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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. Sorry guys I don't know what was going through my head . I meant the Patriots home record was outstanding. For some reason I had it in my head backwards. So much for that mad respect right ? lol
  2. Chargers sucked on the road this year. Never try to analyze a team go with the basics. Home and road records.
  3. Check my last sentence, Said that week before the game with the Eagles.
  4. Machado/Moncada just like Mantle and Maris amiright ?
  5. My bad that wasn't a sad face but looked like one at the end of the word new): but it's really a close parentheses and colon . Could just be a congrats because he knows he will sign somewhere eventually or maybe he got a new puppy .
  6. I saw that but sooo... what's that got to do with anything ? Nothing here for Fathom to be making the sad face about. There's nothing even implied about where Machado is headed.
  7. Is it just me or does anyone else get a kick out of the misspelling of words that basically call people idiots, e,g. baffon instead of buffoon or dum rather than dumb ?
  8. Well glad to see one person making sense. The reality is neither you , I and anyone else here knows anything about being a young famous athlete who hires an agent to negotiate the most important monetary decision of his life. You should not put stock in anything anyone says. You should not grovel asking people for info that cannot possibly help you in any way. There's absolutely no way to separate the wheat from the chaff. There are only ways to make you feel better or worse. Then you are pawns of every fake, prankster fraud and person that might have sources but the message gets twisted and misinterpreted as it gets passed around or even before it gets passed around. Will all this drivel make Machado or Harper sign where ever he signs any faster ? You're all masochists ! I say that in the nicest way possible. Carry on torturing yourselves.
  9. If the Yankeees sign Machado he will be back and possibly even douchier than ever.
  10. And to think among all the rumors we have read his was the one that caused to most people to jump ship.
  11. Betts gets record $20M to avoid arbitration. https://www.mlb.com/news/mookie-betts-agrees-to-20-million-contract/c-302613912
  12. I doubt it. The meeting with the Phillies is barely in the rear view mirror. My guess is another week at least.
  13. Maybe it's not. We don't know. That article doesn't even say the last time Manny and his HS coach spoke.
  14. https://www.nj.com/yankees/2019/01/why-manny-machados-hs-coach-thinks-hell-pick-white-sox-spurn-yankees-defends-work-ethic.html
  15. A little late on the response to this but yes and I posted this long ago Colome and Nova both were team mates on that DR team.
  16. That is totally within the parameters I suggested 😉
  17. If Machado does sign with the Sox I want some of you to think about what you will be posting. I expect some manly " Fuck ya ,yea . yeah , yeses ". Basically not more than 2 syllable grunts. None of this wimpy "it's happening" stuff. Dismissed.
  18. I have to agree. Harper would be pretty significant but I think the Sox will be extremely happy if Manny comes here. It's not exactly finished yet . Count that chicken after it hatches and maybe that hatchling influences the ones still in the eggs.
  19. Probably something like: I'd love to have Manny here with me and Yonder but Manny will do what's best for him and his family . He's a great guy and I will continue to be his friend no matter where he signs. Not sure I'd call that interesting.
  20. Like I said I have no sympathy for either side. Both were idiots. She is not a victim. She basically called him a 16 year old girl on her period to start the shit. I don't care that it didn't live up to the high standard of great insults from fans to celebs. Twitter is a cesspool and when you wade into a cesspool be prepared for some shit. If you can't handle it delete it . Pretty simple. This will be my last opinion on the matter because dipping my toe into that cesspool of nonsense is not something I feel the need to waste my time on. Most of us learned our lessons as children on something like this. Only morons take a stick and poke a bear.
  21. Definitely lesson to be learned on both sides. She did throw out the 1st 2 insults. You don't pick a fight with someone bigger than you especially when that someone has legions of fans. Bauer too should have been wise enough to know his stature as a professional athlete would lead to something much bigger that would hurt his status . Her fandom of the Astros and Bregman led her to stick her nose into some good natured ribbing between 2 professional ballplayers. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen. I know we feel the need to stick up for the damsel in distress but she literally threw herself in harms way. I have no sympathy for either side. Neither side seems to have a clue about the consequences of their actions .
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