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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. Clinton's Memoirs to Be Released in June
  2. I guess we know where the next Air Jordans will be made. US corporations need to get there and fast. Labor at pennies per day.
  3. Which is why I said this would help Kerry. If it appears he is not a puppet to the Cathlic Church, and stands up for what he believes is right, not necessarily what the Church teaches, it could help him. And what's with the Kerry-Heinz?
  4. Except I'm a dove. I think they would throw me out when I propose stopping the violence and start negotiating.
  5. If only catholics who agree 100% with Church teachings took Communion, no one could honestly participate. I do not agree 100% with the Catholic Church, nor do I agree 100% with any other Church. I also have received Communion in other Churches, been given several nice awards from the Methodist Church and one recognition from a Synagog. So far I haven't been denied Communion back in my home parish. I know the former Pastor of my Church encouraged people of other denominations to receove Communion with us. I know he would be speaking out against the ban. I see a time when there will be an American Catholic Church, similar to the Episcopal Church. All in all, it shows the wide spectrum of beliefs within the Catholic Community. I am certain Bush would be denied Communion at several Churches down this way. This may actually help Kerry. There is a reason that a Catholic has not been elected since Kennedy.
  6. I keep trying to catch APU in a misquote, he's a lot tougher. Almost no country could be 100% on one side of this. Making a blanket statement that someone or some country is "always" this or that is such an easy comment to prove wrong. There is an interesting piece I stumbled across that points out that the UN refelect the world and has a lot of third world countries would are not friendly to the US/Israel. 4E is correct in that much of the world is lined up against Israel. But of course Israel doesn't need anyone they have the US. One more, this one is perfect I guess this was a vote against Israel But when they condem Israel for using human shields they undo all this and become liers.
  7. 4E, Once again you are wrong about a nation this time it's Australia who you said always votes against Israel. Link
  8. ha ha ha So the only sources that are accurate are the ones that agree with you. Why am I not surprised. 4E, Is there any crime in Israel? Does any Israeli citizen steal, speed, burgler, extort, murder, domestic violence? Or are the only crimes committed in Israel by palis against Israel? You loyalty is wonderful. American Soldiers has committed crimes and been punished by US military law (My Lai fir example). Why don't Israeli soldiers commit any crimes? Why can't the US get great soldiers like Israel?
  9. How about CNN? US Anti-Israel? Australia? I have a hard time believing that they haven't used Palistinians. Wouldn't it be collateral damage? Who cares if a Pali dies if it takes out a Hamas leader?
  10. Hey, I need that to pull my Hummer out of the mud
  11. 4E, you will not believe anything if it is anti-Israel and will believe anything that is Anti-Palestinian. You both are the same, almost like twin brothers. Link from an Israeli Group London Telegraph From Haaretz 4E, I'm finding some fairly mainstream Israel puplications also speaking about this. It is old news, mostly from 2002 when the High Court was asked to render a judgement.
  12. Tax plan turns into strip club spat
  13. Here's a perspective from way far away. The Cubs sell papers and get people to tune in. I see regular coverage of Cubs games 1,600 miles from Chicago. Check with the guys around the nation. The Cubs are a better story. They are more popular, and more media friendly. Someone tell me Frank is as good an interview as Sammy?
  14. but who would be interested in Brando besides me? share big guy.
  15. Plus, the classis trade situation is I have extra this and you have extra that, let's trade.
  16. I see the other end of the enlistment spectrum. Down here many kids enlist because of a very high unemployment rate, underperforming, poorly funded schools, and feel a military education is their best ticket to a good life. The relatively long periods of peace gave a lot of these kids a false understanding of the sacrifices they may be asked to make. They thought in and out in four years, learn a trade, and see ya. When you see the names of Rodrigues, Martines, Garza, etc. please take a moment and realize these are, in some cases, these are not citizens, they are kids whose parents, in many cases, were illegals struggling to improve their lives. Not many people realize but you do not need to be a US citizen to fight for America. It also doesn't guarantee you citizenship. And finally, there are misguided (IMHO) people on the other side who feel the same emotions we do. In another thread, we talk about forgiveness. Perhaps we can find time to pray for everyone who is effected by war. A world at peace, not seen in centuries, would be an incredible thing.
  17. Like it makes a difference in that group :puke The only thing worse than those would be a hangover from too many.
  18. I found it at a Victory Store - Bush - Cheney I guess they have a sense of humor about themselves. BTW, you can get all of your official Bush2004 campaign items there.
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