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Everything posted by TheBigHurt35

  1. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 05:04 PM) There's always been contempt from Quebecers to non-Quebecers and the other way around. Even many liberal Canadians really don't like Quebec so no this isn't stopping Canada from becoming like Quebec, if anything this will make Quebec more like Canada as the conservative parties have always shrugged off the importance of the French language and culture. As it is right now I'd say there is a very good chance Quebec will become it's very own country, but the results of this I can't really fathom. Not sure if you're joking or not. I've been told that the western provinces tend to be a bit more conservative than the eastern ones, so that's where I'm getting that from. That and the fact that a province with such strong ties to French culture would be more likely to adopt France's liberal policies. But I could be wrong about that. I can't imagine what Quebec delcaring independence from Canada would be like. At the very least, it would reflect rather poorly on the Canadian government.
  2. TheBigHurt35

    Man Date

    Myself and most of my male friends are married now, but I used to go to lunch every Tuesday and Thursday with one of my male co-workers for about two or three years straight.
  3. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 07:15 PM) Idonno the Royals pitching staff isnt as bad as you make it out to be.. Hernandez and Greinkie are both good pitchers, Anderson and Lima are both avg. pitchers would be our number 5's but they can pitch a good one here or there... dont know their last pitcher. Um, no, they're WORSE than I make them out to be. Outside of Greinke, they suck BIG TIME. Did you even look at their numbers? Over half of that staff had an ERA of 5.35 or higher last year. Lima was decent last year, but is inconsistent as hell (and has reverted to his sucky ways by starting this year 0-2 with a 10.80 ERA). Anderson is comparable to Garland (who is barely good enough to be the #5 on the Sox), but was absolutely terrible last year. Run-Elvys Hernandez is probably their best pitcher, but is never healthy. Jeremy Affeldt has pitched well as a starter in the past, but was constantly sidelined with finger blisters and moved to the closer role (where he hasn't been doing particularly well). Greinke is good enough to pitch in our rotation, but the rest are either inconsistent, excessively injury-prone, or just plain blow.
  4. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 02:05 PM) Who are you the vioce-president of US Cellular? Who gives a s***? IF you are offended over guys not remembering our sellout corporate sponsor (half the people around here call it Comiskey still) then you need to really lighten up. Given that quite a few of the MLB stadiums have corporate naming rights, I don't see that as a valid excuse. They can't spend a minute or two doing their homework before they go on the air? Miller and Morgan are the worst broadcasting team on television. They must have incriminating photos of one of the higher-ups at ABC.
  5. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 08:50 AM) I think the royals are the other team thats gonna be right there at the end. Not with their AAA-quality pitching.
  6. This is a good thing if you don't want the rest of Canada to resemble Quebec.
  7. QUOTE(MoreCowbell @ Apr 10, 2005 -> 01:24 PM) I disagree. It's important to not confuse success with excellence. Any team can beat the odds and win a few games and be successful. The important thing is to look at the stats so far and see where we need to improve. We're not going to win 4 out of 5 games for the rest of the season playing the way we have. That OBP needs to go up. I'd rather address that problem while we're winning than to hit a losing streak to address it. I agree to an extent. Our OBP should be higher and hopefully will be once Frank returns. On the other hand, quality starting pitching is just as (and arguably, more) important as OBP. And we've seen quality starts from all five of our guys thus far.
  8. More anti-American propaganda. :headshake
  9. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Apr 10, 2005 -> 12:34 PM) He was what Barry Bonds is back then in the AL. And he didn't have to cheat to put up those numbers.
  10. Frank may not be what he used to but, even when he hits .260, he's still drawing a ton of walks (OBP near .400) and will hit ~ 30 dingers. A player like that is valuable on ANY team. Unless he demands outrageous amounts of money after this season, JR and KW should do what they can to keep this future HOFer on the South Side.
  11. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 07:09 AM) Oh and one other thing to give you an idea about this person - "friend" was supposed to be a best man to one of his friend's weddings and backed out the night before. WTF?! I'll bet that the groom doesn't speak to said "friend" anymore. I sure as hell wouldn't. Brian would do himself a favor by associating with people who understand the concept of friendship. Hanging around immature, self-absorbed deadbeats is bad for one's health.
  12. Active: Carlos Retired: Harold (honorable mention to Pudge, Kittle, and Robin)
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Apr 10, 2005 -> 01:58 AM) Idonno do you watch ESPN at all.... And Kevin Millwood isnt exactly a huge upgrade even though he had a nice outing against us... im sorry but that offense isnt as good as advertised.... dont count out that Vizquel and Lawton both had big years for the last year leading it off in front of Hafner and Martinez... From 2003-2004, went from 68-80 wins. That's the sign of an improving team. There's no reason that they won't be competitive again this year. One could argue that their offense is somewhat overrated, but pitching is what matters. Any team with Westbook, Sabathia, and Milwood (career 3.89 ERA) is going to be at least decent.
  14. Yeah, I would certainly hope not. He's been here since freakin' 1990. This is his team.
  15. QUOTE(chisox2334 @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 04:52 PM) Carlos Silva will undergo surgery to repair a torn meniscus and isn't expected back until after the All-Star break. Eight weeks of recovery time and then four weeks to build back up his arm strength. I never root for players to get injured, but I can always make exceptions when Twins are involved.
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:24 PM) I think you mean an overated Indians team They won 80 games last year and improved their rotation this offseason. How does that make them "overrated"? They're certainly not in the category of the mid-late '90s Tribe squads, but are a lot better than Joe Average thinks.
  17. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 04:42 PM) If he has a quality start I'm totally clowning on Los Medias Blancas Not sure if 10 hits and only 1 K over 6 innings qualifies as a quality start, but he did only allow three runs. That ain't bad for a #5.
  18. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 07:47 PM) Solid win for the good guys and MB going tomorrow. GET OUT THE BROOMS!!!!! Sweet. While a sweep would be great, it's not a necessity. No pressure. If the we can go 2/3, 2/4, 3/4 in series all season, we're set. Winning two out of three against an underrated Indians team was important, but winning at least two out of three against the three-time defending AL Central champs is huge. Talk about a confidence builder.
  19. QUOTE(3E8 @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 10:10 AM) Garcia = 2 runs. Garcia, easily, had the worst outing thus far. That said, if he can hold the opposition to only 2 runs over 6 innings with no command... wow.
  20. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 12:40 AM) Had to laugh at Stoney's comments about Hawkins after the game .... "he's a good set up man, but as a closer, he's a good set up man." Can we trade DJ for Stoney?
  21. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:39 PM) IMO, whenever someone has their day in court and is judged by a jury of his peers, the system hasn't failed. The system has clearly failed when people like OJ are found innocent. Attorneys go out of their way to excuse intelligent, educated people during the jury selection process. In the OJ case, the number of idiot jurors was high enough to acquit him. The judge should've overriden their verdict.
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:28 PM) Yea they do... Or do you mean they have it, but don't use it..?? OK, I'm a complete moron today. Got California confused with another state. Hell, freaking Peterson just got the death penalty. Duh... :banghead
  23. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:02 PM) I agree, the guy is off, no doubt, but my point is they have to look at one case at a time and be objective about it. Do we have enough evidence to say he committed THIS crime, for every alleged crime? The legal system has to work for everyone, that's whats' great about it, IMO. Agreed that the evidence to convict Jackson isn't exactly overwhelming at this point. Keep in mind, though, that "the system" failed horribly in the OJ case, where the DNA evidence alone was more than enough to send him to the chair. EDIT: Forgot that California does not support the death penalty
  24. From a #4 pitcher, I'd expect 12 wins and a 4.60 ERA. If El Duque can stay healthy, he'll most likely do better than that. If not, Garland is a decent #4 pitcher and B-Mac is a viable #5.
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