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Everything posted by Quin

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 2, 2011 -> 08:49 PM) Yeah. I have nothing to add about that other than to stress it with additional posts. Let me help you with that.
  2. Can't get in due to security parameters.
  3. QUOTE (mumbles3k @ Apr 1, 2011 -> 02:28 PM) Based solely on MLB 11: THE SHOW, I think they are changing the grey jerseys slightly this year. If the game is to be believed, they are replacing the diamond patch on the sleeve with a black S-O-X patch. They are. I dislike the change.
  4. Sadly, I won't be able to watch any of this due to school/high school baseball game. But, go Sox!
  5. The White Sox farm system will have the best collective record amongst all farm systems. Mitchell and Danks get call ups in September.
  6. Well, this game sucked, but Boston lost so I lose no sleep. I pity the Wolves and Pistons now.
  7. Bench Mob is such a perfect name for this second unit.
  8. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 28, 2011 -> 08:03 PM) Please tell me Stacey King didn't just say Oozey Boozy? I'm thinking it was meant to be like Uzi Boozy.
  9. This game is ugly, but I wholly expect Rose to enter it pissed off.
  10. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Mar 28, 2011 -> 12:54 PM) Granted, so are Chicago writers/people. Everyone wants their guy to win, it's as simple as that. I think Rose is the MVP of the league, but I understand where these other people are coming from. Yes, but Gutierrez and LeBetard aren't talking about why LeBron or someone else should be MVP, they are talking about why Rose shouldn't.
  11. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Mar 28, 2011 -> 11:05 AM) The Blunderbuss and Death (the horse) make RDR: Undead Nightmare really fun. I fell off my chair laughing the first time I shot a zombie with the blunderbuss and he disintegrated. Riding through Jorge’s Gap on Death and seeing all the exploding heads is quite funny too. Shooting zombies with the cannon at one of the forts in Mexico (can’t remember which one) is a great way to pass the time as well. Watching them flying through the air is awesome. Riding through Jorge's Gap on War is fun as hell with a torch. Also, just picked up Mass Effect 2. Realized I made my Commander Shepard look like Nathan Drake.
  12. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Mar 28, 2011 -> 12:33 PM) This was a bad bet for TRU to make Just throwing this out there, but TRU is a Heat fan.
  13. QUOTE (Chi Town Sox @ Mar 28, 2011 -> 12:28 PM) I don't know if anyone listened to LeRetard on AM1000 but Silvy smoked him, Silvy gave him a player X and Y with some statisitics and LeBetard took player X (Monta Ellis). Player Y was Kobe Bryant LeRetard ended up saying "well you can't do that without more information" LMAO, that is exactly what his article was based off of Here is the article that he wrote....http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/03/28/2137216/for-chicago-bulls-derrick-rose.html Hell yeah Silvy LeBetard and Gutierrez are such big homers in this, its ridiculous.
  14. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Mar 27, 2011 -> 11:15 PM) Funny thing is, as far as pure baseball knowledge, I would say it is the younger posters here who are the smartest. And yes, I know it's not as same as the "experience" argument you posted after that. (It's always good to ask the older guys here was Aparicio really that good defensively as say.. his fielding above runs average suggest) I don't read his post like I read say... Kal, qwerty (cheat when he was here) or even wite for example. I read his more as pure entertainment for me, but with damn good/strong points (same as fathom). Those are the guys you respect the hell out of and what makes this site that much better IMO. I never said I didn't respect Kal, qwerty, or for a matter of fact, you. The Live Chats during games basically gave me a sense of who knows what they are talking about.
  15. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 27, 2011 -> 08:47 PM) Yeah, have to agree with Milkman here. Tex, I'm fairly certain you created this thread with genuinely good intentions. But you keep ending each post with a snide/condescending remark. Like, "I'm going to enjoy this season and I feel sorry for you because you choose not to enjoy it the exact way I do." I'm sure you don't mean it that way. But that's how it can come across. As for me, I had originally planned to stay out of this thread. But what the hell. I've been posting here for eight years. I've never met a single solitary poster from this board. I feel like I know a lot of you, when in reality I don't know a god damned thing. I know Soxace as, well, Soxace. I know Wite as Wite. I know fathom as fathom. And coversley, you guys know me as J4L and only J4L. So if you're to go by a majority of my posts, which is all you can do, you probably come to the conclusion that I'm some angry, bitter, homicidal dude with KW/Ozzie voodoo dolls that I continuously poke at or that I sit around reading books about gypsy curses so I can place a curse on each and every member of the White Sox organization. Now I know I've changed. I'd be a lying fool to deny that. But I'm no less or worse of a fan than I was in '05. And with all due respect, I don't need an older fan(s) to 'lead me into the light' or enlighten me to what the criteria is to being a true or dedicated fan. I love the White Sox as much as you can possibly love a baseball team. I could morph into a triple threat combo of Hawk, Ranger and 2006 Jphat tomorrow and I wouldn't love or be anymore dedicated to the team than I am this second. If I'm unhappy or upset about something, I'll let it be known. If I'm happy or elated about something, I'll let it be known. Do I go overboard at times? Sure. Do I get on other posters nerves? I'm sure I do. But it goes both ways. I won't even read a Scott Merkin piece anymore. Hawk makes me want to feed small dogs to giant snakes. I had to start ignoring (without actually ignoring) ranger aka pink fuzzy bunny, and then you obviously have a large contingent of posters that rather swallow paste than say anything negative about the organization. Does that get on my nerves? Hell yeah it does. But that's the nature of sports and especially when you're talking about message boards. Like I said the other day, this board would suck if everybody were like me, just as it would suck if we had an avalanche of pink fuzzy bunny clones (much love to Irish on that name). I was born in '83. Therefore I obviously wasn't around in the 60's, 70's, and way too young for most of the 80's. So I can't take the, "Well, at least we're competitve every year. This is much better than the 70's" stance that the older crowd does. I've heard many times that the KW tenure has been the best run in Sox history. But when you break it down, that's not saying much. Eight missed postseasons in ten years in a division that doesn't include the Yankees or Red Sox does not a successful tenure make. There is no reason whatsoever that with the resources at their disposal and getting to play the likes of the Indians, Royals and even the Tigers, who've only been really good once in the last decade, 60+ times a year that we should be making the postseason so infrequently. No excuse at all. And the thing is I think KW knows this better than anybody. Anyway, I've babbled on long enough. Just wanted to put that out there. Don't be so quick to label the 'pessimists' because they're not cheery and bubbly all the time. I can't wait to get this season started. Hopefully 95 wins and a postseason appearance is on the horizon. There's no other place to put this really, but even when we disagree I stop to read your posts. As a poster, I respect the hell out of you J4L.
  16. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 27, 2011 -> 06:58 PM) Is this just fantasy? Are we caught in a landslide?
  17. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 27, 2011 -> 10:28 AM) Finally someone noticed... and thanks. Whats the original look like?
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