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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Realistically, any sort of firing would happen in the offseason and would come in the form of kicking Hahn upstairs and having Williams retire. Then the new GM comes in and keeps Grifol on for the remainder of his contract. If they don’t do it this offseason then they’ll tie Hahn to Grifol’s deal and make them lame ducks. With that said, Hahn is getting up there with his tenure relative to the other White Sox GMs. And his winning percentage is underperforming compared to others (yeah I know about the rebuild years). So it might be time for a change soon anyway based on historical norms.
  2. We are all assuming Hahn will be fired after this season, but deep down does anyone truly believe it will happen?
  3. I just wondered if it was another fan decision or if they have a track record for doing so.
  4. Robert. Moncada has been disappointing for some time but I have always thought Robert was the most talented.
  5. Do you guys think it is actually possible that they would fire anyone right now?
  6. I bet you they do and will do so when the game is still in reach.
  7. Damn, Sox pitchers look like Todd Ritchie, Jaime Navarro and wild Damaso Marte.
  8. I haven’t boycotted, but I did go to fewer games than I used to over the past few years. I know I went to two last year - my birthday and a game they won in August against the Astros. If they are losing revenue or attendance year over year I would think they would have to either shed payroll or make a change in the FO. Supporters of Hahn? I mean I’ll give the team more time, but the FO and ownership as a whole is who I’m frustrated with.
  9. Okay, I don’t disagree. But what else will you do about it then analyze it to death? How will your support of this team change so it hits JR’s pocket book?
  10. I’ll have to mess around with filters to figure out their records for specific time periods in the season. I haven’t used that site for team stats, only players.
  11. It’s one thing to hope for positive changes or discuss what people want to see done to the team. It’s another thing to just spew the same s%*# over and over about Hahn and just add pages to a Fire Rick Hahn thread. Like I said, people should do something more concrete to show their dissatisfaction with the team and organization. Write letters. Get cheap tickets in the upper deck and raise the banners or write out signs and try and get captured on TV or social media. Don’t get tickets. Don’t buy memorabilia. Etc. Anything seems more productive than writing negative posts that the FO and ownership likely doesn’t read.
  12. Fine, but it’s a lazy thing to do to just use the same recycled crap to go after a GM who isn’t getting fired.
  13. If their pitching wasn’t as bad and the hitting was more clutch, this would be a better team. It seems like not doing either of those things like they used to make weaknesses more glaring. I need more data from this year to put my finger on what needs to change with the roster. It makes me wonder if Grifol will get any say in what he needs to change for next year.
  14. I agree with the first sentence, but why is everyone so hung up on that stupid quote? It was clearly cocky GM bullshit then like it is now.
  15. This is a great post. Thank you for sharing. I would be glad to have a clean slate when this team is sold, assuming Michael Reinsdorf will sell the team.
  16. People gave KW a hard time for different reasons. The phrase that was used to describe him was something like “I can’t spend $1.00 if I only have $0.50.” He would seem to get his players late. And he always seem to need to trade the farm system to get pitchers (Wells, Ritchie) and have to buy low and short term on free agents. While Hahn has had bad free agent signings, JR is pulling the budget strings. He did the same thing to KW.
  17. Why would Brooks Boyer not be able to penetrate the market? Do you think he’s incapable of getting the next generation of fans grown and involved? Budget cuts seem more likely to me as well as automation.
  18. Maybe there is some optimism for a minute on Soxtalk before the negativity fills up the thread like a fart in a stuffy room.
  19. And yet, it’s each Sox fans’ choice to pour money into the team. I pay for cable and get at least 15 tickets for a group outing to celebrate my birthday. My desire to go to other games depends on their performance. If any of you are fans that are unhappy with ownership, the FO or the results on the field, don’t buy tickets, memorabilia, etc and don’t show up. It seems like we all will watch the games or listen to the radio to a certain extent. But stop supporting financially if you or others don’t approve of management of results. I remember where you stood the last couple of off seasons and at least you had analysis about what you wanted to see and why instead of bitching about the problem. I hoped that the Sox would perform like their baseball cards and I still remain optimistic, but I do think further change is needed to make things work. They may need to trade someone good to get better at an area of need. We should know more by the deadline unless Hahn does a weird Diekman trade or stands pat. This is where I am at too. He hasn’t even gone through one season and already people are bitching. He’s got a ball club without Anderson, Moncada or Hendriks right now. Imagine how the year would have started with everyone, including Hendriks.
  20. Probably. I’ll still bet anyone good money that they’ll win a game in April and frankly I think they’ll win a game in this series.
  21. Instead of a complete rebuild, I was thinking of the 2004-2005 moves that were made. Lee dealt, Magglio leaves, Contreras arrives and Hernandez arrives. If they are stuck with the owner and FO they have, why not figure out possible moves to retool at the deadline and offseason. Like, not specifically players to target but positions of need and what they could do about filling those roles. I would be thrilled if they moved on from and traded any number of guys from the team to get better. But not a rebuild, a retooling.
  22. It’s better to say something basic than b**** about the FO and JR. Especially when it’s a fantasy that nobody is getting fired and the team is not being sold at the moment. I also think it’s good to add up these losses at the end of the year and see what they would do to the final standings.
  23. When I look back on this year, this will be a loss that they should have won. These hurt. It makes me wonder if Hendriks would have saved this game.
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