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Everything posted by bmags

  1. Agreed that this team will never be able to get into the playoffs until we can start developing position players. I could not articulate it well enough, but throughout the offseason one reason I was so excited for this year is it felt like it would define whether Hahns new tenure was working. At the time I was confident it was and would... But now we are staring in the face a team with slumping pitching that I'm confident will turn, but a bad defensive and offensive team with a woeful lack of power. At the same time this is year 3 of a GM that put added resources into turning our farm system around. This is a big year for these prospects, and it is a bit scary to see the results. Up and down the system, over and over, same story. Our future players continue to struggle with contact, have high k rates and can't walk. No one has failed, but they are just fine. And no one ever seems to come out of nowhere and develop on hitting side. So I don't know where he goes from here. But buddy bells stranglehold on player development is terrifying. My only hope is he leaves voluntarily.
  2. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ May 31, 2015 -> 12:25 AM) ISU wasn't a Final Four team. NBA Championship >>> NCAA Championship. Being a legend in Chicago >>> Legend in a college town. That's probably his thought process. Coaching at highest level too.
  3. Was at a wedding. During the fathers speech downloaded nbc sports app and turned on game and a geico ad auto plays at full volume. Not a good look.
  4. QUOTE (DBAHO @ May 29, 2015 -> 08:46 PM) Scott Skiles gets hired by Orlando. I don't know if Hennigan really even wanted him, it was more so from the owners the Devos Family that Skiles had to come in as the new coach (being a former favourite and all). Now the interesting part will be to see what happens with Tobias Harris here, those 2 did not get along whatsoever during their time in Milwaukee. One thing to look forward to is Skiles is hilarious.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 29, 2015 -> 02:37 PM) What you are saying makes no sense. One time you are saying that there is no chain of command. But when the general manager goes to the coach, who works for him, and tells him to do something, he is meddling? Same with the White Sox. Rick Hahn does the leg work. Final approval for moves goes through the chain of command into Kenny and then finally, and if necessary, Jerry. Certain guys are obviously responsible for certain things. Do you honestly think that Jerry or Kenny are the ones making out line ups? But, when there is a bigger problem with the performance, such as with the Bulls and Thibs playing guys too many minutes, then the chain of command kicks in and tells him to knock if off chokes them. I am not sure where you have worked in the past that you have full autonomy over everything, but that is pretty much the textbook definition of chain of command.
  6. I have a hard time imagining anything different about the bulls except 1 more rookie. I think PG is basically guaranteed in draft.
  7. My wife wants to go to Aussie open but it always looks miserable to me. I feel like I'd die of heat stroke.
  8. QUOTE (3GamesToLove @ May 29, 2015 -> 02:29 PM) Madness. When I go I don't know if I'll spend any time on Ashe. Seriously man, Cincy is the way to go. Intimate, but all of the top players. Access to practices is amazing. Last year we only posted up at Ashe once. Nice to have just in case there is a great match, the atmosphere is great. Louis Armstrong way more fun but we had a pretty easy time getting in there.
  9. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 29, 2015 -> 02:27 PM) Yeah, I know, it's just that simple, just like plenty of 40+ year old MLB players that try to stick around. With her it just seems different, because she was right at the top of the game for a while and now just can't reach that same level of success. (To be fair, as I just looked it up, her current form is better than I have been giving her credit for) She has actually been doing pretty well and had a nice run in a major just a bit ago. Keep in mind, they are still a good doubles team as well.
  10. QUOTE (3GamesToLove @ May 29, 2015 -> 02:19 PM) I did Wimbledon last year for the first four days--the great thing about that is the grounds passes are only £20 (though I think they're £25 starting this year)? I didn't get any grounds passes...I got Centre Court on the first day, then Court Two for the Tuesday-Thursday. I think I wound up paying around £180 altogether...that's about $275 in the current exchange rate but was probably closer to $300 last June. Of course, I also had to queue from like 4-5am on those last three days...I got lucky with the Centre Court by using the Ticketmaster "day-before" limited seats in the upper level. I haven't done the USO yet, but I did Cincy in 2013. Tickets are relatively reasonable (especially compared to the USO) and a lot of people have said it's just a better experience overall. We got tickets for the friday before labor day. Grounds passes were = to arthur ashe tickets (which are effectively grounds passes). We looked on the saturday and tickets were $311, $200 more than Friday. And I'm talking like 2nd row from top in arthur ashe.
  11. bought tickets to us open again. Still amazed at prices.
  12. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 29, 2015 -> 01:09 PM) It will be interesting to see how efficient an offense based on launching 3s is with DRose "feeling it". Really, how many guys on the Bulls roster other than perhaps McBuckets, and Dunleavy if he is even back, do you really think can hit 3s with much consistency? My least favorite part of Thibs offense was his reliance on movement and screens to get his 3pt shooters open rather than effective movement on cutters and drives to find the open 3 pt shooter. Too much of Korver/Dunleavy/what was first tried for McD was them running around screens to get an open shot while rest of offense watched. That set them up for moving shots rather than what you see with Lebron where people just wait on the line waiting to get the ball and are set.
  13. It's amazing that Thibs would leak things to the media. The bulls org certainly didn't try that at all. Nor would they ever openly shop the coach and flaunt his replacement. What a terrible person he is to betray them. They have had great working relationships with 4 previous coaches, why couldn't he make it work?
  14. If I had a young team with discipline issues (play) I would probably take skiles for 2 years. Now, how, VDN/Mike Brown/etc keep getting jobs? No idea.
  15. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 29, 2015 -> 10:32 AM) Still doesn't excuse Thibs playing him when it was clearly hurting the team. There was no reason to re-sign hinrich last year, if they didn't want him playing they should have spent that cash on an actual backup PG instead of relying on thibsdust on another 5'7 PG who can't defend.
  16. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 29, 2015 -> 10:23 AM) This isn't the first time the Bulls have just plain lied. Back when Phil left, Krause told him the year before if he went 82-0 he wouldn't be back. Yet during the lockout they made it seem like they wanted him back, even though Floyd, who everyone knew was going to be the next coach for a year, had been hired in some other capacity. Apparently they play the public for fools, but the good news is if they don't win a title next season, they will have to come up with a different excuse. It will be interesting to see what that is. Floyd was hired as director of basketball operations while they "recruited" Phil back.
  17. Yeah, remember when he signed him to this just last July: http://cjonline.com/sports/2014-07-21/bull...ich-2-year-deal And then had our FO send KC Johnson a bunch of info about how lucky bulls were to get him at that great contract?
  18. QUOTE (GreenSox @ May 27, 2015 -> 08:55 AM) Good gracious, if he's good, there's plenty of room for him in this organization. Lord help we actually have 2 outfielders or some depth. Seriously. Looking at our lineup and saying someone can't find playing time is a hilarious idea.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 29, 2015 -> 09:27 AM) It is also quite stupid, and impossible. People view Reinsdorf's refusal to pay the tax through the lens of "cheap", but it makes more sense for sox fans who saw him refuse to go over slot in the draft. He's a man who sticks to the spirit of the CBA rules, which I think is a strategy to be more influential in the drafting of those rules.
  20. I just think they like him. And for me, I don't care that firing him may not turn around the season. But for me he is not a manager making this team better, and I'm not personally invested in his career, so, congrats on being privileged with being an MLB manager but the team sucked under you.
  21. Bit of a difference between robin and thibs. Thibs was actually a winning coach, Robin is not. Sox go out of their way to support Robin, Bulls wen tout of their way to publicly undermine their coach mid-season... Firing Robin would actually be a normal thing to do.
  22. bulls fans hot take that JR takes money from the bulls to pay for the sox is quite strong.
  23. i'd like an accomplished college hitter of any position even though they will fail
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