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Everything posted by Molto

  1. Molto

    Flash Gordon

    so in 2000, when he came in all those times with men on first and second and threw a double play or struck a guy out, that wasn't considered clutch? I thought it did. Why do you think Wunsch made all those appearences and threw all those innings. He would come in, face one better and a few times he threw 1-2 pitches and picked up 2 outs. I don't think Wunsch is good, but the end result is the end result. He doesn't blow anymore game than the next guy, WHEN HE IS HEALTHY.
  2. Molto

    Flash Gordon

    What are you talking about? Wunsch is already set to make the team. When you have three seasons, two of which being good, with the other one being bad as a result of injury, you are bound to make a team. Take out his injury in 2001 and you have a really good ERA from him. I personally don't think he's that good, but numbers don't lie, he's been good.
  3. A part of me thinks she is upset because she was wrong and KW did a good thing, but I think HSC is just really pissed off at the Sox right now and really doubts them, and in a way, it's rightfully so.
  4. I didn't see the Angels winning it, but I did call them my sleeper team before the season. Suprisingly enough, my sleeper team of the year before were teh D-backs, no lie. I just wish the Sox can be my sleeper pick one year.
  5. Adkins talent isn't the question. He seems to be a decent pitcher who can be something, BUT the argument is that he wasn't worth much and not even close to Durham's value.
  6. Molto


    Valentin isn't a leadoff hitter for two reasons. One, he as little ability to make contact Two, he can't hit lefties for nothing. Jimenez struggles, they will go with Harris. If Harris struggles, Rowand. I don't see Jimenez struggling though. Next to Crede, he is one young guy I have a lot of confidence in. I could see him putting up good numbers this year. Keep in mind this guy was looked at very highly a few years back. It took him a year or two to recover from his neck injury and didn't really get a good chance in SD. He was moved around too much and wasn't given a full season.
  7. there is no doubt that the Durham trade was bad, but I can't help but wonder what were the other offers. I mean, if Durham was valuable, wouldn't other teams go out and make the Sox an offer? Surely the Adkins offer wasn't the best one. I get it when a bad deal occurs, but this was too bad of a deal. So I wonder, were there any offers at all for Durham? Like toasty said, no other team picked up a secondbaseman and the A's didn't even use him there. Plus, he recently signed with the Giants and they are even reluctant to put him there. Perhaps the A's were the only team after Durham.
  8. well, I don't think he will mentor, but he will help by his actions, especially when the young guys see first hand his ability to get stronger as the game goes on. That will push them to start strengthening their legs, which is where it comes from with Colon. I'm not a huge fan of Colon, but i love the idea that he gets stronger and better as the game goes on. There aren't many guys in baseball who can do that.
  9. wouldn't be a bad idea, not like we threw a ton of money at Alomar, I believe it was 700,000 or so. I think they still have some extra cash to work with. Give him $5 mil for one year and have Olivo play in Charlotte. I like Olivo and would have no problem if he starts up here, BUT we also can't forget that he had a BIG year last year. Perhaps another few months in AAA could help him out. I don't think it would happen, but getting IROD would be a pretty damn big move after trading for Colon. It would show that the Sox are legit at contending this year and make them immediate contenders. IF we were to get him, which is pretty doubtful, but let's just say we do, I think they should consider batting him second and moving Valentin down the order: Only problem is Valentin is more productive out the 2-hole. So either this: 2B-Jimenez C-Rodriguez DH-Thomas RF-Ordonez 1B-Konerko LF-Lee SS-Valentin 3B-Crede CF-Rowand Or This: 2B-Jimenez SS-Valentin DH-Thomas RF-Ordonez 1B-Konerko C-Rodriguez LF-Lee 3B-Crede CF-Rowand Or perhaps this was a totally useless post and the lineup will be as is: 2B-Jimenez SS-Valentin DH-Thomas RF-Ordonez 1B-Konerko LF-Lee 3B-Crede C-Olivo CF-Rowand
  10. none taken, it is good idea, something we should've done. You gave me an idea though. We've made some player pages for the the main guys on the team, maybe we'll go ahead add to them and make minor league player pages as well. would anyone be interested in us making minor league profile pages? This will obviously take some time, but if so let me know. It would consist of their weight, height, age, maybe some minor league numbers and a brief scouting report too.
  11. umm, okay LDF. I know you guys love to blame Clayton for the Sox' struggles, but he was here to play defense and he did. We gave up Myette for him, anyway, you think we lost that trade? if so, I don't see how anyone can respect your opinion.
  12. I CAN ACCEPT THAT HSC but please, don't take this as I was upset at you for not throwing a party and giving three cheers for kenny. nobody has to consider KW a great GM because of this one move, it was just that you took this without the least bit of positiveness. either way, as I said, anything can happen, and all we can do as fans is hope. by the way HSC, hope you didn't take anything I said personal, it was just a good old fashion arguement. are we cool?
  13. Jimenez was a good trade. We dealt two guys who really had no spot in our organization for Jimenez who I REALLY like (maybe this is more of a personal liking) Glover is good. the only reason his ERA is high is because he started, but he's a good reliever. I love his demeanor and poise. I didn't list these trades as them being KW wins, but they were all strong deals. Wells performed better than Siro, and that trade at the time was huge in that it gave us the TRUE #1 everyone was complaining for. Bradford has done good and I HATED GIVING HIM UP, but Olivo looks to be the first young catcher we've had in a LONG time who looks to be the real deal. Harris for Singleton was good. Sure Harris hasn't done great, but he hasn't really been given a chance. Singleton had done nothing since, while Harris has only had a few games in the bigs. One thing is for us, Harris' "D" is great. I think defensively, he is the best guy we have at a postion. the Koch deal was even, the Clayton deal was even as well. the COlon deal today was a steal. the thing is, KW had made 4 bad trades (I think it is more like 2-3, but I'll stick with 4), but he's made plenty of even to good trades. that doesn't warrant praise, but warrants a certain amount of respect. He can't be considered a crap GM to the extent many believe.
  14. very good post HSC. I know I come off as this sox fan who thinks happy days with every move and signing, but I'm not. I love the Sox and I wish teh best for them, but I try to keep an outside perpsective on them as well, if I don't, I won't make it very far in my career. I try to be as objective as I can. Anyway, I don't think having Colon will make us contenders, but I'm a firm believe that ANYTHING can happen if you give yourself a chance. And that chance means making teh playoffs. Yesterday, I didn't see the Sox has favorites. I thought they COULD beat out the twins for the division, but that would take 2000-like luck, which really isn't that fun because you want to win based on good play, not luck. BUT, after getting a guy like a Colon, a 20-game winner who will give us 220 innings, it is really hard to say this team isn't going to challenge for the playoffs. right? And with them making the playoffs, ANYTHING can happen. I remember saying that before 2000, nobody believed me (even I didn't) but it happened somehow. hell, in 2001 the sox started off like s***, but suprisingly won 85 games. So waht I'm saying is that this team is capable of making it to the playoffs, and when in the playoffs, with a duo like Buehrle and Colon, it is pretty formidable, right? I wouldnt' consider us big time underdogs if we made it. remember, anything can happen come playoff time. we just have to make sure we get there, which is where Colon could take us.
  15. that 95-win team wasn't a real 95-win team though baggs. he was handed a good team, but not a gold mine. I thought he was at the time too, but were very lucky in 2000, very unlucky in 2001, and just bad this past season. part of it could be contributed to KW, but he didn't ruin anything special. Kw isn't a good GM, he may even be closer to a bad one, but not every bad thing that happens to the sox is a result of him. He's made some good deals. -Wells -Marte -Jimenez -Olivo -Harris -Glover -Colon doesn't make him good, but he's better than the incompetent idiot many make him out to be.
  16. nobody should jump on the badwagon, hell, there shouldn't even be one because bandwagons are pathetic in general. the thing is if people are going to complain about KW and the Sox, saying that they never try or KW is too stupid to do this or that, they should acknowledge when the unthinkable happens. KW made a good trade today that, as baggio said, gives us 4 pitchers who could combined, throw 800 innings, not many teams can say that, especially when they have a strong offense and bullpen. we have two 20-game-esque winners on our team, backed by two young, talented guys who showed signs of success many times in 2002. Usually a team with two 20-game winners and a guy like Garland are looked at as a pretty damn good team.
  17. it isn't about stick our heads out of his asses. I know the mistakes KW has made, I, nor anyone here is really glorifying him. when KW makes a bad move, I say it, when it's a good move, I say it. but you are just complaining about the bad and complaining about the good ones. listen HSC, your anger for the Sox is valid. KW hasn't been the best GM, but I think you are WAY off when you say KW ruined the team of 2000, especially when that team went into the season with the expectaions of winning 80-85 games TOPS. they won 10 more games than they themselves thought. Their offense was great, but very inconsistent and lucky. Their staff was solid, but had two bad arms in Parque and Eldred. Their bullpen was awsome, but went to s*** the year after because most of the guys wore out their arms in 2000. 2001 was filled with 6-7 pitching injuries and a Thomas injury, not his fault. and 2002 consisted of the Ritchie trade (which I liked) but in the end turned out to be horrible. but do you think we would've been much better with Wells and Fogg? the only reason Fogg pitched good (IN THE FIRST HALF) was because the Pirates had no other plans for the rotaion. Fogg wasn't going to start in 2002. and Wells, although talented, never got comfortable here. Now people will bring up the Baldwin and Durham trades, but this those two really set this organization back from the 2000 team? the 2000 was VERY LUCKY HSC, KW didn't destroy anything. He didn't help the cause completely, but he didn't dismantle it by a long shot. god I'm tired, this post may not have even made any sense.
  18. okay HSC, you didn't really answer my question, but I guess I'll know your response either way. I know your pissed and have been pissed since life as a Sox fan is very rough, but how can you completely doubt this team and show no confidence in them? whether you think so or not, Buehrle and Colon is one of the best duo's in the game. Garland and Wright are two strong, solid pitchers. Our offense has no glaring weakness compared to other teams out there and our pen is pretty solid. Now if you want to compare this team to the Yankees, then yeah, you can say this team sucks and has now chance (IN COMPARISON), but look at every team in the AL and NL for that matter. We have one of the best pitching duo's, one of the best offenses, and a strong bullpen. don't know about you, but that is pretty damn competitive. does that guarentee a world series? no, but if it did, there would be no point in watching baseball. this team as is can very well make it to playoffs, and if you watched the Angels last year, and the D-Backs before that, it will show you don't have to have this great team to win it. now i know, JR doesnt want to win, but the team RIGHT NOW CAN WIN and doesn't need JR to change his attitude. I don't think ANYONE should be thinking world series because it takes more than just a few players (hell, even the yanks can't think WS). we are fans, all we can do is look at our team and give an honest opinion as to where they can be, and the Sox could make the playoffs and PERHAPS do something special. whether JR wants it or not, the players on the field have the capabilities of getting the job done and winning, something JR can't control.
  19. get him then, and have him battle it out with Rauch in ST. Halama isn't capable of putting in a full season in the rotation, but neither will Rauch. Sign him and give both of them 15-18 starts next year.
  20. nobody is annointing him as steinbrenner, but he did go and take on 8.5 mil in salary on a big #2, something many sox fans doubted heavily. whether the payroll is more or not, the fact is he went out and got a difference maker, hopefully us fans go out to the park.
  21. you are 100% right, but I don't think they are going to invest in Suppan. I think he will be going after a more cheaper option. personally, if the Sox were to get a #5, they need to get a Twin-killer. A guy like John Halama, someone who has dominated the Twins in past years, however I don't think he is available. But I would get a Twin-killer and/or a southpaw who has had success against lefties.
  22. also, the offer the sox made to mark wasn't s***ty. Mark asked for a certain amount and the sox gave it to him, he rejected it for whatever reason (which I think has something to do with last year's negotiations or the fact that both sides don't get alone well). that is fine, but the offer wasn't s***ty, over $3 mil a season is fine in my book.
  23. HSC, can you explain. a few weeks ago you were acting like everyone was an idiot for thinking we were gonna get colon. From what i picked up based on the way you were talking, was that KW is too stupid to trade for a guy like Colon and JR is too cheap to take on his salary. This basically meant that Colon would help the Sox, but our organization is too pitiful to make such a great move. you doubted the sox, saying it will NEVER happen MANY times. And correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you one to think we needed a big time #2 pitcher? I remember you saying how we aren't going to get the guy we need, so we should all be happy in getting a guy like Suppan. So it happens, and now you are saying that Colon is overweight and won't help us win. I don't get it? Is someone paying you to be queen negativity? Where is the real HSC? I mean you were always somewhat negative (or "realistic"), but very smart also.
  24. he wasn't the brains behind it? The yanks brought the Hernandez deal to him without the Expos getting involved. So KW rejected the deal and worked out a three-way deal which HE started. Of course, you didn't hear that, right? KW is a moron and was just sitting on his ass this whole time and the Expos and Yanks knocked on his door and said here is a deal. When he makes a bad move it's because he's an idiot who got burned. when he makes a good move it's because he got lucky and the deal fell in his lap. jesus christ, I know you don't like to admit it, but KW isn't an idiot like you suggest. when he makes a bad trade, people magnify 10 TIMES and drag it out for several months. he makes a good one, these certain people cover their eyes and slowly take a peak only to make comments like he got lucky and how he's still an idiot. why is it hard to admit that along with the bad ones KW has made some good moves? sorry once again for getting jumpy, I just don't see the need for being constantly negative. he did a good thing, give him credit and acknowledge it.
  25. and speaking of number one, BUEHRLE IS OUR #1. NOBODY should say Colon is it. as good as Colon is, Buehrle is still the best pitcher on this team. it is a great combo though. the creative, lefty with a lot of pitches and great control, and the big righty, with his good fastball and uncanny ability to get stronger and stronger as the game goes on.
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