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Everything posted by Jake

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 01:14 PM) What an epic match up between two pitchers who have each only lost 2 games all season! Wow!
  2. We're the right kind of lineup to get him out of the game early, even if it isn't by virtue of run scoring. We can at least work his pitch count to get him out of the game before the game ends.
  3. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 31, 2008 -> 02:33 PM) That's how you tell we're winning. Unfortunately true.
  4. QUOTE (DABearSoX @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 08:55 PM) This is not a thread to ATTACK PEOPLE, or QUESTION WHAT THEY SAY. Threads in the filibuster with those rules don't go far.
  5. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 06:27 PM) Yeah, Pontiac is just up 55. This isn't exactly White Sox country. Not at all. We're few and far between.
  6. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 06:13 PM) Will we ever hit a changeup? Hey I see you're from Normal, we're about 40 minutes apart. I'm in Pontiac.
  7. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 06:15 PM) Kind of sounds like someone else too. I'm done arguing about stupid stuff like this. Sure it was my fault for bringing that up, but I didn't appreciate the "Duh" comment you gave me. I think we have a case of misinterpretation due to being on an internet message board and not being able to detect the tone in which posters are speaking.
  8. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 06:10 PM) Yeah, according to you he's going back to Cuba for the hurricane. That's a big stretch from his original question about whether Alexei would go back.
  9. Hawk's experience in this game that amounts to 49 years.
  10. Does anyone here know exactly what consitutes a simulated game?
  11. QUOTE (MEANS @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 05:55 PM) it hit the wall first anyway. Would that play be reviewable? Should it be?
  12. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 06:55 PM) My cable just went out for no reason, wtf? I'm sure you haven't missed much.
  13. I know a lot of you have been wondering about his progress, so I thought I would post this from whitesox.com
  14. QUOTE (DABearSoX @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 12:37 PM) Yea, I meant to write something about that. I really just mean express your views on the world. I really like how this is shaping up, it gives a reasonable explanation at why someone disagrees with what you say in another thread. I'm a little too tired to think clearly but that looks like you're criticizing me, I do realize I went off track from your original post.
  15. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 02:31 PM) As a REALLY young kid (probably aged 6-10) the best was 4-square. Man, we'd get some tournaments going. I'm trying to recall the rules in my mind.
  16. Jake

    Soxtalk: A History

    QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 11:33 AM) I had my own board, the lounge of love... those were the days. Yeah, what happened to that?
  17. QUOTE (shipps @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 11:45 AM) We would play running bases more than anything,but also played "off the wall"(throw a rubber ball off wall and make the other person miss it) if we only had 2 people.Played Mike Tyson punch out and Cruisin USA until my thumbs cramped up.And I also enjoyed 7 minutes in the closet alone. Fixed.
  18. I'm young, can't yet vote. However, I must stockpile knowledge for future decisions. When Bush was first elected, I was rooting for him basically due to the fact that central Illinois is so largely conservative. Al Gore also came off as a big time tool, which didn't help his cause with me. Still does at times. When 9/11 occurred, it seemed to me that Bush did excellently in the events immediately following the crashes. I actually recall an MSNBC analyst saying they thought he may go down as one of the best presidents of all time. Funny how things change. I have mixed feelings on the Iraq war. I do think that we did something wonderful for Iraqis and they have opportunities now that were unforeseen 10 years ago. However, from the U.S. standpoint, I must ask : Had we not gone to war, where would be now? Nothing can be known for sure and hindsight is oftentimes 20/20, but I tend to think we would have suffered no attacks due to Saddam and would have a lot smaller national deficit/stronger economy. I would never go out and publicly protest the war, however. Why waste resources and time doing something that will never, no matter how many people raise their voices, change anything. Once you start, you can't just say "Oh we realized this was a bad idea we have to stop." That time and resources could be spent supporting our troops and making this thing a success with as many healthy, living soldiers coming home as possible. My feeling of politics is that it is just a game where no one has played it cleanly. Politics, although I know little of the pre-1990's, seems to be in its own Steroid Era. Nobody is playing by the rules, so everyone breaks them to stay in the game. However, perhaps I'll be found out to be just another sheep someday, but I feel like Barack would like politics as they are to stop. I don't know if he can change it, and I am sure he has committed some ethical errors in his rise to the top, but I feel that electing men like Barack Obama is the only chance we have at changing this system. The object of representative government, in its most simply stated form, is that the men in D.C. casting votes should be casting the vote that the people they represent would cast themselves. However, we know that personal and business interests are a much bigger player in the decision of what vote to cast. I always cheered on Republicans like the home team when I thought little of the issues, but the more I think on the basis of who will stand for what I stand for, I oftentimes sway liberal. I want a healthy environment, I would like to lose oil dependency, gays should be able to marry they are in no way harming heterosexual couples by having their own unions, I am for stem cell research when obtained ethically. I also know that we are going to have to pay higher taxes to help defeat this debt we are in as a country. My main conservative viewpoint is that I am pro-life. I also feel hesitant to declare that I am belonging to one party in particular. Times change, leaders change, the issues at hand change, I will change. I will always vote for who represents most closely the best for me and my country.
  19. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 03:07 PM) Or, I was more nervous than a hooker in church. I've always heard that one phrased as "sweating like a whore in church"
  20. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 11:06 AM) For the non-PC and no offense to anyone. Queer as a $3 bill. Otherwise, Strange as a $3 bill. I think "queer" can mean the same thing as strange, not always just homosexual.
  21. Jake

    Soxtalk: A History

    I remember being rather sad and maybe saying some things I shouldn't have when the censors were turned on. I still don't like it, but hey it's not a huge deal. It's funny, when looking at the archived soxtalks, many thread titles had swear words spelled out in them.
  22. Wow I was definitely going to search for this thread to bump it. That is why I came to Soxtalk and alas, it is already bumped.
  23. Jake

    Soxtalk: A History

    We need a Soxtalk Thread Hall of Fame.
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