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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Didn't Obama say someting similar during the convention? I think it was having parents tellt here kids that reading a book once in a while isn't 'acting white'? Oh, and hammerhead, the 'average white teenage suburbanite' you mention isn't the same kid that is carrying a Mac-10, holding up liquor stores and causing general mayhem in the inner city. He is the one in mom's Volvo buying the drugs in the poor neighborhoods. I would say that Zero's difference would probably have to do with the fact that he has parents who care.
  2. Joe Borchord used to tear up the minors too. And Diaz was untouchable while pitching down there. Minors don't mean a thing once you get to the bigs.
  3. It also helps to keep Arafat in power in the Mid East, has been ignoring the Sudan for a long while, stole money from the Iraqi people in the Food for Oil scandel, turned a conference about human rights into a 'let's bash Israel' meeting, has some of the worst human rights violators sitting onthe Human Rights Committee, criticizing the US on Human Rights violations and has done pretty much zip in ending slavery where it still exists in Africa. Sure, they foster communication, but their records on other thngs are dubious, at best. Hell, we foster communication here, too.
  4. You pose an interseting question. problem is, there is no better solution. For the UN to truely have any power, it should be able to enforce its 'rulings', which it can't do. What good is passing a 'resolution' condemning something. It does nothing. It should also be free of partisan politics, which one look at the Human Rights Committee will tell you it is not. Or almost any other committee they have. The current model does not work anymore. And without a viable alternative, I see no reason to continue in it.
  5. Just wait. There will soon be people criticizing the US for NOT doing something there.
  6. 2 miracles in one inning? A Jose walk, and Uribe sac? Hmmmm.
  7. I met Paul Simon (thelate Illinois Senator, not the musician), Julian Bond (pre-drug allegations), several Bears players from the late 80's teams (cousin with season tickets was dating a Honey Bear!) and I stepped on B.B. King while visiting Hollywood! I stepped out of a shop and walked right into him. His body guards were pretty mad, but he was pretty cool, and invited my wife and me to see him at some show he was playing that night at a small blues club somewhere. Had tickets waiting for us at the door! That was cool.
  8. 3 games in a row now! Will they do it twice in tonights game? DAMN THEY PISS ME OFF!
  9. Where's the flop? He said he nobody wants to be the war president, then says he IS the war president. Didn't say he WANTED to be the war president.
  10. It should say vote, but only if you take the time to understand the issues that are important to you. Don't vote, if you do so out of hatred, or ignorance of the issues, or because someone 'told' you to.
  11. He is also a big pussy. Remember when he kept calling Jim Everett "Chrissy"? Everett told him if he did it one more time, he was gonna kick Rome's ass. Rome did it, then ran for his life behind staff as Everett turned over the table and went nuts trying to get at him. Grow some balls, douche bag! (Rome, that is.) :finger
  12. You also have no idea what Varitek was saying to Arod the whole time. Maybe he was calling Arod a pussy, thereby turning himself into the instigstor. Takes a lot of guts for a catcher, wearing all that padding, to start a fight. Find out what varitek said first, then see who 'instigated' it.
  13. I don't have any duty to help her. The first person who has a duty to help her is herself. She should have done some of that before getting herself into the current situation. How about an education BEFORE having kids? With the first one being autistic, did she think she could handle another one, even if NOT autistic? Or was she just 'following her heart' and just living for the moment? She had the duty to herself to 'be all she could be' before possibly limiting herself with marraige and/or kids. The second person who has a duty to her is her family. isn't that what they are there for? Mom, dad, siblings? if you can't ask your family to help you, why should I help you? The third person should be the deadbeat dad's family. Doesn't grandma-in-law want to see her grandkids? Maybe not, but they are in the chain of responsibility. Nowhere in there do I fit in. I support a wife and 2 kids of my own, and help my parents out a bit, as well as help a yonger sister that is in pretty desperate need. She is on husband #3, the first 2 running off, has an 8yr old girl, and was not smart enough to go to college, so her job choices are limited. She is among the working poor you describe, and I don't expect the government to take care of her either. She fends for herself, with a little help from me, my brother and her church.
  14. What about the class warfare against the middle and upper class? Many of those people worked their asses off to get what they have, yet are railed against as evil people. I worked hard to own my own business, I provide paychecks to 6 people, 5 of whom have families. I grease the wheels of commerce at a high level, as well as the damn wheels of taxation. I pay about $3500 a year in unemployment 'insurance', even though I have not laid anyone off in 13 years. What little money I have left is mine, and I want to keep it. If I feel like helping people,I do. And I have done. Remember one time when Gore's tax returns were made public? It showed that for all the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made, that he gave something like $300 that year to charity. Hell, I can beat that, and do, every year. I pay a hefty portion of my income in taxes. I also get nailed for everything under the sun being a business owner. Extra taxes on phone bills, water bills, electric bills, etc. Money to be licensed in the village. Money to the state each year to be incorporated. matching the ss deducted from my employees checks. While I may agree with you somewhat on the healthcare issue and the education issue, I don't think the government has any responsibility for my financial security in retirement. It is called savings! or IRA's. Or even family! I seem to recall a story about the ant and the grasshopper. Keep up this wealth redistribution, and we will have a nation of grasshoppers!
  15. Damn! I was going to post that question too! Been debating what to get for mine.
  16. I get frustrated whiel watching alot of Sox games, even ones they win, when I notice this. And to me, it seems like it happens alot. WHat is it I notice? OK, to me, it seems like every time the Sox go and get a run or two, the next AB for the other team, the pitcher goes and gives it right back. Give Garland a 2 run 3rd inning, and in the top of the 4th, he gives up a 2 run HR. Ties the game for Loaiza, he walks the leadoff batter nect inning on 4 straight pitches, then gives up 2 doubles to lose the lead he just got. I go back and forth from optamistic to pessamistic, but it seems to me like they are ALWAYS giving back runs right after getting runs. Is it just me? Is my Evil Monkey brain too messed up from trying to deal with all these political discussion to see straight? If not, WHY can't our guys hold onto a damn lead?
  17. On #1, I agree!!! On #2, I agree!!! On #3, I agree!!! However, since they did play the race card, it takes away from the credibility of the rest of their argument. YES, there are times when race is the deciding, or a major factor in decisions, issues, etc. but playing that game EVERY DAMN TIME is annoying, and frankly, just pisses me off. I tried to hire a press operator several years ago, had 2 guys I interviewed, one white, one black. They both had good references and experience, and passed the 'tests' on the press. The black guy said he wouldn't work for less than $18/hour, even when I told him upfront that the job paid less than that. I offered him the job at the max I was willing to go, he said no. I hired the white guy. I then proceeded to be called a racist by this guy in letters and emails for months, and had a local 'civic group' come and try to ask me questions about my hiring practices. I am in the business to make myself as much money as possible. If you can help me make money, I will hire you! I don't care what color or sex you are. I have had a deaf press operator, a militant lesbian designer (now THAT was an experience!) and a hispanic Customer Service person, as well as some women. Sorry for my rant, just got a little worked up there.
  18. If she were Al Sharpton's daughter, I would just want to know if she was qualified. But someone else mentioned that the big issue here is that the race card was played, and played fast. Does this group know for a fact that there is a QUALIFIED minority candidate that applied for that job, and didn't get it, because of her? Inner city schools almost have to beg to get teachers, so that dig about taking a job away from a black person is a crock. Oh, I found this about Mr Bond also. I wasn't sure about this, but I remember hearing about it after he came to my college for a speech in 1987. In 1987, Bond's wife told police that he used cocaine daily, that he consorted with a woman who had prior convictions – a felon later convicted for possession and intent to distribute – and that this woman had assaulted her. Although charges were never filed against Bond, after the allegations hit, writer/commentator Juan Williams wrote, "A number of (Bond's) friends and political allies ... say they think Julian Bond uses cocaine. ... " Some good moral fiber there, as well.
  19. I wonder if they think that Marion "The b**** set me up" Barry is morally fir to be Mayor of Washington DC. Or Jessie "Yup, I'm an out-of-wedlock dad" Jackson is morally fit to 'speak' for blacks? And last I heard, people of ANY color were not exactly beating down the doors for teaching jobs at inner city schools.
  20. Are they worried that swing voters are that shallow and uninformed that they will decide against Kerry because he happens to look silly in whatever that suit was? As for the photos just 'apperaing', "CAHILL: there was no press there. there was -- nothing. all of the sudden these photographs are out." Well gee, you think there was an employee there with a camera? Maybe it was taken innocently by a FAN, excited that the Democratic nominee was at his/her place of employment! Or, for those conspiracy people out there, maybe it was all staged by the eeeevil Neocons, who managed to convince NASA that Kerry wants to shut them down, so they took some 'funny' pics of him to get him back. Sort of the same way photos just happened to appear from an Iraqi prision camp, when there were no reporters? Looks to me from that one photo, that Kerry would have seen the person who took the photo. If he was so worried then, don't you think he would have had the camera confiscated? Or at least asked for the film?
  21. And do you think the future piece by Moore about the Republican convention will make any more sense than hers? I find it a bit odd that they hired her in the first place. She is pretty much a 'known commodity', they knew her political leanings, knew her 'style', so they should have known what they were going to get. I wonder if Michael Moore will write an open letter to the USA Today staff about the censoring of her article, and how that is violating her right to free speech?
  22. You might have been a little busy playing with your Democratic chubby to realize that Bob and Mike are not exactally party 'leaders'.
  23. You are right. He would have commissioned a poll to see what the potential voting public thought was the best course of action.
  24. Yup, Portland has scorers, but at the time, the Bulls didn't. Still don't.
  25. Is this the same Trent Hassel that, when with the Bulls, couldn't score if you put him in a room full of blind sex addicts?
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