves?  But 13 f***ing pages ripping on everything and whining about a thread that was closed?  THIS IS A f***ING MESSAGE BOARD.  It has no place in the grand scheme of things.  I can't believe so many people have a stick lodged so far up their ass that they are getting emotionally traumatized because of what people say on here and must resort to hurling e-insults at one another. 


If you don't agree with free speech for the people you oppose, then you don't believe in it at all.  But questioning CWSox's sexual preference, claiming 1549 is CW, etc. etc. etc.?  How are those valid points of debate?  Simple answer, they're not.  They're pure idiocy.  HSC and others got all heated up because of what WSC said yet, [i just realized this myself this evening/morning] that there is a lot more anger and mean things being doled out at WSC, CW, etc.  I guess the lesson is showing people that calling names is bad by calling people names?  :huh:


And yes, I know right now that I'm eating some crow.


Don't like what somebody has to say, do what CubKilla does when I post political threads...don't read them.  WSC, think a little bit more about what you're going to post so we don't have to endure more "What do you prefer" type stuff. Personal insults don't do anything to solve the problem and it says something when a person actually spends time writing insults at other people to post onto an internet message board.

I couldn't stop laughing after that picture...

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Wow. 13 pages.  This is really turning into a fevered f***ing debate.  Well hopefully I can help to curb that.




If one is taking what is said here so seriously that they are getting so heated [as many are here] then "It's a message board." needs to be repeated.  IT'S A MESSAGE BOARD.  If your mental health is damaged by an internet message board, then there are other problems in your life that need to be addressed.  If you get that f***ing heated and angered that you all have to post 13 pages, let's look at the importance of it all....THIS IS A f***ING MESSAGE BOARD.  Where is the importance of that in the grand scheme of things?  Do people actually sit around all day and wonder "I wonder what people posted about me at SoxTalk?" If you have to get your jollies putting people down with your e-personality, then this is most definitely f***ed up because it's the f***ing internet. 




Jesus H. Christpunchers.  WSC makes an offhanded comment and it turns into over 15 pages overall of posts debating if he is mentally stable, CW's sexual preference, and the fact that I don't like both the Republicans & Democrats.  Maybe we could get a tent, peanuts and some tigers for this circus?


Yes, what WSC said about HSC was wrong.  But how can any person claim a higher moral ground using the same tactic to defend themselves?  But 13 f***ing pages ripping on everything and whining about a thread that was closed?  THIS IS A f***ING MESSAGE BOARD.  It has no place in the grand scheme of things.  I can't believe so many people have a stick lodged so far up their ass that they are getting emotionally traumatized because of what people say on here and must resort to hurling e-insults at one another. 


If you don't agree with free speech for the people you oppose, then you don't believe in it at all.  But questioning CWSox's sexual preference, claiming 1549 is CW, etc. etc. etc.?  How are those valid points of debate?  Simple answer, they're not.  They're pure idiocy.  HSC and others got all heated up because of what WSC said yet, [i just realized this myself this evening/morning] that there is a lot more anger and mean things being doled out at WSC, CW, etc.  I guess the lesson is showing people that calling names is bad by calling people names?  :huh:


And yes, I know right now that I'm eating some crow.


Don't like what somebody has to say, do what CubKilla does when I post political threads...don't read them.  WSC, think a little bit more about what you're going to post so we don't have to endure more "What do you prefer" type stuff. Personal insults don't do anything to solve the problem and it says something when a person actually spends time writing insults at other people to post onto an internet message board.

I couldn't stop laughing after that picture...

That is so damn funny. I can't stop laughing either.

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I have made my opinion very clear in this thread, and have tried not to choose sides in arguments that I am not a part of thus far, but some things have been taken out of context.


Though I do not know CW or much about him, insulting his integrity is uncalled.


He is not choosing WSC over a friend, he is merely protecting WSC, and WSC needs it.  If somebody in a wheelchair cursed out one of my friends, and my friend flipped the wheelchair over, I would not help him beat the s*** out of the handicapped person, I would instead stop my friend, and probably be pissed off that he did something so stupid. 


In this case BMR, you actually hurt him mentally, not physically.  I think most everyone can agree that the things you said to him were uncalled for.


Perhaps CW is choosing what is right over a friend, not WSC over a friend.


HSC, you have to understand that WSC has spoken of his depression and his home life alot on this board, and has even spoken of his religious upstart.  Don't make stupid comments about a friend over something like this.  CW, is doing whats best for the kid, which is also the best for all of us.  We are better if we are not picking on a depressed 14, even if he acted like an idiot.

I agree that the things that went back and forth between some of the members were harsh. Things sometimes get said that you may not want to say in time of anger.


From what I know of Vince he is a great guy. Thats my personal opinion. People are entitled to their opinions of him as well. I'm not saying you have to like him or anything like that...but he does many good things for this site and I call him a friend.


Its my personal opinion that he didn't intend to offend anyone other then to stick up for WSC who is kind of in a "odd-state" to say the least. I think we can all say WSC has said plenty of things and has got the vast majority here upset at him from his months of comments and randomly thrown out insults. But we all have to see that the kid is screwed up. Whether Vince should of stuck up for him or not is your call. He felt he should of....while others felt he got whats coming. Both are entitled to their opinion.


And how the hell the discussion turned into a debate about Vince's preference and what not...I don't know and personally I don't care. Thats Vince's business and I'll call him my friend either way...but basically Apu said it best, imo.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Forbid me for jumping topics here, but because heather said sex I have reason to mention it.  Did anyone hear about two ladies who got COMPLETELY naked in the crowd during last nights game.  One of my buds were telling me that on The Score  some White Sox insider was saying two ladies dropped their pants, took off their shirts and showed the world their goods.  This was in the family section too.  The guy went on to say that every member of the press had their faces planted on the windows looking down. 


Im sorry if someone else mentioned this, and if im the first to bring it up just wait for it to be mentioned in tomorrows' newspapers.

Behind home plate..? That's the only "friends & family" section I am aware of. Somehow, I can't imagine Demetrious and Rob letting this happen. Michelle.. you were there.. give us the scoop.

:nono no such thing in our section (130) last nite steff... i had all my clothes on..... ;)

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Vince is a great guy.

Vince closed the thread because the junior high name calling festival got out of hand.

A lot of people got their panties in a twist that the thread was closed over "free speech" issues.

The fact that friendships are in question over what was written on an internet message board [Jas, it's a great board but let's face it, in the grand scheme of things, it's not all too entirely monumental in importance] is f***ing goddamn insane. :o :o



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Guest hotsoxchick1

now to clarify something here.... first off i dont give two s***s what wsc had to say about me .. the thing i did however give a s*** about with his running amuck here is that he jammed pack the pm box ... and (by my fault for having it on the profile) jammed my email box.... i have since changed that because he had my email addy so i had to rearrange some of my PERSONAL s*** due to him being allowed to get away with this s*** all the time and being coddled like a little baby.... i do not give a s*** about his home life or mental state of mind as i said everyone has problems in their lives and this place is an escape of sorts..... i never knew about his personal s*** it till last nite becuase i usually skip over his stupid s*** threads he starts anyhow.....my two main b****es about this whole thing are one.. he got into the pm and email box, and two.... the f***in threads being closed down all the time suck.... and its a waste of time because the new ones pop up.........thats it... period.....the rest of the stuff is mute......i dont care.......

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