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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. Huh? My whole point from months ago was that all this is going to do is hurt all the ancillary activities and industries that depend on & support the game. Shame on Tony for trying to claim he and the players are on the side of JoeBlow’s support company. Total BS. How about all the millions up for grabs every spring for the local diners and tourist areas? Hero Tony!
  2. Lol okay Tony. Sticking up for the little guy. You’re a hero!
  3. Duuuuude. You can easily think of businesses where your arbitrary 50k obviously doesn’t work. I love hyperbole as much as the next man but cmon here. Admit you didn’t mean it
  4. Year 5 of the greatest misdirection and coverup maybe in American history.
  5. Me too. I’m having a tough time imagining the IRS is cool with a team expensing such a massive number twice. Can anybody link to how this works?
  6. One thing I really miss was that each ump would have a different strike zone than the guy the night before. Finding and using the ump’s zone was an art for both pitchers and hitters.
  7. What makes you think speculation will stop? Is money going to stop being free all of a sudden?
  8. Picking your opponent would be fricken awesome. They should do it like a UFC weigh-in. One representative from each team is there. Trash talking. Love it all
  9. I dunno. I’ll watch baseball whenever it comes back, even if it took years. I just like watching this game.
  10. Oh wow that’s brutal. That should be an automatic testicle smash. Either side uses that word, testicle smash live TV. And maybe one of the vendors gets to do it since it’s his job that gets iced while both sides chortle about millions here and there.
  11. Maybe time for a bump of his prediction thread for 2010
  12. If I was to think purely selfishly, like, what solution would lead to a more enjoyable fan experience… I think I would land on giving almost all of the revenue to the company. Then there could be way cooler stuff at the ballpark like a stunt show after every game and nachos for a dollar forever. Free parking. Shoe shines. The list is endless.
  13. I only want the bears to draft/sign linemen forever. Win the offensive trenches: every WR looks like Davonte Adams and RBs are AP. Win the defensive trenches: all your DBs are Deion Sanders and LBs are Urlacher.
  14. What about shareholders? I thought those existed too
  15. I quit watching NCAA because I don’t like watching shitty basketball players pass it around the 3 point line for 30 seconds every possession and call it “running a play”. 😂
  16. I can’t believe what I just watched. Just incredible. Might see a rule change due to how awesome that was. Insane.
  17. It’s tough being the new GM or HC here. Are they forced to build around Fields? Fields might suck and then your one shot at GM/HC is over. If I was interviewing for GM I’d want the option to trade Fields if I felt he wasn’t the right QB.
  18. I first became a psycho-level baseball fan for the late 90s early 2000s Sox teams. I remember one of the things I found so interesting was that the pitchers had to figure out the ump’s strike zone for the day. Now with all the scrutiny that has largely disappeared.
  19. Just so we’re clear, you mean for the 40 or so games when Tim is backup catcher right? You’re not advocating for full time Tim at C…or are you?
  20. I love burger but cmon those balls all hit the nets
  21. On only a couple occasions Lester was one of the top pitchers in the league. Out of his 15 or so seasons…in like 3 of them he got meaningful CY votes. This talk is insane.
  22. If this is true just hire him. Get as many people from that organization as you can
  23. I discovered internet baseball when I was in college- I remember trying to find info about the CLee for Pods trade and the rest is history. Didn’t start posting at WSI until 06 I think. Got banned pretty fast. Found all of you guys a few years later. I used to be all over the ESPN MLB boards- I hope some of you got to enjoy that before it went away. That was so pure. As far as I know there still isn’t a place for the world to talk baseball.
  24. I haven’t seen anything from the MLBPA about personally subsidizing everything when prices go up. Was that announced yet and I missed it? I’ve been busy reading “Basic Economics”. Interesting read. It explains nicely how when one of the costs of producing something goes up, owners usually personally cover the difference instead of raising prices or slashing costs in other areas. It also says that thinking anything different is called trickle-down. Is there a Basic Economics 2: The Keys to Accumulating Zero Wealth coming out anytime soon?
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