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Everything posted by Frankensteiner

  1. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:57 PM) I understand that. I was just addressing the point brought up about not needing a deep 'pen in the playoffs, as the BoSox only used three relievers (is that true? I could've sworn they used Lowe out of the 'pen at one point or another). No, they used more than 3 relievers but those were their primary ones. They had Wakefield, Arroyo, and Lowe all pitching out of the pen at various points.
  2. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:36 PM) The Red Sox also had Curt Schilling and Pedro Martinez. I like Mark Buehrle and Freddy Garcia -- I like 'em a lot, but they're no Schilling/Pedro. If you look at the stats, 2005 Buehrle/Garcia are having better seasons than Schilling/Pedro last year. And the Sox also have that Garland guy who leads MLB in wins.
  3. I'd probably cheer him. Things worked out just fine in the end so why be bitter?
  4. Another quick note here, the Red Sox went throught the post-season primarily using only 3 relievers: Timlin/Foulke/Embree (Myers was used as a LOOGY a couple of times).
  5. At this point, Jose Contreras is your Game 4 starter at either Fenway or Yankee Stadium. I like Jose, but that's not a pretty thought. Burnett would be a much better acquisition than a bullpen arm, and provided we don't actually have to give up Contreras in that deal, he can always move to the bullpen in the post-season. Besides, Ozzie allows his starters go deep into games and I don't see him changing his style during the playoffs. Having 4 good arms (Marte/Hermanson/Cotts/Politte) should be sufficient. Also, Wagner probably won't be moved with the Phillies making another run. And I would stay away from Guardado because of his shoulder issues.
  6. FWIW, Gammons was on during the Yankees/Red Sox telecast discussing Burnett. He said Red Sox people told him there's no truth to the Burnett rumors from their end; Gammons believes the White Sox or Orioles would be the ones to get him. Thinks the Marlins will pull the trigger on the trade "soon" (although without giving a timetable) and might also fire McKeon to salvage their season.
  7. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:52 AM) Hey if they want to give us Robinson Cano, they can have El Duque. Otherwise, f*** off NY. If we can get a better starter through trade (Burnett, Schmidt, etc.), I would cut our losses and get rid of his salary for next season.
  8. Wherever he is, I bet he's a lot smaller.
  9. QUOTE(Southside hitmen @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 10:32 PM) The White Sox reached the All-Star break with a nine-game lead in the AL Central, but the doubters are still out there. Count ESPN.com columnist Bill Simmons among them. In his midseason look at the AL, he gives the South Siders a couple of dubious awards. First is "The Napoleon Dynamite Award for Most Inexplicable Success Story." "How are the White Sox headed for 112 wins right now?" Simmons writes. "Really, 112 wins? Does that seem reasonable for a team with nobody hitting above .280 and Dustin Hermanson as their closer?" Simmons also picks on right-hander Jon Garland. Noting that Garland is on pace for 25 wins but only 110 strikeouts, he bestows on him "The James Baldwin Memorial Award for Best Candidate for a Second-Half Collapse." "Would you say Garland is another James Baldwin or another Tommy John?" Simmons asks. "I'm leaning toward another Baldwin." His smug tone notwithstanding, I share some of the same concerns. I still don't really trust Garland and I've stated my doubts about the hitting numerous times.
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 02:51 PM) I think my whole perspective on this trade discussion can be summed up by these words from Gammons. I'm not really sure what point Gammons or Brian Cashman are trying to prove. The Yankees won those 5 championships with only 3 self-developed position players (Jeter, Bernie, Posada [and he wasn't a starter until the 3rd championship run]), one starting pitcher (Pettite), and one reliever (Rivera). Their teams were always built around free-agent and trade acquisitions. The Braves, on the other hand, are an extreme example of a team capable of developing their own talent. But they've also signed their share of free agents. I don't think we can compare those teams to the White Sox, as we just don't have comparable financial resources (Yankees, Braves of the 90s) or minor league player development (Braves).
  11. QUOTE(soxhawks @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 06:29 PM) all i can say is thank god were done with oakland and thank god it's the all star break I feel exactly the opposite. Whenever the Sox lose, I can't wait for them to play again so I can forget about the previous loss. Now, not only did we get swept but we won't be able to get another win for the next 4 days.
  12. Ozuna is a much better all around baseball player than Willie. Sure, their numbers look similar, but Willie is just an awful situational player.
  13. QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 06:18 PM) CF? Well, when your starting CF's overall production is ahead of only Corey Patterson, Juan Pierre, Nook Logan, Willy Tavares, and Jeremy Reed for guys at his position, I think it's a good time to consider an upgrade.
  14. QUOTE(Soxfest @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 06:08 PM) over 33,000 today again sent home pissed like last night fan support is there KW get to f***ing work and upgrade pen, 3b ...not to mention SP, CF, SS, 1B.
  15. QUOTE(whitesox91403 @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 06:01 PM) GMAFB. Yes, the best record in baseball. Dear God, every team goes through s*** like this. STFU with this "best record in baseball" s***. Look at the way we played against the Angels, A's, and Rangers. And then consider that we've still yet to see the Yankees and Red Sox, and will get more games against the Angels, Rangers, and Orioles in the 2nd half. And then check Cleveland's schedule.
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 05:59 PM) But..but..but..but...we have the best record in baseball. GMAFB, it's very obvious that this team will have some serious issues in the 2nd half if they aren't addressed. If Crede's back injury lingers, we're f***ED with our current roster. Crede blows, we need an upgrade at 3B regardless.
  17. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 05:51 PM) dye will score on a double, PK will be lucky to make 3rd. No one is hitting s*** when you have Willie and Rowand batting.
  19. QUOTE(Tadahito15 @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 05:45 PM) Hmm...Konerko will be swinging for the fences, whos knows what will happen with Willie, and hopefully Dye is a PH for Rowand So basically out, out, out. Game over.
  20. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 05:43 PM) What about Willie Can Crede play 3B? If not, then Willie has to stay out there.
  21. Dye better be hitting for Rowand next inning.
  22. You guys think Contreras is available for this game, because the picking are slim after Viz. No way should Jenks or Walker be in this game.
  23. Of course Jason Kendall picked our series to get hot.
  24. QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Jul 10, 2005 -> 05:08 PM) I actually have faith in Timo to come through here. BOOOYAAH!!!
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