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Everything posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 12:24 PM) Dye for Iwamura and Howell? The only other piece that would fit woud be Upton, and I know Maddon had personality clashes with him, but I dont see that happening. If it does and the Mets deal happens, KW will get a lot of hype for his offseason moves, similar to Detroit last season. Yeah...expiring contracts and kiss blown by Jerry West to his old franchise in the Lakers. How the NBA didn't even attempt to uphold that deal is a joke. When the Bulls talked to the Grizz the year before...the Grizz wanted Deng and Gordon for Gasol. Less than a year later expiring contracts did the job....right.
  2. QUOTE (kwill @ Nov 17, 2008 -> 10:05 PM) • Scouts in Arizona for the Arizona Fall League and the White Sox's minor league people are convinced that Gordon Beckham, the eighth pick in the MLB draft this past June, will be Chicago's everyday second baseman by June. I laugh when I read this, but it could actually happen.
  3. QUOTE (Wanne @ Nov 16, 2008 -> 11:10 PM) I wouldn't even think about it. With such an onus on pitching...why would you trade your almost ace for an overweight, out of shape 1B?!? I agree I wouldn't trade Danks for Prince. However, with Prince's weight being somewhat of an issue...I still think the world of him as a hitter for the next 8-10 years. I believe the Brewers WILL trade Prince this off-season and bring in a group of pitchers for him.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 05:18 PM) Oh, by the way...right now, the official 40 man roster at Whitesox.com currently stands at 39 after adding Betemit and Marquez...but that's including Cabrera, Crede, Griffey, and Uribe. THEY GONE!
  5. QUOTE (TCQ @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 12:48 AM) Im not sure this is the best move as he is a twinkie and half away from seriously challenging Uribe to a nathans hot dog eating competion, but in a roto article he is predicted as ended up with the sox. I know not a lot of people dont want him but do u think KW might do it for a short term incentive full contract. Link I'LL KILL YOU!!!!
  6. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 11:19 PM) Dye and Poreda is NOT JUST Dye, far from it. Second, Bartlett was much more important to the Rays than anyone can possibly comprehend unless you watch them everyday and observe all the little things he does to win games....he's a super-smart baseball player. They also got E. Morlan. So it's not so simple as you've boiled it down to. At the end of the day...that's what the Rays would be doing. When they dealt Delmon, they dealt him to get pitching in return.
  7. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 11:17 PM) WHAT?! You're ruining everyone's chance to DREAM! Obama's President, and Garza can be a White Sox! Oh, and duh, this is what happens at SoxTalk. People bring up possible scenarios, and then other posters jump in wanting Carl Crawford, Jake Peavy, Matt Garza, etc etc. LOL...I know. But the Rays aren't looking to deal Garza. There have been talks about them looking to deal Jackson because there isn't enough room for him going into next year. People just started mentioning Garza out of thin air.
  8. QUOTE (scenario @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 11:17 PM) Tampa Bay is absolutely LOADED with young pitching. They have 8 pitchers including current staff and MLB ready minor leaguers who could legitimately compete for starter positions next year. That's obscene. So... possible that some of that could be moved Agreed. Just not Shields, Kaz or Garza.
  9. The Rays aren't dealing Garza. They didn't plan on turning Delmon Young into Jermaine Dye a year later. Lets get real.
  10. QUOTE (sircaffey @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 10:12 PM) Price's slider is a solid plus-plus pitch. It's compared to Smoltz's in his prime. It's certainly not questionable. Thank you
  11. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 09:59 PM) I like Garza as well. I don't think he's worth one of our top offensive players and our top prospect. I agree in not wanting to deal Dye...but it might be the best move pending on what we get in return. If we could pull in a package of Edwin Jackson, Eduardo Morlan and Willy Aybar for JD...I wouldn't blink. It's a pipe dream, I know....but not impossible.
  12. QUOTE (BearSox @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 09:53 PM) Also, I doubt we'll see any of Garza, Sheilds, or Kazmir traded. And while Price is obviously untouchable, I don't see what everyone sees in him. They'll keep the core of Shields, Kaz, Garza, Sonny together, while having guys like Davis and McGee potentially battling with Price for the 5. They have a ridiculous amount of pitching and will look to deal Edwin Jackson because it makes sense to do so. As for not seeing what everyone sees in Price...you lost me there. Perhaps it's his fastball/slider look exactly the same at his release point with his slider being nearly unhittable at times. It certainly looked unhittable to Boston hitters who have never seen it before.
  13. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 09:45 PM) I think Dye and Poreda for Garza is a bit much, but it's a package that can be worked with, depending on what Tampa sees in Poreda too of course. They can keep Garza. His talent is undeniable...but he doesn't have the maturity to last in Chicago. We've been pretty fortunate with young pitchers through the years...Garza wouldn't do well on the south side.
  14. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 03:51 PM) Baldelli has a tough time playing a whole game. Hillebrand is a cancer. No thanks to both. Agreed
  15. Yeah Fields can play... that's why Uribe filled in at 3B when Crede went down at the end of the year... This smokescreen is obvious.
  16. From a 72-90 '07 season to a playoff run in '08... Thank you for a wonderful season and first rate effort. I look forward to rooting for our beloved WSox every day again next year.
  17. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 02:16 AM) I honestly have no clue if any White Sox personnel read this site, but if any do I hope they realize that the season isn't over, win the next 5 and they're in. Don't let a team with a bunch of scumbag fans win this division. The Sox have been in first for most of the year, they deserve to win it and will win it if they play well agianst Cleveland. I hope Kansas City can make some magic happen. There isn't anything else I'd rather see than dejected Twins fans right now. When AJ showed Cuddyer the ball to let 'em know he was gone... There was a little sweet revenge for you right there. AJ was showing those loser Minny fans the ball, too.
  18. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Oct 1, 2008 -> 12:56 AM) The only complaint I had with TBS was how blatant Harold Reynolds was rooting for the Twins. He was annoying the hell out of me. Wasn't he ridiculous? You knew it was coming as soon as you saw him in the box during pre-game. Not only was his bias against the WSox blatantly obvious, but he completely crapped all over that broadcast.
  19. Ichiro isn't going anywhere.
  20. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 3, 2008 -> 04:12 PM) They started the game, and their team lost. We beat Lee and CC. Agreed
  21. They're easily the dumbest fan base in all of baseball.
  22. I love this thread..."Well he's right on that one."
  23. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 10:33 AM) I hope John lives up to his words on the mound today. Nonetheless, it's funny. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/baseball/wh...-ssep20.article I know Wrigley will live up to that quote.....because it does suck.
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