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Everything posted by rockren

  1. Wow this is huge news.... You can put it on the board.
  2. I've never liked KW personally....however, I have always been willing to admit that KW has forgotten more than I know about baseball. Whether you like KW or not, he's done an incredible job with this club. Going into last season we were old and ready to fall off of the face of the earth. KW was able to turn back the clock on this roster while being able to contend for a championship at the same time. Job well done, KW.
  3. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 28, 2008 -> 01:44 PM) Fields for Figgins? 2008: Crede 3B, Cabrera SS, Figgins 2B? 2009: Figgins 3B, Ramirez SS, Richar 2B? They already have Josh Fields....his name is Brandon Wood.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2008 -> 08:20 PM) We dont have the bullets to get him, and the Angels dont want to unload him. Let alone to us. Chone has a bad hammy anyway and he may be damaged goods.
  5. QUOTE (Frankensteiner @ May 28, 2008 -> 02:38 PM) There's no question they're overachieving. There's no question the Sox are overachieving as well. That's subjective. The fact that MB has an ERA over 5 and PKo, Thome and Swish are all hitting .200......could indicate that we're not anywhere near playing our best baseball, yet.
  6. QUOTE (soxfan3530 @ May 28, 2008 -> 02:20 PM) That shirt is spot on.
  7. QUOTE (29andPoplar @ May 28, 2008 -> 01:53 PM) Well I would disagree he won't adjust his swing. I agree he has tremendous potential. He did adjust his bunt "swing" to the butcher boy, so he has shown the ability to adjust. Well I would consider that an exception to the rule. I don't see him adjusting his swing to the count or where runners are in scoring position. He's up there to do one thing and that's hit the ball as hard as he can every time up. I think with a tweak here and there, he'll be able to do that.
  8. QUOTE (29andPoplar @ May 28, 2008 -> 01:48 PM) Interestingly, the two White Sox announcers and the Cleveland announcers commented on his huge swing on that play, noting he should know it's a contact play and to cut down on the swing. He won't adjust his swing for different situations. Some believe (and I agree with this) that he has star quality written all over him. It's almost like expecting Soriano to swing to contact. It isn't going to happen.
  9. QUOTE (TheOcho @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:07 PM) Gotta love the pitching. And my god I don't know how Borowski(sp?) continues to get saves... he's trash. That 83mph fastball doesn't do anything for you?
  10. QUOTE (Felix @ Apr 17, 2008 -> 02:46 PM) 125-1. Wow. That one guy is an asshole. (meant jokingly of course) I will have him beaten to a pulp!
  11. QUOTE (the People's Champ @ Apr 15, 2008 -> 02:52 PM) I used to only like watching the Sox bat, but now I love it when this defense gets back on the field. You never know what spectacular play you are going to see next. Like when Quentin shows off that lazer beem in right? Makes me want to drool.
  12. QUOTE (north side chi sox fan @ Apr 14, 2008 -> 01:46 PM) Big Frank is the reason i became a Whitesox fan Same here. Even after winning the '05 WS...the way KW handled the Big Frank situation...I wanted KW gone. KW could win a couple more WS on the south side and he'll never be worthy of shining Frank's shoes in my book.
  13. QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Apr 7, 2008 -> 04:42 PM) Linebrink had them right where he wanted them. He was setting Jenks up for the save opportunity. I was thinking the same thing.
  14. QUOTE(max power @ Feb 24, 2008 -> 04:58 PM) I predict the brewers take the division. The cubs miss the playoffs entirely and Lou dishes out the frustrated hilarity often. Nothing but love for the Brewers.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 04:03 PM) Jermaine Dye also has a full NTC for this season. Thank you for mentioning that...I knew people would start the "Deal JD" talk just shortly after we got Swish.
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 05:03 PM) 4 weeks > a couple...but either way, If I'm the brewers I'd rather have him getting hurt now than in the actual season. This is true...but still. If the Brewers weren't already going to be cautious enough with the youngster's workload.... It's going to be just as frustrating from a fan's perspective.
  17. What an awful way to start Spring Training. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/spring2008/n...tory?id=3250617
  18. QUOTE(max power @ Feb 2, 2008 -> 12:02 AM) That million or two could be the difference in signing another free agent this year or next. Even though 150 mil is a lot of money. 1-2 million is still a lot of money. While I don't think Balt meant 1-2 million to be EXACTLY 1-2 million, it still isn't a lot of money to the Mets in this case. The Mets knew they were going to take it in the ear in these negotiations and didn't care. It's still probable that they sign Lohse to a contract near 10 million a year.
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 1, 2008 -> 08:55 PM) They'd have been stupid not to posture a bit. Might save them a million or two in the long run. It's business. The Mets just gave him 150 million...I don't think they gave a crap about saving "a million or two." That was the downside of trading for Johan, (if there was one) you had to negotiate on his agent's terms.
  20. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Feb 1, 2008 -> 05:08 PM) Johan has the Mets by the balls right now, if they don't sign him it is a PR nightmare of epic proportions. The Mets knew a ballpark figure going in on what Johan actually wanted. All they did was posture....they were willing to pay Johan what he wanted the whole time and pretty much did.
  21. QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 06:51 PM) "Not so fast, my friend" Mets, Santana differ on length of contract Well what are the Mets suppose to say? Johan will get what he wants and the Mets will give it. They knew what Johan wanted going in. It'll get done.
  22. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 02:00 PM) if Kenny is right and this team is good enough to compete, there's a chance Poreda could help the team out in August or September. If Poreda sees time in AAA, I'll be shocked. I'm not a big fan of these top prospect lists because they're hardly ever right. It should rank AA/AAA prospects and that's it. These guys that have only spent a year in rookie ball or low A ball....you just don't know enough about them yet to compare them to the rest of the field IMO.
  23. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 07:44 PM) more like ESPN is pretty much all idiots. Lets not forget Law worked for the Blue Jays when KW dealt them Sirotka for Wells. Remember how KW seemingly mocked Toronto management in the media after they complained about Sirotka being damaged goods? Law hates KW and the WSox.
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