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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. Wilson effing Betemit- holy dick that’s a good blast from the past.
  2. Right I remember the past, but in the present day apparently his 1/16 is market value or amazingly below. Interesting stuff.
  3. So why is Kenley Jansen at $16M considered adding to a loaded bullpen while Craig Kimbrel at $16M is an untradeable box of milk duds?
  4. Wait you mean the Arab Spring wasn’t organic?!? 😂🤣😂
  5. Can Gavin and Vaughn be our DH?
  6. Nice! That’s what happens when you compiled a massive core of impact young talent. Gotta spend somewhere
  7. I’m sorry did you expect a member of sporting front office to say something else 😂
  8. I wonder if Vaughn & Crochet would lock that up. Reynalds is the level of player that would really help.
  9. Totally agree. I see the value of Bryant being versatile, but his bat might just be a tick slow now. If for some reason we have enough money for Bryant, maybe it makes sense to go Conforto/Schwarber for the same price or less. 2 LHH, 5RHH and 2S
  10. I haven’t thought about our roster in a long time, but given CWS’s 3 choices for RF I’m starting to think that NO MATTER WHAT our corner OF defense is going to suck. Eloy/Robert/Conforto- sucks Eloy/Robert/Bryant- sucks Eloy/Robert/Castellanos- sucks Eloy/Robert/VaughnSheets- sucks Outside of a huge trade it’s going to suck out there, but Robert probably makes up for that all by himself. So if you admit it’s going to suck, what do you do?
  11. I’m here to comfort you and say you shouldn’t worry about the Sox outlaying the largest contract in team history to a LH hitter from the national league who has a .250 career BA, walks a bit, strikes out quite a bit and plays corner OF.
  12. Yea seriously WTF is that? Aliens? Aliens definitely qualifies as strange and dangerous for 3 months.
  13. I think it suggests they thought Kimbrel would be nails in 2021 and then they could trade him for something comparable to Madrigal/Heuer before 2022 and replenish. Sounds really smart if you ask me.
  14. Lol nice. Total Hahn fail. Jerry hired Hahn. Maybe Cuban will buy the Sox and fix things
  15. Can’t wait to get back into the real important topics around here!
  16. What? All I meant was that a lot of time and seasons were spent hoping and waiting. That seems like a possible outcome here as well, right? Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
  17. Gordon Beckham and Avi Garcia couldn’t get better.
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