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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. You may need a new battery. Also, I suggest you get a cap for your sound system so it doesn't kill your battery.
  2. I hate it because our yard is so damn big. Once, I was so bored and pissed off while doing it that in the front I had the cut like the Cell has it cut(exactly) and in the back I made a Sox logo, and made the fireworks logos(the ones they had at the ASG in 2003). My mom thought it was cool. I was pissed because she said, great, now you could the grass more and make more nice things in it.
  3. I love DJ's talent, but he has a hooney-moon period with a team, then it's over. Singleton is a nice guy. As far as playing, if Timo does get let go, I would love Singleton back with the team. I just don't see it.
  4. First, I will say this. Freddy should've ran harder to get over there. I will say this now, PK had enough time to run it back himself. He wasn't that far off the bag. He could've easily made the play, but I understand why he didn't.
  5. I would've thought Garcia had a tired shoulder prior to yesterday. Good to see we're taking necessary precautions.
  6. I personally don't care. We've won more of the games and it's gotten us to about 1 postseason. This series doesn't matter. I mean it's good for s***talking but a stronger argument is we made it to the playoffs and deep. Just like they did in 2003 and we really couldn't say s*** but, we beat you in the season series.
  7. QUOTE(SOXFANSINCE72 @ May 20, 2005 -> 10:59 AM) If it were me I'd call him a maricon. Steff, start the chant ma -ri - con, ma - ri - con. pronounced: mo (short o as in POsednick) ri (ree) con (as in cone) It pretty much means f**, or questions his manhood. GO SOX... whip some ass! actually you pronounce it mah(as in no-mah) ri(rre) con(cone without the e)
  8. Like Ozzie said. You guys should get more hyped up for Minny, not a sub 500 team that plays in a dump. You should be worrying about winning the division and making the playoffs, not the Flubs.
  9. nitetrain8601

    Star Wars

    QUOTE(qwerty @ May 19, 2005 -> 07:50 PM) It's fake. Nope, it's actually real. They got a final workprint copy(VHS/DVD quality except running time in big numbers at the top. Anyways, I know this is real. Chappelle Show Season 2 DVD is also lurking out there from what I hear.
  10. 1.5million? How about by a mansion for the poor people in Alaska. Then again, is anyone really broke in Alaska??
  11. nitetrain8601

    The Dells..

    Dells is great for the kids. You'll have fun if you have about 3 kids. Alone though, it's not that fun. I loved the place as a kid though. I thought it was the best place in the world. Especially the pancake house they had up there.
  12. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 17, 2005 -> 09:46 PM) Chandler is coming, along with Currie and Woods. I was nervous that he wouldn't, and it was a wait-and-see approach, but in the end he met with Wainwright and decided to honor his LOI. He would've had to given up a year of eligibility, so that's probably why he decided ultimately.
  13. QUOTE(Cloudyguy09 @ May 19, 2005 -> 04:14 PM) I think that 4 players will make it Buehrle, Garland, Hermanson for sure and either Iguchi Podsednick or Pierzynski the white usually dont get any votes but if the sox continue to play so good people are gooing to start to notice that we have good players and vote for them Iguchi won't make it. I will ban myself from this website permanently if he does. Bookmark this page if you want. Podsednik needs a higher average. The ASG is a power and GG game. Unless you're Torii Hunter defensively, with Pod's numbers, you're not getting in. Plus the AL OF is crowded with better guys. Pod won't make it for sure unless he ups his average to around .320 You need to show some type of power. He won't get in either. Pierzysnki may get in, but I'd my money on Posada or Varitek.
  14. He's not even my current favorite. Right now he's at 3 right behind Garland and Thomas. Well actually lower. I like Crede over him. He's probably my 2nd favorite pitcher though as of now. BTW, FAVORITE SOX EVER = MICHAEL JORDAN.
  15. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ May 19, 2005 -> 03:47 PM) All you guys complaining about work, if you were a real fan you would get fired from your job to go to the game like I did last weekend. I wouldn't want to go to Wrigley, but hopefully the Sox will do this? Exactly. I'm not giving more to their cashcow. F that.
  16. Yeah, Patterson is better than Rowand defensively. Put Rowand in another ballpark and he'll have to learn it to play as good defensively as Patterson. Rowand is hotter at the moment, but they've both been equal for the most part. I don't mind that selection.
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 19, 2005 -> 02:16 PM) 128,199,300 Japanese people X 25 votes each = 3,204,982,500 So Iguchi should end up with atleast 3.2 billion votes assuming that every single person in Japan is an Iguchi fan and gets on the computer and votes 25 times. No one votes 25 times. Only extreme diehards. I doubt women in Japan are as big of fans of baseball as males. I also doubt they vote 25 times.
  18. QUOTE(qwerty @ May 19, 2005 -> 02:02 PM) That is because he was in the home run derby and it can supposedly throw off your swing. Yep, that sure was the case for Tejada, Pujols, Anderson, and everyone else. Wait there was Pauly and Giambi
  19. QUOTE(JDsDirtySox @ May 19, 2005 -> 09:52 AM) While I don't believe this deal will ever happen.... Anyone who would say no to acquiring Eric Chavez is Absolutely NUTS. Stop the arguements about not trading minor leaguers. If you can get a Proven Young Stud like Chavez, you do it. I wouldn't care if it costs us Crede (one of my favorite players) BMac and another player. I'd give them whatever they want for him. Chavez is the best defensive third baseman in the AL, and he is a heart of the order left handed hitter. We haven't had someone like that since Robin Ventura. I'll cross my fingers on this one... but I won't get my hopes up. I definately would get Chavez by any means necessary. I'll switch it up and we'll become Chavy's crew.
  20. Worried about overworking their pitching staff? If Kevin Walker sucks, there's no reason to have him up here. It's not like he's going to help us preserve leads or anything. He couldn't even do anything in AAA. Bring up Bobby Jenks before you bring up this fool.
  21. Exactly. We'll have 3 at most. Right now though it's going to be Garland and Buehrle. I don't see Hermanson making it despite his great start. He's not the sexy choice. Also he had a 27 inning scoreless streak while with Montreal in 97. I don't remember him making the ASG that year. It's a popularity contest. You'll see the big names there. Foulke will be there more than likely not.
  22. They were just talking about the top 5 surprising pitchers this year. He said Garland is great, etc. Then he said his endurance is an issue. He doesn't think he could go 180 innings this summer, or at least he said that's a big quesiton mark. This shows me, he or whoever his source for the White Sox hasn't followed the Sox at all.
  23. Scheyer was just waisting time. I mean, even with the Illini's run he should've known what school he was going to. Anyway, Carlwell, Collins and Semrau is a damn good start and a better one than I thought they would have.
  24. Well if the number slots are garbage, than that just adds to my point that there is no reason to move up. Garland is our number 1 today. Tommorow it's Mark, next is Freddy. Simply no need to move him. No need to break up the Cuban Connection because both of them have been pitching better than expectations.
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