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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. If Pods is not using his legs, he provides absolutely nothing to a major league baseball team. If Ozzie wants him to use his legs less, he ought to just tell him to spend the rest of the season at home.
  2. When he gets back how long will it be before he goes down again? The time between injuries with him gets shorter and shorter.
  3. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 7, 2007 -> 04:18 PM) God the sox drink their own koolaid. Rudy from Texas is considered the best hitting coach in baseball. By pretty much most of the teams outside of the whitesox. But the Rangers are hitting .241 as a team. If you were a Ranger fan, you would be calling for his head.
  4. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 6, 2007 -> 06:22 PM) The last time the Sox played against a Yankee Clemens was fun. http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/NY...200308260.shtml Danny Wright beat him on my birthday in 2002 in Yankee Stadium something like 8-1. Jeff Liefer took the Rocket halfway up the 3rd deck in RF.
  5. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 7, 2007 -> 08:44 AM) God will it be nice to get him back. I just hope he's fully healed before he gives it another try. Another couple of weeks on the DL could be devastating to this team, although I do think the offense will come around.
  6. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ May 6, 2007 -> 07:33 PM) It is time. Do they have watches? Yes, real nice ones. Former White Sox SS Todd Cruz was able to get a few that fell off a truck.
  7. No Santana and Mauer on the DL. Its time to kick the Twins collective ass in Minneapolis.
  8. AJ tipping his hat to the Anaheim crowd.
  9. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 6, 2007 -> 04:25 PM) So what does KW do when we go 1-7 on this road trip? He'll have a meeting with Konerko, Dye and Thome and ask them what they think.
  10. QUOTE(Soxfest @ May 6, 2007 -> 04:20 PM) They pinch hit for a guy 3-3 If a White Sox was 3-3, KW would probably sign him to an extension during the game.
  11. QUOTE(CYGarland @ May 6, 2007 -> 04:13 PM) i cant remember a time ever when our offense was this bad Probably back in the Gary Redus/Donnie Hill days. That's back when Rickey Henderson was in his prime and John Rooney once said he'd rather have Gary Redus leading off than Rickey Henderson.
  12. This game was over when the line-up card was turned in. This game was over when the line-up card was turned in.
  13. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 6, 2007 -> 04:03 PM) Good. We need his trade value to go up. We know he'll never get a chance for Ozzie. Its amazing how smeared BA's reputation is in Chicago. Ozzie Guillen, the guy who would hit on chicks in the stands when he played, has everyone believing Anderson is some surfer dude partier who couldn't care less about baseball. Also a lot of people here talk about his swing, how horrible it is, yet can't wait to get Josh Fields in the line-up. You want to see some "lift and pull" and a lot of holes in a swing, Fields is the posterchild for that type of offense.
  14. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 6, 2007 -> 04:01 PM) please. KW was supposed to sign TWO major league caliber backup catchers this offseason? KW was the one who put Hall in at first late in a meaningless ST game? Hall is going to try to comeback in the next couple of weeks. If that fails, KW needs to get a new back-up catcher, one who actually could get a hit. I do agree that Molina isn't KW's fault.
  15. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ May 6, 2007 -> 03:59 PM) I think I'm on the fire Greg Walker bandwagon now. It's not even that I think it's all his fault. But something has to happen. These guys need a change or a different voice. The pitching is fine. It's even better than I expected. But we're not going to win games with this kind of putrid offense. We simply cannot afford to fall too far back of the Indians and Tigers. Something needs to happen now! Look at the line-up. Their isn't a non-player change that could be made right now that would make it any more potent.
  16. Buerhle should just get hammered now and get his ERA way up there so his price tag will go down.
  17. QUOTE(Soxfest @ May 6, 2007 -> 03:53 PM) How many times can we have a guy on 2nd no outs and NOT f***ing score! Its almost as if getting a guy on second is victory enough.
  18. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 6, 2007 -> 03:36 PM) Erstad has been an offensive upgrade over Anderson. I imagine Hall healthy would be an offensive upgrade over Widger/Alomar. Pods was playing better this year than 2006. Uribe is better this year than 2006. So how is it KW's fault that Konerko, Dye, Iguchi and Crede aren't hitting? Was he supposed to trade all 4 of them and bring someone else in? Saying Erstad is an upgrade over Anderson isn't saying a whole lot. Lets face it, if Erstad wanted the average salary of a major league baseball player, he would probably be sitting at home now asking Chris Widger when the beer league starts. Should you really count on Dye repeating his 2006 numbers? Pods gets hurt every year, sorry if I don't find any sympathy for KW in his decision to give him $3 million. Thome has now been hurt 4 seasons in a row. There comes a time when you have to figure he will miss some time. The Sox struggled mightily against LHP last year, and KW's only answer was Toby Hall. I still think these guys will start to hit. I think Dye will look more like the 2005 version than 2006, but that was fine. Konerko will hit. If he's healthy, Thome will hit. Iguchi will be better, but I advocated trading him last year, because for some reason I think he's going to fall off a cliff ability wise, plus he seems to be a lot slower turning a DP than when he first hit the scene. Crede will get very hot for a month or so. BTW, lmao at Hawk complaining about the Angels moaning about the Sox soft hits yesterday. Pot meet kettle.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ May 6, 2007 -> 03:09 PM) By that time, I don't think KW will still be here. This organization really needs a new direction after this year, when most of the veterans will be gone. There will be a lot of pretty good players available as free agents. If the White Sox lose all their guys and don't put much of an effort in landing a big name or 2, and this season is one which does not include playoffs, the residual effect of winning the World Series will be over and wasted.
  20. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ May 6, 2007 -> 03:03 PM) That makes me think about what happens when Dye and Thome are gone, because Konerko will be here long after both of them. Who will protect Paul then? Just look for guys that used to be pretty good, but have gone downhill or have been injured and will be available for a bargain basement rate. Unfortunately that is where KW still shops.
  21. Buerhle better not give up more than 1 or 2 runs today. I don't see how anyone can blame Walker if this particular line-up doesn't score off Colon.
  22. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ May 6, 2007 -> 02:29 PM) What a whore. You're right. But if someone wanted to pay you that kind of money for a 4 or 5 month stint, you would have a hard time saying no.
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