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southsideirish71 last won the day on February 4 2021

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About southsideirish71

  • Birthday 09/03/1971

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    Downers Grove(formerly of the Mount Greenwood)

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  1. This approach to hitting in the offseason is not going to get it going. Plus the slappy foxy boxing is probably not enough for explosive movements. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=849011016183367 Dude got paid is will return to form just in time for his free agent year. Then he will turn it on. This is a tale as old as time.
  2. With this fucked up owner he might just hire the janitor because he liked the way he smiled at him. I expect Grady to get the job just be cause thats how we do things here.
  3. Well this would of been good to have ahead of this years draft. We seem to gauge our drafts at times on the 40 man and the MLB roster. We selected Smith in part to replace Crochet sooner than later in the rotation. All things being equal a high level bat that might of been drafted say a slot later would of been a better fit if we hang on to Crochet. Our offense is the largest issue and the only way to fix that in the short term is to unload talent that can get multiple high level players for a cost controlled high level player such as Crochet. So if we sign him its great for the pitching staff but not so good for the offense. I have zero faith that we will sign anyone of consequence in free agency. And really, who of consequence in free agency is signing here for less than overpay and we know Jerry doesnt do that. So we might be in baseball hell for a few years with a great pitching staff only to waste that time with a horrific offense.
  4. Eventually this asshole is going to take his permanent dirt nap. f*** this guy.
  5. Next up Jerry hires this guy from the Natural just like their owner did trying to tank the team.
  6. The only thing that will fix this franchise is when that guy is listed in an obit in the local papers just like Dollar Bill Wirtz. IMHO He is a horrible owner. The only thing going for me is that he isnt immortal. Eventually father time will clean up this mess and hopefully the next owner isnt this guy.
  7. My guess is that Sizemore gets the gig fulltime in the offseason. Any sign of life, look he did great. If they still suck, well lets give him next year. JR loves his low cost first time hires. More nickels in his pocket.
  8. JR is a new level of cheap. Tampa and Cleveland dont spend on the roster, but they invest in development, analytics, drafting and the international free agency. They take raw talented players and get the best out of them. Its not that JR doesn't spend money. He doesn't spend it anywhere. They have the smallest analytics department in the MLB. We dont have a large amateur and professional scouting organization. Its still the good old boys network there. Ancient ideas. The GMs are focused on short term returns. We let the guy we fired shortly after the draft make the first pick, he picked someone who was probably not the best player available but someone who would be able to fill the MLB roster quickly. The current GM probably picked Hagen because they figured Crochet was on his way out. Our free agency is filled with mediocre B level players that we sometimes have to overpay to be here. So if you go to Walmart and buy a 100 dollars worth of Chef Boy R Dee, yes you spent a 100 dollars but that doesnt immediately turn that Chef into a 100 dollar steak because you spent the same. Sure you have more meals, but its not a quality meal. Its just numbers. We dont have a pipeline to fill the ball club at this point. We hire low cost managers. Everyone is wasting their time looking for a replacement, Sizemore is it. JR loves his low cost first time guys. TLR is probably whispering in his ear and Getz is doing whatever TLR says is a good idea. During the "window" we spent oddly. No superstar. Just an assembly of parts, lots of relievers. The owner then imposed his will and put his buddy in charge and then closed the wallet up. Then he stripped this thing to the studs and now is going to anchor attendance before he is going to spend. Sorry you didnt spend to get a superstar to push us over the top or spend wisely the last time. We are not going to be tricked again. I can wait him out, time is on my side.
  9. Tony did a bang up job in his last few stops building teams. Tony is a shadow of the man he used to be. And Soxfest is back./ https://www.mlb.com/whitesox/fans/soxfest
  10. In the end, JR is not parting ways with any monies. Grifol will survive the year, probably survive the offseason ( got to have someone for fans to yell at at Soxfest ), then they can fire him around the ASB next year. Tony is most likely calling the shots.
  11. The real GM is JR's buddy and is Getz's sounding board. He wont get fired. The only thing that will ever happen while JR is alive is that another puppet will be put out to be the face of the team while TLR pulls the strings.
  12. https://x.com/JohnDenton555/status/1818034898139234523 They tried to go 1-1 and the Cards raised the ante.
  13. Feede for Edman as the first trade thoughts tells me that TLR is pulling the strings.
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