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Everything posted by Quin

  1. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Nov 14, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) That Giancarlo Stanton. He's a clever guy.
  2. Teague looked good last night. His defense was awesome and he was able to make some nice passes and penetrate.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 12, 2012 -> 07:35 PM) I still hate foreign pro's being counted as "rookie"'s. +1
  4. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Nov 12, 2012 -> 08:24 PM) I just heard that it's up to 33 states. Were the numbers in those years similar? Either way, I'm sure this is simply going to degrade into a red vs. blue argument that leads to childish crap from both sides. I think it's retarded no matter which side you're on. This. But regardless of who's president, whenever this comes up I wish the President would go "Ok. Do it." Then the states would realized that they're f***ed on their own as they most likely be landlocked or have to use USA airspace or water routes. But that wouldn't be the best for the country...so let's leave it alone.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 9, 2012 -> 10:38 AM) Microsoft Translates English To Mandarin Speech In Real Time That is both really cool and very good for the future.
  6. QUOTE (knightni @ Nov 9, 2012 -> 07:27 AM) You're welcome.
  7. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Nov 9, 2012 -> 12:45 PM) I'd pay money for Hawk to say" I love 3 ways" on the air.
  8. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 9, 2012 -> 12:12 PM) When Hahn mentioned some 3-way type deals, all I can think about is him trying to get Choo. All I know is that 3-way trades are generally blockbusters, so I'm excited to see what happens.
  9. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Nov 9, 2012 -> 03:24 AM) Yep, which is exactly what I hoped coming into this season. Tank, get the #1 draft pick, trade Davis and Harrington for picks if possible, and start from scratch. Harkless is going to be a player, could be another Deng or Iggy if all goes well, Nicholson's got a bit of offensive game to him also. I'd kill to get Afflalo for a fair price from the Magic.
  10. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/860065...houston-rockets Think about that for a second. PG - Jordan - Drexler - PF - Olajuwon Dear lord. 1985 Draft, let's say they draft Terry Porter (last pick of first round). Then let's say they draft Rodman in 1986. That would be...something.
  11. QUOTE (SOXOBAMA @ Nov 9, 2012 -> 01:55 AM) Dan Hayes is reporting that Beckham, DeAza, Floyd and Viciedo might be traded this off season. I think Beckham and De Aza stay, Floyd goes no matter what, and Viciedo only goes if we sign a stud OF and with Floyd in a mega trade.
  12. From my facebook status on getting a 98% on a History of the Mongols paper. "Goddam Mongorians and their s***ty Wall."
  13. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Nov 8, 2012 -> 09:17 PM) Well that was obvious.
  14. I saw "Sox trade" and thought it would be an imminent leak to something big.
  15. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 7, 2012 -> 03:25 PM) And hates the Constitution. And hate's illegitimate rape. Seriously, it's been great down here. One of my friends saw Akin's cousin throwing a fit.
  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 7, 2012 -> 02:47 PM) If you skipped the last 10 pages, you missed some of the best discussion I've seen in a long time in here. And what's with #4? New flag? I read the 10 before it...seemed like it was on repeat. I'll go back later and read it. New flag was a Puerto Rico joke.
  17. So, I skipped the last 10 pages but... 1) I was told I wasted my vote by not voting for Johnson, because I voted in Missouri and it didn't matter here or if I had voted in Illinois. And Johnson needed that 5%! That's equally as stupid as saying voting for Johnson is bad in non-swing states. 2) Todd Akin's loss was celebrated around here. Lot's of legitimate jokes. 3) I voted strictly Democrat this time, because that's how my political views lineup. We get a kick out of lambasting people for voting along party lines...but what if those are just your views? Back home I vote for a few Republicans on the local level cause some of the Democrats, here I voted all Democrat. 4) We need a new flag. Damn.
  18. QUOTE (iamshack @ Nov 7, 2012 -> 12:55 PM) Sad to see him go, but happy to see him get promoted and happy to see we are doing some things right enough that other successful franchises are interested in our folks. +1
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 6, 2012 -> 09:11 PM) Macaskill wins. rape apologists go down in flames. It was a legitimate election.
  20. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 5, 2012 -> 06:15 PM) I wasn't even crazy about Season 8, but the final episode (or final two if you want to break them apart) was/were fantastic. "Season 9" was Season 1 of a completely different show that flopped terribly. I actually thought Season 8 was one of the best seasons.
  21. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 5, 2012 -> 09:18 AM) I refuse to acknowledge the existence of Season 9. Stress on "potential" Having Carla as the tutor instead of Denise would have been better, having a Dean of the university to fill the Kelso season 1-6 role, Janitor needed to stick around, Ted as a lawyer for Med Students would have been hilarious. Cole needed to not have a large role, or at least not in that "core" group which should have been Lucy (who needed the crazy toned down), Drew, and a third person to act as Lucy's best friend. Elliot and JD needed to be together in more episodes, not 6 of JD and 4 of Elliot. Such wasted potential.
  22. Quin


    QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Nov 4, 2012 -> 04:18 PM) lol@greg thinking Q was a woman. Brother Quinarvy is one of the greatest of all time. No woman could ever be one of the greatest. Thanks J4L. This is why you're my boy. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Nov 4, 2012 -> 04:26 PM) Well played, sir. Best part: In the middle of around 5 of her friends who I did not know. And who didn't know about renaissance festival. Look on her face was priceless. And someone else commented "Only once?" QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Nov 4, 2012 -> 04:30 PM) Against better judgement, I am going to post a picture my roommate took of me nearing blackout status at a party last night. Her tweets are protected, but I think this picture should still show up.... I would venture to guess at least 20-30 pictures were taken of me with random people who thought my costume was hilarious. Apparently at one point these girls were getting pictures kissing on me, and one of my roommates ran up and pushed me over (my arms were inside my costume, so I just fell straight over). What a b**** and a cockblock. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Nov 4, 2012 -> 04:35 PM) In the middle of people nearly getting in a physical altercation over where they were from, I stepped in and told them all I was from Ikea of Schaumburg. at both of these.
  23. I've been watching the entirety of Scrubs again. Season 9 had a lot of potential, but just too many character roles went unfilled or were unproperly filled.
  24. Joe has snapped and is now talking to himself.
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