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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. lol, it's good Shiner Bock from Texas, I love the stuff and I'm pouring down my throat Go pen! Wish he had a closer that didn't cause my ass to pucker
  2. How about an insurance run! I'm pouring my rally beer
  3. I guess I need to sign up for the radio as well. It seems as if mlb.tv blacks out the really good games.
  4. Oh no. Time for the bullpen? Is the game on tv or is everyone on gameday?
  5. I believe my pick to click is 0-4 with 3 Ks! Go Crede!
  6. Good call. Will it be enough? 9 Ks and a 0-1 score would really suck. I'm thinking a 5 run performance by our hitless wonders for a 5-3 victory and a thank you very much Canada You know in honor of Toronto I'm going to pick up some Moosehead on the way home. I just looked, no mlb.tv for tonights game :fyou Someone please keep a running commentary.
  7. Without looking too closely my guess is the harder you swing the more misses you have. If you included all NL hitters regardless of at bats I'll bet some of those NL pitchers who bunt every time up would have a great stat. And which is worse looking at a called third strike or swing and a miss?
  8. I wonder if some of the lack of team leadership problems from Frank is based on a DH role. I would like to see Frank realize his career is winding down and if he ever wants to play in a World Series he's it's going to have to be soon and he better do all he can to make it happen. Perhaps a more positive role would help. If playing first base helps him to do that then grab a glove. I don't believe I've ever ehard him express a burning desire to win.
  9. Who the hell invents some of these stats?
  10. Id rather we win it without cheating. I cant stand how the Yanks just buy out everyone they want. I would rather we raise prospects into decent or great major leaguers (Jon Garland, Dan Wright, Joe Crede, Frank and Borchard) and make a few trades and signings to help us out (Colon, Loaiza and Koch)... Cheating by definition is doing something against the rules. What George did was BUY success. JR wants to win by looking smarter than everyone else, being nice to his MLB cronies, and furthering baseball for all the clubs. How about the Sox first once in a while? I still believe that is why we have the present manager and GM. Reinsdork would rather lose than piss off his owner buddies.
  11. The optimism seems to follow this logic: 1. We were suppose to be very good 2. We've basically sucked up until now :fyou 3. We believed 1 so eventually the law of averages will catch up and we'll win a bunch of games Problem is #2 is proven and #1 was a guess. I refuse to get excited. The pitching has come around. I would still like to be able to hang my hat on a 3 run 8th inning lead. Over? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor No! And it aint over now! You with me?
  12. As I was up to my eyeballs with a couple volunteer projects and other s*** that I never get thanked for, I realized I hadn't taken the time to thank the listowners and moderators of this fine forum for all their time and effort. As a way out of town Sox fan, starved for info and fellow fans to comiserate with, this has been a great place to visit. And no, I'm not even in a 12 step program
  13. I can see the advertising opportunities Hi I'm Jerry Manuel for When I started managing for Mr. Steinbrenner I knew I needed help to look professional, that's why I use Prevail Adult Diapers . . .
  14. The one thing that Steinbrenner can say is he has gone out and got almost everything the manager and coaches have asked for. I would love to see George owning a team in Chicago as long as it was on the south side. Nice to know Zimms still alive and feisty. Whatever happened to Lee Ellia? I always thought he had the best insight on baseball fans.
  15. It's fun when your winning, sucks when your not. I like Dibs on the radio most of the time. I thought he was a genious when he picked the Sox.
  16. Texsox

    One Game

    As I posted elsewhere, I keep telling myself . . . I will not get excited by one win, it will only hurt later I will not get excited by one win, it will only hurt later I will not get excited by one win, it will only hurt later I will not get excited by one win, it will only hurt later I will not get excited by one win, it will only hurt later But damn it was a good win! We can't win them all, only the next one. I'm not holding my breath that this will start a 7 or 8 game winning streak. Remember some teams have those! Wow what a concept stringing together 7 or 8 wins.
  17. The more I think about the lawsuit the more unfair to the manufacturer this seems. I sympathize with the guy that got hit but why not sue the manufacturer of the ball? Or his parents for not giving him faster reflexes? The bat was legal at the time. We want our equipment to give us every advantage within the rules. Think golf, using this analogy if I shank a 1950s persimmon wood and hit a guy he wouldn't sue, if I used a Calloway ERC I could be sued!? Sorry, the bat was legal you took the risk when you play.
  18. Hate to read more into this but . . . I'm wondering if JG was thinking "I only threw 98 pitches and want a complete game shut out" or "Botch!! Let me out there, I don't want this f***ed up"
  19. I'm not going to care, it will only hurt later. I'm not going to care, it will only hurt later. I'm not going to care, it will only hurt later. I'm not going to care, it will only hurt later. damn
  20. It's been a while since the season started but I don't remember Koch being "on". I would agree if the pattern in the beginning was on, on, off, on, off, on, on as I remember it was off, off, on, off, off, off Plus, as far as having him work it out wouldn't it be better to work out the problem in a 10-3 game vs. a 1-0? As if we ever have a lead. His problem may be adjusting to new team mates, stadium, pitching coach, etc.
  21. "Actually I am fully in support of making prisioners work while they are in prision" And when their work takes jobs away from law abiding people do you still agree? Happened to my friend's business. He had to lay off 6 workers when a state prison won a contract that he had for the previous 6 years. 5 years for a fight. If this happened at the Dew Drop Inn in Stickney do you think the guy would have gotten 5 years? If this guy had attacked you or I he wouldn't have received 5 years.
  22. I love the "ping" of an aluminum bat. Makes me nostalgic for 1973 The switch back to wood won' happen on a team by team basis, the NCAA would have to switch, then state by state at the high school level. All the way the manufacturers will be fighting and lobbying, it's the American way. I was in grade school when aluminum first hit the market and remember hitting my first home run when we switched. I know I batted bettr with aluminum. The early models would only last a few games then flatten out. You could really have some fun after the flattened a bit. Was it Frank T. or Robin V. who played wood as an amatuer so he would be ready for the pros?
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