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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. How often do the Sox get 3 runs against Santana?
  2. QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ May 28, 2007 -> 01:43 PM) So far this year lefties hitting .169 against him. This year has been the exception. The 3 years prior, lefties have had more success.
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ May 28, 2007 -> 01:30 PM) Some good movement on the fastball by Contreras. Contreras is secretly putting together a good year minus opening day.
  4. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 28, 2007 -> 01:28 PM) I'm stoked to see Day up here. He's got major league stuff, but I'm not sure if he has major league command yet. He'll fit right in with the majority of the bullpen.
  5. Didn't Day get replaced as the closer?
  6. QUOTE(forrestg @ May 28, 2007 -> 01:45 AM) pitching wise he's not a prospect but can strike out. He'll be 28 next year what the heck I say we should give Dewon Day his day in the bigs.. Cooper can make him throw strikes cut back on his walks. If they call him up his arbitration clock is already clicking if that is a deciding factor... he did ok in spring training not real good now.. Can't be any worse than the player he's replacing.... If Cooper can make him throw strikes, why can't he make MacDougal or Sisco throw strikes?
  7. QUOTE(chisoxt @ May 27, 2007 -> 10:48 PM) i had tickets to the rainout game Saturday night. It is now shceduled as a day game on Monday the 27th. Like 90% of the ppopulation, I work Mondays, and all of the otherd ays of the week. I always thought that tickest from rainouts can be redeemed for any games, no? That game only. It sucks, especially considering they very easily could have played last night. AGAIN.
  8. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ May 27, 2007 -> 10:35 PM) Iguchi, Dye, Konerko and Crede are still not at the level they most likely will be at either. It could come down to whose bullpen is better/worse. Cleveland has a nice head start. The Sox are going to have to knock them off head to head, and hope some of the guys in the minors can be effective in the bullpen, because KW isn't going to pay middle relievers market price. If by the grace of God, KW does make a trade to improve the major league team, I hope he shies away from guys that have been with guys who have been with perrenial losers their entire career. They may work out, but I think they may have issues A. With knowing how to win, and B. With the pressures playing for a team expected to win.
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ May 27, 2007 -> 10:17 PM) Those two offenses hit the ball so hard. It was a pleasure seeing good quality at-bats throughout that series. The scary thing is Cleveland's offense is only going to get better. Haffner, Sizemore and Barfield are still not at the level they most likely will be at. Detroit should cool down a bit.
  10. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 27, 2007 -> 10:03 PM) Whats not to like. He comes cheap, he can hit lefties. We will be 5.5 out as of tonight if the Indians win. Do you really want to empty the minors to pick up a left fielder guys. Lets see in the next month what we have before we go balls deep on this season. Borrowing a line from Jerry Reinsorf, anyone who thinks this Sox team can catch Cleveland is crazy. I think they have a shot at Detroit and the WC. If KW wants to finish ahead of Cleveland, he's going to have to get rid of some of the "depth" he thinks he has in the minor leagues. The bullpen needs to be fixed, and they have to get someone who can run a little and get on base.
  11. QUOTE(Scwible @ May 27, 2007 -> 08:14 PM) I think i would put more stock into it if Kobe said he would want to come to chicago. Actually, he has in the past. When he became a free agent a couple of years ago, JR and Paxson flew out to LA to see him and made a presentation. Kobe said he was very impressed. If the Lakers didn't move Shaq, Kobe probably would have been a Bull.
  12. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 27, 2007 -> 08:30 PM) He also has an .827 career OPS which is the 3rd highest of any player currently on the Sox' 25 man roster. Its a minor league contract, so its worth a shot. It does appear his better days are behind him or he probably wouldn't have been released considering he really wasn't making all that much, or if he looked like he had much left someone probably would have claimed him. He missed a lot of time in 2005, does anyone know his injury?
  13. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 27, 2007 -> 08:26 PM) Don't give him that much credit. After Ozuna went down, I would have been surprised if we didn't land Wilson. Hopefully he can bring a little pop to the lineup vs. LH. The people that are b****ing about the White Sox offense aren't going to take a liking to the way Wilson approaches hitting. Obviously he won't be put on the major league roster right away. KW has to acquire someone who can run at least a little bit.
  14. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 27, 2007 -> 08:22 PM) Are you honestly b****ing about a guy who we signed to a minor league deal? I think he's basically saying Wilson is a longshot to really help the White Sox. Its worth a shot, but not very exciting or bold.
  15. Order the WS rings. He's been a mess for a couple of seasons.
  16. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 27, 2007 -> 06:22 PM) MacDougal's caught the dreaded "Cliff Politte" syndrome. I was thinking the exact same thing at the game today. The crowd is brutal with him. It may be a case if it goes on much longer where he's going to have a tough time being successful in Chicago if he does get healthy.
  17. QUOTE(JohnCangelosi @ May 27, 2007 -> 06:24 PM) Who do we want to see replace these guys? Since we've already seen BA and Sweeney this year, we mine as well take a look at Owens? He looked pretty good in ST as I recall, and you never know he may be ready to make an impact with his speed. And regarding Sisco's replacement, I cannot even venture a guess? Maybe Haeger? I'm probably way off on this one though... I think it will be the Printz guy and Ozzie mentioned Gonzalez a guy who really isn't even a prospect in my mind.
  18. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 27, 2007 -> 06:21 PM) Do you think he could ever have the consistent control to be a starter? I gotta go with fathom on this, figure out a way for him to get his velocity back to the upper 90's and get it over the plate enough to get people out in relief. There are way too many things to take care of for him to be a starter. I can't see him being a starter right now. I agree with fathom. He needs to get his control to the level that he can pitch in the major leagues. They have to get there first. Maybe he works on things and next year its good enough to be a member of the bullpen. If it improves from there, he can try and be a starter. I'm sure the vendors would love to see him in the rotation. Games would be 4 hours long.
  19. QUOTE(BearSox @ May 27, 2007 -> 05:28 PM) I disagree with no. 2. The home run to Pena was a high fly ball that carried. It wasn't hit that well at all. Take away that, and Mack giving up that triple, Vazquez has a very good day. Its the story of his career. Look at whitesox.com, Vazquez strikes out 7. It doesn't mention he has 10 starts and 2 wins this year. It doesn't mention he blew the 2 run lead (not implying the bullpen wouldn't have blown it anyway). $12.5 million a year, you should get more than that. BTW, the ball Pena hit, he hit pretty well.
  20. I'll never fault KW for making the Gload/Sisco trade. I'd make it as well. The thing is, Sisco has no business being in the major leagues right now.
  21. You can tell Mack is injured just watching him run. If MacDougal has this problem, why is Ozzie throwing him out there every damn game? Its at least 2 and 0 on every hitter.
  22. This loss comes down to 2 things you could see a mile away at any point from the winter until now: 1. The bullpen is for the most part very inexperienced,and right now, sucks 2. Vazquez is a so so pitcher who strikes out a lot of guys.
  23. They said on the news that if the game gets called, Ozzie doesn't want a split DH tomorrow. Just a regular DH.
  24. Buster Olney on his insider blog was talking about the CF free agents after this season. He was mentioning that very few of the teams that like to spend money will be looking to do so on CFers. Cameron, Ichiro, Hunter and Jones are the 4 big ones. He figures Cameron will get a lot of interest because he will be the cheapest. He thinks he will go to Atlanta. He thinks Texas with sign Hunter, who is from around there. He thinks Jones will sign with Seattle and Ichiro with the White Sox. I don't know if he's ever been right, and its a long time between now and the end of the season, but this looks like a pretty good scenerio to me.
  25. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ May 26, 2007 -> 07:17 AM) I heard them say that on the radio this morning as well, but when watching it I just thought Mark was laboring a bit. Since when can't Mark drill a guy when he wants. He was inside on the bunt by Navarro and then was inside on his first two pitches to Harris and then inside again and drilled him. Then he was inside on his first pitch to Dukes. It seemed he was trying to be too perfect on the corner. Then when he couldn't hit it...he through a cookie right down the middle of the plate. It could have been an intentional drill, but as I was watching the game I didn't get that feeling there. Drilling the #9 hitter in the line-up to bring up Dukes as the tying run would be pretty stupid if it was intentional.
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