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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. I guess I don’t understand the angst with allocating a big chunk of money to the pen. Most of our really good players are around pre-arb or locked up on pretty good deals. If $190M is true, Tommy likey
  2. Possible but there’s HUGE upward pressure in wages right now. Does that spill over into a tiny economy like MLB? I’d think so since they purchase the same stuff the rest of us do. Plus yachts
  3. The more I watch the game evolve the less I think OF defense matters, especially when you have someone like Robert in CF. Go for the big crooked numbers for 7 innings and put Engel in for the rookies to close it out. So I guess today I’m leaning towards spending the money on pitching and power at 2B
  4. But it seems like they didn’t want him to say yes to the QO so they didn’t make it. What am I missing here?
  5. I think it’s an amazing success too and Carlos was a huge part of the Sox running away with the division by the ASB. The guy didn’t pitch in the 2nd half though. I thought they were just limiting his innings too, but now I’m not so sure. Maybe that shoulder was barking like crazy. I don’t know how to know. Maybe they could send Keuchel and Burger to a team like Texas and then sign Rodon? I’d actually like that. Los was the man this year while he had it. Unstoppable force.
  6. Agree. I think all this means is they have some better plans for that 18M. Maybe Carlos accepting wouldn’t have been the worst thing but it would have prevented whatever option A is.
  7. Me too. Right now I think it’s #2 because of #1, which IMO is a good thing for us fans. It means the FO wants more of a sure bet because it’s World Series or bust from here on out. #3 sucks. Please god don’t be 3.
  8. Lol. I get it. I get it. Lot of assumptions going around today though. Whole bunch
  9. I dunno. I kinda see super-talented, proven-horse old guys as exactly the kind of market the Sox would prefer to shop at. Short-term.
  10. Yes there’s no actual evidence that this is going to be a bad offseason based on anything so far. It’s just the general gut feeling from decades of fandom percolating to the surface for most I’m sure.
  11. Cmon you gotta be tired of typing this stuff. You just gotta be
  12. Agree. I wonder if they sign one of the expensive middle infield guys to lock up 2B for the next 3-5 years and just roll with Sheets/Vaughn/Engel/Eloy as the corners and DH.
  13. Totally man. Why did they all get shelled? Why did they all look so gassed? Cheating? I hate this excuse. It’s lazy. Nerves? Yea maybe? The extra rest? Ok but this feels lazy too. I really felt like the Sox had by far the most dominant pitching entering the playoffs. I was expecting 6-8IP gems with dicey 8th innings. Yea Carlos was a wildcard but we had Kopech, Lopez etc to cover if need be. The World Series is filled with straight-nobody pitchers right now. I still don’t get why we didn’t steamroll this.
  14. I don’t think it was that simple. This completely ignores the concept of health. So the pitching staff completely shit itself because they didn’t go all-out down the stretch? Maybe so, but like most things, it’s complete speculation even with the benefit of hindsight.
  15. Lol yea. I always love the trade proposals that equal: ”Let’s dick the guy that just said he wants to be here and signed a friendly extension”. Players probably just love that. It’s only their lives, who cares? 😂
  16. Agreed. I don’t remember a ball getting by him but I didn’t watch much of the second half
  17. It was really really hard to watch the whole pitching staff piss the shit out of itself. Houston’s lineup is really good, but I was still expecting way more dominant stretches. FO has some work to do no doubt.
  18. I think it was Keats. “Proper Nouns To Infinity” by Keats
  19. I consider all of this to be completely your opinion. My opinion is that he’s the best catcher I’ve ever seen play for the Sox. I was alive for Fisk but my only real memories were mainly centered around ordering The Carlton Fisk n Chips from the Charley Horse in Orland.
  20. Exactly my point this whole time. The guy they want to manage the white Sox is either being groomed or unavailable or undecided at this point. People act like the manager of the future HAD to replace Ricky and that’s so fucking dumb. It’s beyond fucking dumb. It pains me to read all the LaRussa trashing posts that are made through this extremely myopic lens. The team didn’t want Hinch obviously and for totally justifiable reasons. I happen to agree with those reasons. I wanted Bochy too but maybe he’s done or not interested. If the guy they wanted wasn’t available…then what was the right move? A place holder like TLR who has won the big game. I expect we’ll all be pretty darn happy with the manager they choose in the next year or two.
  21. Been strangely uninterested in anything White Sox for the first time in 20+ years. Been a weird week. I’ll try to contribute here with this question: Has he ever faced off against Ohtani or any other guys over his 9 years in Japan? Specifically, did he ever take Ohtani deep 4 times in a game perhaps?
  22. Fuck Cody Heuer. I was so pumped for him this year. Home grown for years. Thought he was ice cold in the veins with 97-99. He was our boy. If he had just continued his 2020 we’d be sitting super pretty right now. We traded Heuer and Madrigal for 1 out. The 1 out Kimbrel got that mattered. 1 fucking out.
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